Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More lemons!

It's a good thing I like lemons because just last Thursday, I received another truckload.

Briefly, in the last little while, I've been in a lot of pain and discomfort in the area where I received my cancer radiation treatments.  Evidently the radiation weakened my bones to the extent that I developed a stress fracture that gave way and broke apart. 

I had major surgery on Friday and will be kept in the hospital to undergo rehab and restorative care.  It's going to be a long recovery period to get me back to even near to where I was before.

Please keep Mr. Painted Quilt and I in your thoughts and prayers during this stressful time.  Internet access in the hospital is intermittent at the best of times but I will be checking in on you all whenever I can.

This entire ordeal has been another huge eye opening experience with respect to how much in life we take for granted.  Hug those close to you and remember to say how much you love them.

Happy stitching!


  1. Kaaren , I am so very sorry to hear this news , my prayers are with you and gentle hugs for a speedy recovery . Hugs Sheila

  2. Oh, too many lemons. Prayers and gentle hugs.

  3. Oh my, Kaaren. So sorry to hear this. Please get plenty of rest, and follow the doctors' orders. You and Mr. PQ will indeed be in my prayers. And as Sheila said, gentle hugs to you.

  4. Kaaren you have our love, prayer and support and so does Mr. Painted Quilt. You are an amazing lady and God has lots of plans for you. I am so glad that he put you in you life. Hugs and prayers, Marie

  5. Aw, Kaaren, so sorry! I hope you heal quickly!

  6. Hola Karen, hem sap molt de greu tot el que t'està passant. Espero que mica en mica et vagis millorant.

  7. Here's to a very speedy recovery.

  8. My T-mom, Cajun grandmother, always told me that when life gives you lemons to make lemonade and lemon pie using the honey from your loved ones and pass it to those who are worse off. Mr. Painted Quilt and your blog mates will provide all the honey you need. Get better soon and enrich the lives of those around you.

  9. ohhh so sad to hear this :( my thoughts and best wishes are with you and Mr PQ :)

  10. Oh bother as pooh bear would say. I'm so sorry Kaaren, take care, rest and get better soon as we need you fully fit and enjoying life again soon.

  11. Prayers for you. Hope you are mending quickly.

  12. All the best for you, Karen. Get well soon!

  13. Sending all positive thoughts and prayers your way. Praying for a speedy recovery for you and strength for you and Mr. PQ to get through this stressful time.

    I'll be checking in on you :)


  14. May your determination to fight all things nasty continue, Kaaren - God bless you both!
    With love - Lurline.

  15. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for you and your husband.

  16. Sorry to hear this news. I received my copy of Safe Harbor and wanted to tell you how much I looked forward to receiving it and now to start pulling the fabrics for use in it. It's a beautiful quilt and I thank you for making the pattern available!

  17. Oh dear....thinking of you, Kaaren and praying every day!

  18. So sorry to hear that more lemons have come your way. I have been reading your blog now for a couple of years and was keeping fingers crossed for continued good health. Will pray for a speedy recovery.

  19. Ahh you can see you have a whole network of friends rooting for you!! Hang in there, keep smiling and turn this lemon into a lemon pie!! You can do it!! Big HUG!!

  20. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

  21. So sorry to hear your news! Get well soon with the help of all the good thoughts sent your way from your blogging friends. I'm thinking of you and sewing my Happy Scrappy Spring quilt.

  22. Kaaren, Oh so sorry! You and your husband are in my prayers!

  23. Love and prayers being sent to you. So sorry to hear of your pain and the surgery. You are in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. My best to Mr. Painted Quilt. What a nice man!

  24. Well that stinks! I am so sorry to hear about this. I do hope you will have a complete recovery and be back to doing all the things you enjoy very soon. Big hugs to you!

  25. So sorry to hear of the stress fracture. I'm just so thankful it is that and not new "C" stuff. Another friend of mine has had a similar thing happen to her after her cancer treatments. It takes a long time for the body to get strong again, even though we feel like we can do all sorts of things. Do take care and allow your body to heal. Enjoy great movies, wonderful books, hand work (as able), being pampered...

  26. Maxine of Hallmark Fame had it right when she said "when life hands you lemons make margaritas!" All good thoughts coming your way.

