Sunday, December 30, 2012

The weather outside is frightful...

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa remembered to stop by your house.

Mr. Painted Quilt and "the boys" and I spent a very quiet Christmas this year.  

We were supposed to go away to spend the holidays with friends close to where we used to live but had to cancel our trip at the last minute because of the weather.  It's a good thing we did because large amounts of the white stuff not only fell on the day we were scheduled to depart but also on the day we were to leave for home.  Our travel plans are now postponed until the Spring.

Speaking of snowstorms, as I write this, we are experiencing a nor'easter with high winds and lots of snow.  I tried to take a picture of what is happening outside but because of the drifting snow, I couldn't open the back door.  

This is what it looks like through the window in our mud room.  There's no way I'm going to venture outside until it stops.

The storm started last night around midnight and when it's all over sometime later this evening, 15" to 20" of snow will have fallen.  It's going to take a while to dig out from this one.

"The weather outside is frightful..the fire is so delightful.
And since we've no place to go... 
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

While Frankie and Ollie were baking snoozing in front of the fire...

I managed to finish making four needlecases.  

Each one has an appliqued wool flower on the front...

and a couple of pockets inside to hold those needfuls that we can't do without.

They wouldn't be complete without a wool needle keep, would they?  To fasten them closed, just tie the two black ribbons into a bow and they're good to go.

When open, they measure approximately 8" x 7".  Each one comes with a label certifying that they are an original design and are made by me.

I will be selling them on a first-come, first-served basis for $30 each which includes postage and handling to anywhere in the world. To avoid any confusion or misrepresentation, the contents as shown in the above photo are NOT included.  

If you're interested in purchasing one, just email me directly and I will send you a Paypal invoice.

All four needlecases have been sold and are en route to their new homes.  Thank you.  

And just in case you're wondering, it's still snowing and blowing.  Yikes!


  1. We got our snow last night and lots of it. I am happy with it, enough to stay and now it will be cold enough, not to melt.


  2. Lots of snow here as well Kaaren... I just finished a simple strip quilt from a Tonga Treat (batiks) pack that I got for Christmas. It is called Strip Off and is quick and easy. glad you are well and keeping warm.

    Sue McE......

  3. Wow, they are lovely. I think I got a glimpse of them in your studio the day I was there. Lots of snow here today too. You must still have power there, it's blinked off and on a couple of times here this morning, but good for now. I'm making rapure pie this afternoon! Enjoy the "snow day"

  4. Brrr, How fun to be in your cozy house while it storms outside. The animals are a hoot!!
    Love your needlekeepers, Kaaren.

  5. We had snow but it is now raining with a promise to switch back to the white stuff later today ,at any rate still a day to stay tucked inside . Love the needlecases, especially love the addition of the wool applique . Enjoy your cozy fire:-)

  6. THat is a lot of snow in one blast! We have had snow since late October and no thaws. But it is pretty and its nice to be inside when it storms. Keep Warm!

  7. Now look how comfy Ollie and Frankie look! The needle-books are lovely..I am sure they will sell quickly. Stay warm...Happy New year to you and Mr Painted Quilt.

  8. How lovely to be snowed in Kaaren. We just don't get that sort of weather here in Britain. The north of Scotland does sometimes, and on the moors, but generally not.
    We have just had the wettest year since weather records began, and many towns and villages have been flooded.
    I love your pets.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  9. Beautiful needle cases! The applique on the front is lovely.
    Wow, that is a lot of weather! We had snow for 3 days, but still didn't pile up that much.
    Love the shot of the kids by the stove. So cute. : )

  10. The needle cases are wonderful, but I really love the photo of the pets! Clearly, they don't mind the snow at all!

  11. I bet your snow is beautiful - but that is a lot! We had 4 or 5 inches and lots of blowing. I was glad to have a white Christmas. Glad that Frankie and Ollie are keeping warm - they are so cute and always bring a smile to my face. Love your needle keeps!

  12. Hi Kaaren. I sure hope your weather improves. Looks cozy in front of your stove with your critters there enjoying the heat.
    The needlekeeps are amazing!
    Just took a break from piecing a quilt, so back to the machine I go :)
    Have a Happy New Year!

  13. Hello Miss Cozy! Glad you are enjoying your stormy day tucked safely inside. We had a little snow, now rain, a bit of slush out there, with a hint of snow to come back tonight. Love your needlecases with the wool appliqué...great idea! Enjoy the rest of the weekend and Happy New Year to you!

  14. It has been really cold here in Alberta (-20 to -30 below)but is supposed to warm up over the next week. It hasn't snowed for about a week but we have lots of snow that will stay now until May!!! As you know, you get used to it and it's not bad if there is no wind. I love your little needlecases. Stay warm.

  15. Oh, I'm getting homesick! I know this may sound a bit daft, but I'm a wee bit jealous of all your white stuff...those cozy days in front of the fire..perfect excuse for sewing and/or baking bread! Plus, the world looks so fresh and clean after the snows!!! I'm with the dogs too...a cozy spot to nap isn't all bad either! ;-)))

  16. So much for the rain on Christmas! Stay safe and warm inside! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and I look forward to following your blog in 2013.

