Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Boxing Day!

I hope that your Christmas day was as peaceful and serene as ours.

It started snowing lightly early yesterday morning and continued most of the day.  We couldn't have ordered a more picture-perfect Christmas day.  

While preparing and cooking our Christmas dinner, I managed to squeeze in the last of the hand stitching of my new quilt design. And if everything goes as planned today, I'm hoping to add the final two borders later this afternoon which will complete the flimsy!
Bright and early this morning, while Ollie and Mr. Painted Quilt were out clearing the snow from our massive driveway...

I was baking shortbread cookies.

I'm sure the boys will appreciate some cookies and hot chocolate when they come in from the cold.
On Monday of this week, my sewing buddies and I met at A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop for lunch and our fabric gift exchange which was postponed from the week before because of the snowstorm.  

After we got the eating part out of the way, we couldn't wait to open our gifts. We all know each other's tastes so well which made the shopping part easy.

I absolutely love my gifts.  Thanks so much Gail, Debra, Rosie and Darlene!

A tradition in the Painted Quilt household starting on Boxing Day and continuing into New Year's week is to watch the World Junior hockey tournament which we're doing as I write this post.

And guess who's curled up by the fire keeping us company?

 Yes, this is my most favorite time of the year!

Happy stitching and Happy Holidays!



  1. Glad you had a Merry Christmas! I just love every picture of your fur babies!

  2. The cookies look wonderful.... Would you share the recipe?

  3. Everything looks beautiful - especially the food! Happy Boxing Day! I'll just never get over how your Ollie and kitty love each other and snuggle like they do! They are adorable! Have a happy day! Cheery wave from Bev

  4. Mr. PQ shoveled your entire driveway? I always thought those who lived outside the south (I'm in Florida so consider the context of this comment) had power snow blowers that made short work of the snow. That is a LOT of work and I'm sure he appreciated coming your warm homemade shortbread. As you can tell, I clearly know nothing about snow removal. Yum!

  5. Enjoy your day and Happy New Year 2014!


  6. Merry Christmas!
    I love the heart with Christmas Tree pincushion! Would your friend have a pattern source, or hand drawing she used?
    Have a wonderful day!
    Take care, Leslie

  7. You have more snow than we do, but that is okay :) Love the picture of Frankie and Ollie, they are best buddies. Take care, Happy New Years!

  8. Those cookies look wonderful...I can almost smell them here ;)

    Looks like you received some nice fabric gifts. Speaking of which, I received Darlene's package containing her kit for your December FFF on Christmas Eve! Can't wait to start working on it!

    Keep enjoying the holidays Kaaren.

  9. The cookies look wonderful. I always look forward to pictures of Ollie and Frankie. Seeing them snoozing in front of the stove made me smile.

  10. Wow! Mr PQ and Ollie deserve a medal for all the work! That's a lot of snow, but I'm sure glad you had the perfect White Christmas, Kaaren! If I was there I would have a cookie in each hand and be curled up with the boys in front of the fire!

  11. Yummy looking cookies! The gifts are lovely! Can't wait to see your new design! Merry Boxing Day!

  12. Two days break in a horrid rain and gales this side of the water, due back tomorrow :-( Yours is ideal picture. Spare a though for my friends, who moved north from London at the end of October and now are spending Christmas without any electricity due to the weather, not being able to cook any food. We have been spared, all has been as it should be!
    Happy Boxing Day!

  13. I learned just this morning how Boxing Day came into being. Though why it is called "Boxing", I didn't.

    It amazes me how the dog and cat cuddle up together.

  14. Your cookies look delicious. Ollie and Frankie look like they
    are the best of friends. Looks like you came away with some really nice gifts. Can't wait to see your new quilt. Happy stitching.

  15. Those cookies look yummy, Kaaren!! Your DH and Ollie look like they have a long way to go...hate shoveling!! I just love seeing your two furry ones enjoying each other!! Merry Christmas!!

  16. Looks beautiful. I hope Mr. PQ didn't over do it shoveling all that snow.

  17. Looks like Mr. PQ got some quality help from Ollie on that driveway. : )
    Oh, what wonderful gifts from friends. Love them all, but that stitched tree on the black heart (is there a pattern?)--and the Floral Gatherings charm pack really jumped out at me.

  18. Love those sweet babies. They are too sweet. And those cookies look SO good!

  19. Wonderful exchange gifts. Just love those two...Frankie and Ollie are too adorable for words.

  20. sounds like a wonderful way to pass the time!
    I love the gifts you got!
    they look precious in front of the hearth heater!

  21. Tout est joli, bel échange entre filles, c'est super !!!
    A tout bientôt pour l'avancée du quilt en cours.
    Belle journée, ici pluie mais pas de neige...
    Caresses et léchouilles aux 4 pattes

  22. sounds idyllic, you even had some snow . What lovely gifts you had from your quilting friends. I am having the family come tomorrow for Christmas lunch, 2 daughters and one granddaughter (15) so must nip to the shops. Seems odd having the meal so late but Helen is a nurse and was working nights but now has a week off.

  23. Les galetes tenen una pinta molt bona, llàstima que estiguem tant lluny, hehehe !!!
    Feliç 2014 per tu i els teus !!!!

  24. Hi Kaaren. So glad you had a good Boxing Day. I so love your blog. I just said to a friend that the trait of a really great blog, or even of an individual post, is that it makes you want to be there, enjoying the same things. Those cookiea look amazing. Your gifts from your friends look perfect.

  25. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Kaaren!! Your ollie and my fergus look like they could be siblings....
    We have about the same amount of snow here in Ontario and then some quite a bit freezing rain. So many without power. Love to see that you are still quilting. Take care my friend.....

  26. Happy New Year Kaaren and Mr. Painted Quilt?
    I finally figured how to do this !!!
    Big hugs for Ollie and Frankie too


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