  27. Keeping you and Mr PQ in my thoughts and sending you lots of soft healing hugs...

  28. Oh no! I'm so sorry this has happened. Sending you and Mr. Painted Quilt much love and prayers, and wishing you a speedy recovery!

  29. I'm so sorry to hear this. You (and MrPQ.) are in my thoughts. Hope you are back and mended soon and enjoying tons of lemon merinque pie. Virtual hugs coming your way!

  30. So sorry to hear this sad news. Prayers are coming your way.

  31. Good thoughts and plenty of prayers coming your way along with a big pot of honey, thanks to Charlene for the honey..
    Thinking of both you and your husband..

  32. When I saw your post title I was hoping for a new recipe for lemon bars... well, far from it. Kaaren, you have a whole world of quilters keeping you and Mr. PQ in their thoughts and prayers. Blessings to the two of you.

  33. Handwork. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  34. So sorry to hear your news! Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Take care. X0

  35. Kaaren I'm so sorry to hear about your setback. I'll be praying for a complete speedy recover!

  36. Kaaren, even though the rehab might take awhile, you've overcome so much in the past two years, you can do this. Positive thoughts and prayers for you and Mr. Painted Quilt from me.

  37. So sorry to hear this Kaaren! You are in my thoughts. Sending you hugs.

  38. All good thought being sent to you and Mr. PQ.

  39. You will both most definitely be in my prayers!!

  40. Hugs to you as well, Kaaren. I'm one of your regular readers that rarely leaves a comment - a lurker. But my prayers are with you for a smooth recovery and no more lemons!

  41. Sending up prayers for you and DH to get through all this will entail.

  42. Oh Kaaren - I like lemons too but I think you now deserve a different fruit! My prayers are with you.

  43. I am so sorry you have had to go through this after all you have been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


  44. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear this unhappy news. Praying that you will make be given strength and have a speedy recovery!

  45. So sorry to hear what you have to go through. You and Mr. PQ are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and hoping for a stress free recovery.

  46. Will totally keep you and Mr. PQ in my prayers and positive thoughts! Hope each day gets a little better and that you will recover quickly...can't keep a good woman down! Take care and take time to definitely have support all around you! Be well, my friend...

  47. Kaaren, I'm sorry to hear of your bump in the road, but lets hope they serve up some sweet lemonade during your recovery,

    I'm sure you all will have a wonderful homecoming from Ollie and Frankie along with Mr. P.Q. When you return home. Take it slow and eay, thoughts and prayers headed your way.

  48. Oh Kaaren, we're so sorry to hear of this. We're sending good waves your way. Mr. PQ will take wonderful care of you and we're sure you'll make a good recovery.
    Take Care!

  49. Kaaren, you are both in my prayers but I know you will get through this as you have gotten through much worse. Get well quick!

  50. Wishing you a very speedy recovery so you can get home to those you love most. God Bless.

  51. Sending you a basket full of hugs and get well wishes. When you're ready it might be a good time to start making hexies, just keeping thoughts positive.

  52. Take care Kaaren, get lots of rest and take it easy. Hoping you heal quickly and are feeling much better soon. Hugs and prayers coming your way!

  53. Oh no....praying for your recovery, Kaaren!!!

  54. Oh man...will definitely keep you and Mr PQ in my prayers. This is a rough part of the road. Hugs and love from California!

  55. Blessings of peace and recovery to both of you!!

  56. Oh my dear friend.... I will keep you both in my thoughts. Sending warm Arizona hugs.

  57. I was so sorry to read this news. Know that there is a whole wide world of quilters and stitchers out there pulling for you! I hope you are feeling much better soon.

  58. Kaaren...muchisimo animo y amor para ti y sr.

  59. Best wishes and prayers for you both.
    Get well soon!

  60. So sorry to hear your news. God Bless you and Mr PQ. Praying for a full and speedy recovery.

  61. Kaaren I am so sorry to hear about this. Please know that you and Mr. PQ are in my thoughts and prayers. You are one of the strongest people I know, having gone through everything you have gone through already. This is just another bump in the road. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  62. I'm not liking these lemons! My heart sunk as I read your post. You and the Mr. will absolutely remain in my prayers.

