Friday, December 13, 2013

My Favorite Kind of Day!

The weather outside is kinda frightful...but the fire is sure delightfully cozy and warm.  

It's been unseasonably cold for the past couple of days and it started snowing sometime during the night and continued falling this morning.  No major accumulation but enough to cover the ground and roads.  Having said that, the weather forecast for Sunday is calling for a foot of snow so with my gimpy hip, it looks like I'm going to be housebound for the next little while.

But you won't hear me complain!  No-siree! 

Taking heed of the forecast about the impending first snowstorm of the season, we stocked up on groceries yesterday.  As long as we don't lose power, I'll be a happy camper sewer.

I spent the morning upstairs in my sewing studio prepping the binding for my next quilt.

Remember this?

It arrived back home along with my Safe Harbor II  last week after Alice worked her longarm magic on them and is now just waiting it's turn to be bound.

I finished sewing the binding on this morning and now comes the best part...completing it with the hand stitching!  My goal is to have it finished before going to bed tonight.

Safe Harbor II is finished but try as I might, I can't get a decent photo of it.  I absolutely L-O-V-E it and I think you will too!

Bear with me as I'll try my darndest to have both Safe Harbor II and Grandmother's Flower Garden to share with you in my next post.

While I was upstairs sewing, Mr. Painted Quilt called to me to grab my camera and to look out my studio window really quickly.

And what to my wondering eyes did appear?

Nope...not least not yet...but

Momma deer watching over her baby as she/he ate some holly berries from the bush in front of the house.

They shared the holly berries...

and then started pawing in the snow under the huge chestnut tree looking for more nourishment.

Sorry for the grainy photos but these were taken from the upstairs window and through a screen...and it was snowing as well!

Isn't life grand?

Happy stitching!


  1. Yes, I think life is grand despite all the problems and uncertainties we face during the course of our lives.

    Season's Greetings!!

  2. A lovely post. It sounds like your attitude is spot on! Nice to see your hexie quilt quilted and how special to see the deer :-)Enjoy your coziness!!

  3. YES, life is grand! Delightful post, Kaaren.

    Beautiful hexie quilt.

    Have a great weekend too!


  4. Great photos of the baby deer and her moma, love how it looks like an old black and white photo.

    Can't wait to see the beg reveals of Safe Harour and your Hexie quilts. Getting good pictures can be a bit of a pain.

    Enjoy your stitching weather.

  5. Your Grandmother's Garden quilt is gorgeous! Love the backing and binding prints you chose... and lovely quilting too! We will get snow here to on the east coast of the states... just put the tree in the stand and will be decorating it this weekend! Happy stitching to you!

  6. It is just starting to snow here and very cold so a perfect day to be inside where it is nice and toasty warm. The deer are precious I love to see them , didn't realize they would eat the berries from the holly ,hmm so that is what happened to mine ;-) Your quilt is gorgeous !!

  7. Enjoy nesting this weekend! Stay warm.

  8. The Grandmother's Flower Garden is just lovely. Oh the deer are so pretty. How nice that you have shrubs that can provide them with food in these cold, winter months.

  9. Love seeing Grandmother's Flower Garden and I'm sure it will be great getting the binding done. Can't wait to see Safe Harbor II.

    We've had very cold weather here too. January weather in December. Right now, we're having that snow storm that's headed your way, although we're only supposed to get 6-8 inches tonight into tomorrow.

    Stay warm and comfy at home with your boys.

  10. Great post with your lovely quilt and the cute picture of the deer! We're expecting snow in Eastern Ontario, also. It will be a good weekend to get some sewing done. Take care.

  11. The hexie is beautiful and the quilting lovely. Mama and baby doe are so sweet. Have a great weekend and enjoy doing your binding on the hexie. Bev

  12. Your quilts are I knew they would be. Love the pictures of the deer...thanks for sharing them.

  13. I think Im gonna border my hexagon flowers with white as well. Yours is so pretty! And how lucky is it to look outside and see such beauty, lucky you!

  14. I am just waiting so patiently (not) to see your Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt spread out so we can enjoy the quilting. : )
    Looking forward to Safe Harbor II, as well.
    Love seeing the deer--will they damage many plants in your yard?

  15. love the EPP quilt, and to have those delightful deer grazing in your garden,you are so lucky, although I gather they can do a lot of damage to your trees etc

  16. The quilting, colors, fabric, and everything about your hexie quilt is 100% beautiful. I'll make my trek to town to stock up on provisions. My sleigh has new reindeer with better traction! Stay cozy!

  17. Oh - how grand it is, Kaaren! I think you're living the dream - no wait, I know you are :>) Have a wonderful cozy weekend! I'll be waiting with baited breath for the final reveal of your quilt!

  18. Hallo Kaaren,
    I love this quilt, he is gorgeous!!
    And the deers, so nice pictures.

    Have a nice weekend!!


  19. Oh my, what great pictures. I have some great pictures of a fox family that live across the alley from us. Glad you are going to stay in. Our weather in southern Kansas is frightfully cold but no snow to speak of yet. Stay warm! Love your blog!

  20. Perfect binding fabric selection! I'm also looking forward to seeing more of the quilting.

    It looks like you're having a warm and cozy weekend!

  21. Yes! With having two quilts returned and ready for binding and beautiful animals in your yard...LIFE is truly grand!

    I wish I had a snow day so that I could stay inside and sew but since I'm in south is just that...a wish!


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