  17. Awww Look how comfy they are :) Oh boy that snow looks cold, we have cold temps here in South Carolina, well cold enough for me that is. I Grew up on Lake Erie and sure do not miss those winters.

    I hope you and your family have a safe, heatlhy and happy New Year

  18. Happy New Year! It sure looks cozy in front of that fire. Your needle cases are beautiful, I can just smell the warm and inviting scents of orange and clove! Lovely post~

  19. The snow is beautiful and Ollie and Frankie are two smart boys! We had a dusting which is unusual for Nashville in December--it rarely snows.

    Looking forward to choosing new projects for 2013

  20. We've got snow and cold here, but nothing like up your way. Glad you have a cozy and warm house to stay in, plus lots of fabric to play with.

  21. I think I would be in front of the fire too with all that snow outside. Must be beautiful but way too much of it.

  22. That's too much snow! I think it should snow 4" at a time. That way it looks pretty, but does not inconvenience anyone. lol! I think Ollie and Frankie have the best seat in the house! Needlecases are beautiful!

  23. Just looking at those two in front of the fire is making me sleepy. I'm afraid that is where I would be too if I had the outside view that you have.

  24. Ah Kaaren, such pretties!
    Growing up south of Buffalo, NY, I can relate to the snow.

    Sending you warm wishes. And if that doesn't get you warm, then join your furr babies on the floor alongside the stove. LOL

  25. Lovely needle cases! Love snow, but what you are getting is too extreme! Stay warm and safe!

  26. Adorable needlecases, Kaaren. Very sweet, indeed.

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Stay warm and safe.

  27. Sure hope you've enough stash to last thru your snow weather, gal.

    Just today we 'thought' we were cold going from the car into the restaurant at 39°F

    Sending above freezing holiday hugs

  28. In front on my woodstove is my favorite place too. The needlebooks are awesome! Now that the holidays are nearly over, I'm ready for spring!

  29. Oh there is just nothing like a good snow storm and being tucked inside. I'm glad you didn't make the trip - and are snuggled inside with the boy's. They sure look toasty :). Your needle keepers are very sweet. Stay safe - I sure hope we get a good snow storm soon :).
    Happy New Year

  30. There is just something about being snowed in for the day - a feeling of being self sufficient & enjoying your home surroundings. Seems like we rely so much on being able to stay on schedule & move about freely. But every once in a while a day isolated recharges our batteries.
    Stay warm and enjoy your quiet time.

  31. I must say your little ones are no dummies! I'd be planted near that fire stove too! Lucky me was gifted with one of your needle cases in the past...a great treasure of friendship. Happy New Year!

  32. No snow where I am, our weather today would melt it all. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.

  33. I remember when I was living through several memorable blizzards in Chicago and Indiana that I didn't feel active: just curled up and read. I like to think that now I am a quilter that I would be quilting like crazy but I don't know....I sure like to read....:-). The animals are too darling. It looks like Frankie has arranged himself to expose every possible square inch in order to get it heated. Do you keep that heater going at night?

  34. Lots of fluffy white stuff here too. The roads are pretty clear so I'll venture out for provisions. Love the boys baking by the fire. :o) Beautiful needle cases. Wishing you a happy and creative New Year!

  35. Love your needlecases - they are beautiful.
    Where do you have your labels printed?


  36. Kaaren - Your needle cases are beautiful! Love the pets and how they are such friends. Do you have trouble getting the little guy to go outside in the snow to go potty? Have a great New Year!Laura

  37. It's a bummer that you had to cancel your trip, but glad you're all safe and warm. We aren't getting much snow here in lower Michigan, but have had enough to lose our power a couple of times in the last month!
    I'm so glad to hear that your test results were good. Happy New Year!

  38. Heel veel GELUK in 2013 from The Netherlands!!

  39. Happy New Year Kaaren,

    I've been watching the news and amazed with how much snow arrived on your doorstep. I hope you all weathered the storm with grace and humour.

    My word for the year is inspired by you, CREATIVITY, I am amazed with all that you share with us and enjoy coming to visit your blog often, even when you don't have a new post because that is when I find special treasures I may have missed on the first visit.

  40. i saw your post on little quilts and the 4" house pattern...i would like one if possible...thanks! and me, i'm just down the road a piece in maine....southern coastal maine.

  41. FELIZ 2013!!!Happy New Year!
    Regards from Barcelona-Spain

  42. A very Happy New Year to you Kaaren!!! My goodness! That falling snow thingy you have got going on there looks pretty amazing, I just couldn't imagine my backyard looking like that LOL!!! I read this morning that central parts of Australia are to expect a week of blistering heat with temps in the 40C's, it's been very warm here, but I think where I am on the coast side of things it'll be more temperate!!! Love your Needlecases, I'm sure they will be treasured by those who now have them!!!


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