  63. Get better soon and my prayers are with you and Mr. PQ.

  64. Oh, Karen, I'm so sorry you are going through yet another health issue. I will be praying for a speedy recovery. Many healing hugs.

  65. Get well soon, so sad to hear your going through more health issues again,.
    Prayers and hugs to you both.

  66. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade!
    I'm sure you will recover soon and will overpass another difficult moment in your life.
    You will be in my prayers,

  67. So terribly bummed to hear this news. I'd been wondering why I hadn't heard from you. I'd toss in a few cuss words...I'm sure you both have. Hang in there my friend.

  68. Hang in there Kaaren. We have been dealing with my father-in-law's cancer treatments for many years and he has done so well. Especially. For an 82 year old. Best wishes to you and hubby.

  69. Hang in there Kaaren. We have been dealing with my father-in-law's cancer treatments for many years and he has done so well. Especially. For an 82 year old. Best wishes to you and hubby.

  70. I am SO sorry. Praying for a quick recovery for you and speedy return to health and vitality. (And strength, wisdom and patience for Mr. PQ)

  71. Oh you poor girl! Take care of yourself and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  72. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Gentle hugs for a speedy recovery.

  73. Je pense très fort à vous, même de très loin... en France !! Brigitte

  74. So sorry to hear this. Hugs and prayers to you both.

  75. Oh's hoping those lemons turn into yummy lemonade soon. I have faith that you will heal and be stronger than day at a time. Hugs (soft squeezes) and prayers sent your way from out West. <3

  76. Sending prayers your way Kaaren for both you and Mr P...just take it one step at a time and one day at a time.

  77. Our thoughts and prays are with you.....

  78. Best wishes for a swift recovery Kaaren. Take care.

  79. Karen, you have many many friends praying for your recovery. You are lucky to have Mr. PQ by your side.
    Lots of hugs from Susan in CT.

  80. So sorry to hear this. I wil be checking in on you and Mr Painted quilt. Best wishes coming your way. With gentle hugs.

  81. Well that sucks! With the love and parayers that are heading your way and lots of positive thinking though you'll come through this stronger and with a smile, I just know it.

  82. OH Kaaren, thoughts and definitely prayers are with you and Mr Painted Quilt that's for sure....but I have no doubt you will be up and about making lemonade before you know it!
    sugary sweet healing hugs coming your way.
    xox Wendy :o)

  83. Prayers for you... be strong and receive all the good thoughts coming your way

  84. Keeping you in my prayers...........

  85. Hi Kaaren,

    Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope they are able to help you. Will keep you all in my prayers and will be thinking of you always.


  86. Praying for no more lemons and smooth sailong

  87. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers! {{{hugs}}}

  88. I am so sorry to hear of your setback Kaaren. I am thinking of you, and God speed with your recovery. Hugs from New Zealand. :-)

  89. God Bless YOU !!! Prayers to you and for brother in law also has cancer and the treatments are terribly hard Hoping for the best for you !!

  90. oh, Kaaren...I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you heal quickly and maybe when you are feeling a little better, you can do some handwork to brighten your spirits. I will be sending up some prayers for you.

  91. Oh Kaaren, I am so sorry to read this. I will be keeping both of you in my prayers. I hope things go quicker than expected for you.

  92. Kaaren, prayers and positive thoughts are on the way. I am so sorry to hear about this set back. Hope you recover soon.

  93. So sorry to hear of your latest health problem, I will keep you in my prayers.

  94. You are in my prayers Kaaren and I hope all those lemons make loads of lemon meringue pies to entice you to eat.
    love and prayers
    Nan in Canada

  95. I've just caught up with your blog posts - been a very busy time for me lately. However, now caught up and was very sorry to hear about your latest health hiccup, not such a pleasant experience at all. I do hope the surgery was successful and that your rehab goes well. You will most certainly be in my prayers Kaaren.....Warmest Regards,

  96. Well let's see...lemon bars, lemon cake, lemon cookies, lemonade, lemon pound cake. With some work and determination we can get thru this truck load so we can get back home and back to making quilts.
    I already miss the pictures of Frankie and the not so new pup. Please keep a positive view, that's the best medicine for a speedy recovery.
    Bless you and your family..Karengcg

  97. Hugs and prayers. Hope it is a speedy recovery.

  98. Oh Kaaren, I am so sorry to hear this. I have not been online myself for a while so did not know you were ill. My prayers are with you and with your husband. God bless.

  99. Oh Kaaren,
    I am so sorry to hear the news. Know you and your husband are in my prayers. Take care and follow every order you get, to the letter.
    God gives you lemons, you make lemonade and we know you are good at that.Take care.

  100. Oh Kaaren I am so sorry you have to go through this. Prayers for healing and a speedy recovery.

  101. Hi, Kaaren, I hate to hear what is going on with you. You and your husband are in my prayers and I hope and wish you a speedy recovery. Hugs,

  102. Bless you Kaaren, you have been through so much and now this. I will keep you in my prayers, for the duration. I hope the recovery is easier and shorter than they think.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  103. Hoping to be able to see you on the weekend Kaaren! Hope you're feeling a bit better by now, glad to see that you've posted!

  104. Dearest Kaaren, I am so sorry for your health issues. You have been through so much already! Hopeful and healthful prayers winging their way to you! Thinking of you! God Bless!

  105. Thoughts and prayers for your whole family! You will come through this with a glass of lemonade in your hand. Hope and healing your way.

  106. Kaaren, I'm so sorry to hear this news! I'm sending lots and lots (actually a truckload) of healing thoughts and prayers.

  107. Oh Kaaren you will be on my prayer list!!!! gentle hugs

  108. Oh Kaaren, I am soooo sorry to hear your latest news. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Hubby at this time. How I hope you will heal quickly and get back to being well. Take care and a giant hug for a great lady. Bev

  109. Prayers being said daily for you, Kaaren. And for Mr. P too.

  110. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news! My mom suffered a fracture after her radiation also. Take all the time you need. Maybe Ollie will be able to visit you during your rehab.

    Sending gentle hugs and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  111. I'll be praying for you, Kaaren!! You are a wonderful, generous person. I enjoy your blog so much and your patterns. Keep a positive attitude and you'll be home soon.

  112. Gosh, Kaaren, sorry to hear about your recent ordeal. I have only positive thoughts and prayers heading your way! Hang in there. Take it one day at a time. YOU CAN DO THIS!

  113. Kaaren, I will definitely pray for you. So sorry to hear what has happened!

  114. Love and prayers heading your way.

  115. Take good care, Kaaren. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  116. Those lemons need to leave, Kaaren......! Please know that I am thinking of you. Mr. PQ and you are in my prayers nightly. Let us all know frequently how you are doing.

    Lots of good wishes,

  117. I left two replies today, Kaaren...I just could not get you off my mind. A prayer came with each thought. Susannah

  118. Kaaeen, you and Mr. Painted Quilt are in my thoughts and prayers... For everything there Must be a reason. Sending love...

  119. so sorry to hear you are unwell, new to your blog so did not know all you have been through, will add you to my prayer list

  120. Add my thoughts and prayers to the growing list. You have many, many friends and we care.
    In the meantime, consider taking those "lemons," and hand-quilting a little table runner, while you recuperate. And whenever you look at it, you can regard it as a testament to the strength and optimism you model, even in the worst of times.

  121. bonjour kaaren
    je ne parle pas bien anglais et je suppose que vous trouverez un traducteur pour vous dire que je penserai à vous en espérant que vous alliez mieux de jours en jours . je reçois votre newletters et je suis toujours aussi ravie , il est vrai que je ne met jamais de mots à cause de la langue que je ne maitrise pas ... ..malheureusement ! je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage , et pensez que nous vous attendons , je vous fais une grosse bise, à bientôt. sandynette

  122. Sorry to read this.....thinking of you.......a tripple hug from Norway!

  123. Cara Kaaren, ti auguro di rimetterti presto in forma, un abbraccio con molto affetto.

  124. Sending you healing thoughts for a speedy uneventful recovery. So sorry to hear this news and I'll certainly be keeping you in my thoughts.

  125. Dear Kaaren,

    I wish you a fast recovery, strength to go through these troubled times,and a big light at the end of the tunnel.


  126. I have beent thinking of you this past week I sure hope your have a speedy recovery and back home with Mr PQ asap....

  127. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  128. Sorry you had to experience this... but glad that the surgery is behind you and you are on your way to healing! Hugs to you and Mr.PQ... and Frankie and Ollie!

  129. Kaaren - will keep you and family in my thoughts. Hospitals suck ;-9, so I hope you get better soon so you can get out of there.
    From Sweden with love :-)

  130. So sorry to hear this Kaaren, will keep you in my prayer. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  131. oh good grief Kaaren!! the very last thing you needed is this. thoughts and prayers going up. Oh, this is just awful to happen to you :( Big ((((hugs))) to you both

  132. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through yet another challenging situation. God Bless!

  133. Feel Better soon - sending thoughts and prayer to you and your husband.

  134. ditto! when I first read your "truck load of lemons" comment. I didn't' understand, thoughts, prayers, and recovery to you!

  135. Praying for you both-bone pain -uggh. You are so right about never taking this life for granted; but we so easily get caught up in the trivial. Hugs!

  136. Oh kaaren, a few less lemons would be good right now...I felt so bad when I read your update. You and Mr. painted Quilt are in my thoughts and prayers. Also, something to think about.. would it be possible to have an address to send you a block? I think many of us out here would like to do something for you, and my guild does healing heart blocks. we choose a size and background color (if desired) and make blocks for our friends going through a tough time. I would like to do this for you if it would be ok. Please just let us know!

  137. You are in my thoughts, Kaaren. I am thinking of you and know you are strong enough to get through this, too! Keep busy hands once you are feeling up to it!!

  138. It is hard to make lemonade from your lemons in your situation. Not good news. I hope your recovery time passes quickly and you can be back up and running.

  139. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. May you have a speedy recovery and be home soon.

  140. Hugs and best wishes to you, I do hope you are better soon.

  141. May God be with you and your family as you go through this time. Many blessing and prayers.

  142. You and your family are so in my prayers. Take care ~

  143. I'm so sorry to read this, Kaaren. God bless you and yours and give you both the strength to endure.

  144. Prayers for you and your family.

  145. So sorry to hear such sad news, I give you my thoughts and hugs cross the world. I hope you feel better soon !!

    Hugs Karin

  146. In the waiting room of life there are bumps and curves and I was so hoping you were on the "smooth sailing" road. Getting older is definitely not for wimps. Wishing you many good thoughts and fast healing back to your beautiful self, doing only what you want. Mr. P, Ollie and Frankie are your rocks and home port. Thoughts will be with you. Judy C in NC

  147. Kaaren so sorry to hear of your trouble. Hope you will be feeling better soon. God Bless both you and Mr. PQ. Jan (swap partner)

  148. Kaaren so sorry to hear of your trouble. Hope you will be feeling better soon. God Bless both you and Mr. PQ. Jan (swap partner)

  149. My goodness Kaaren Im completely new to your blog but want you to know my heart goes out to you. Well wishes and stay tough!

  150. Kaaren,
    I'll definitely have you in my prayers. I'm on an organizing committee for an oral cancer awareness walk, and so many who have been treated with radiation have jaw and dental issues as a result. I pray for the day when our cancer treatments do less harm to the good parts of our bodies. Be well soon, Kathie L in Allentown

  151. Oh no! I wish I could send you some oranges or apples to take the place of those pesky and uninvited lemons. I do so wish and pray that you could get a brake from all those lemons. Seems like you are getting way more than your share of them. Just not fair!!! But keep the faith and know that there are a ton of us praying for you to recover and quickly so you can get back to "normal" life and lots more quilting.

  152. I'm so sorry for your news! It sucks! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I'm going to start blogging again tomorrow. I've had a situation too and I understand. Look how many blog friends you have who are sending you love! XOXOXO Bev

  153. Oh my, Kaaren, so very sorry to hear this...I hope your recovery is fast and you are up and around real soon...I will keep you and Mr. PQ in my prayers...God Bless..

  154. Kaaren, You are in my thoughts and prayers!
    Blessings, Maureen

  155. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have so enjoyed reading your blog this past year, and look forward to reading in the many years ahead!! ((HUGS TO YOU)))

  156. I am sorry to hear your suffering from after affects of your treatment, I am praying for comfort and peace in this difficult time. God Bless and wishing you speedy recovery.

  157. Best wishes Kaaren.I know you have positive thoughts. Shirley N.Z.

  158. Kaaren, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having to face another battle. Sending positive thoughts and hugs to you and Mr PQ to help you get over this hurdle. I'm sure that you will turn those lemons into lemonade :)

    Your upbeat emails are so enjoyable.

  159. Kaaren, sweet Kaaren,
    You, your Hubby and FurBabies are inmy Thoughts and Heart.

    Sending Positive Thoughts and Positive Energies for a Speedy Recovery

    And Love to you all

  160. Certainly you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you recover from this incident. How grateful for life and friends for encouragement.

  161. Oh no! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers - get well soon!

  162. Hello Kaaren,
    When it rains, it pours. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Keep looking up dear.

  163. Hello Kaaren,
    When it rains, it pours. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Keep looking up dear.

  164. Oh my goodness Kaaren - I'm so sorry your having to deal with this. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and hope for things to move along quickly - as quickly as they can. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
    Hugs - Karen

  165. Very sorry to hear you've run into this trouble. It sounds as if you've had enough to bear. You will be in my prayers. Best of luck in your recovery.

  166. Hugs and kisses to you Kaaren. Hope your recovery is as quick as able. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Mr Painted Quilt.

  167. Time to make some Lemoncello dear Kaaren,wishing you a speedy recovery and hugs to you and Mr. Painted Quilt.

  168. So sorry to hear. Rest and get well for you have much to do yet. Prayers for you and Mr.PQ

  169. Oh,Kaaren, I am so very sorry. Lots of cyber hugs and love to you.

  170. Prayers and Big hugs going your way.

  171. Prayers, Blessings, Speedy Recovery and no pain. carol

  172. Holy Smokes Kaaren. That's some bad luck there! I'll be thinking about ya and sending hugs and good thoughts. I'll add some sugar to that lemon and maybe it will start to taste better. Keep your spirits up!

  173. Kaaren
    Love and gentle soft hugs to you, and Mr. PQ too! Best Wishes for a speedy recovery. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  174. Kaaren,

    I love your blog--you are so inspiring and uplifting to many. Thanks for all the talents you have shared to help to beautify my home. I will pray for you and hope that you can feel the comfort that will surely come to you and Mr. Painted Quilt!

  175. You are always in my thoughts....sending hugs and comfort and strength to you!! Be brave ...beautiful Kaaren!!

  176. Best wishes for a fast and full recovery. x

  177. Dear Karen I was so sorry about your health problems once again you are in my thoughts and prayers for a seedy recovery and I pray that your husband can give you all the love and support that you will need. Blessings Sandra

  178. Kaaren, I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope your recovery is as speedy as possible. {hugs}

  179. Karen, I'm so sorry to read of the new "lemons" that have come your way. Take things a day at a time and know that we are all thinking of you.

  180. I am sorry to hear this news and I hope that you are doing better. I will certainly keep you both in my prayers.

    I wanted to let you know that the Nautical pattern that I ordered has I arrived; it is amazing!!! Thank you.

    Get well soon.

  181. So sorry to hear about your hospitalization. You, your husband and the furry ones are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending a big gentle hug from Iowa.

  182. I've been thinking about you......hope your feeling a little better.....

  183. Oh dear, just too sad for you. Hope you heal well and they can control your pain. Thinking and praying for you both.

  184. COURAGE et meilleurs vœux de prompt rétablissement.

  185. Thoughts and prayers sent your way for a speedy recovery. I'm so sorry.

  186. Good thoughts and many prayers sent your way. Keep a happy heart! Ann in PA

  187. My heart goes out to you dear Kaaren, as well as my prayers. I sincerely hope all goes well in your healing and recouperation. You are a special person and you bring joy to so many thru your wonderful blog, which I so love to keep up with.

  188. sending positive energy out to Nova Scotia and into your heart and bones!
    <3 <3


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