Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Decorating - Phase 1

We moved to the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia in December of 2010, just two weeks before Christmas.  It goes without saying that our Christmas that year was a very sparse one.  We unpacked only the bare necessities, knowing that we would be knee deep into renovations as soon as we could line up some contractors.

Last year it was difficult to get into the Christmas spirit because it was just a couple of weeks after the holidays that I began my cancer treatments.  And of course Frankie was still a very inquisitive and neurotic kitten at the time who had a hard time accepting new and different things into HIS environment.

Well, this year, I'm pumped and soooooo ready to decorate.  It's been three long years since I've unpacked all my treasures.  Before moving, I purged and considerably downsized my Christmas stash and kept only my most very favorite things.

So yesterday morning, Mr. Painted Quilt brought in the first three bins marked "Xmas" from our workshop outbuilding.  

Ollie was there to supervise.

I wonder if there are any toys in there...or food maybe?
It felt like Christmas morning.  Each item brought back memories of friends, family and places that I/we have visited in our travels and at times, I became very sentimental.

I decided to tackle downstairs first and started with the dining room...

And then moved on to the bathroom.

Next up was the sitting room...

And then the living room where I still have a lot more to do, including the tree.

And lastly, the kitchen...our favorite place to hang out.

The cooking corner with freshly baked banana bread cooling on the stovetop...

And the cozy stove to keep us warm and toasty.

Are we done yet?  All that work made me hungry!
Phase 1 is done but there's still lots more to do.  Today I'm hoping to haul out the tree and boxes of ornies that are stored under the dormers...and I haven't even started upstairs!

Fresh pine boughs and holly from the woods at the back of our house will be cut and added to the mix.   

My goal is to be finished by Wednesday or by the end of the week at the latest.  

Stay tuned for Phase 2!

*Note to Janet*

You came up as a "no-reply" blogger so I was unable to contact you directly to answer your question about the thread that I used to complete the stitching on my Wish quilt.  I used DMC #115 which is a variegated red and it's one of my favorites.


  1. Your home always looks warm and inviting. I just love the peeking in to your world. XOXO

  2. Just beautiful Friend.
    Wishing you the Happiest Christmas ever.
    It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.
    Woolie Hugs & Love

  3. What a beautiful start to the holiday season.

  4. What a beautiful Christmas wonderland you have created! I can just feel the Christmas spirit oozing out of every corner of your lovely home. Very tastefully decorated and oh so cozy! Thank you for sharing such a festive home with us!

  5. Oh Kaaren, it looks lovely! So cozy!

  6. Oh wow, what beautiful decorations! Everything looks so nice and inviting, like I just want to come in and get comfy. :) I can't wait for Phase 2!

  7. Your home looks like something you would see in a country home magazine. I like the idea of the wreath on the china cabinet. Something I could do.

    In Canada, you don't have the Thanksgiving holiday this week that, once over, means it is time to think about Christmas decorating. And no what we call Black Friday for the big Christmas sales?

  8. Thank you! I have to run to get me some red berries. I have a white pitcher and bowl just like yours, and I wanted to do something different with it. Now I know what I'll do! Your home looks so warm and cozy. Love it!

    Hoping this is a more joyous holiday season than last year was! Have a blessed Christmas!

  9. Oh, what a lovelt start you have to your Christmas decorating!! I will start ours on Friday. While some folks are out fighting the hordes and lines in stores and malls on Friday, I will be singing to my Christmas playlist and pulling out all my dearest Santas and Angels!! I'm glad Ollie was around to supervise!!

  10. What a beautiful home, and you decorating is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Your home is so beautiful. But Ollie is still the cutest part of all of it!

  12. Inspired to get going. Your home is looking great even with phase 2 to come. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love your touches of Christmas weaving through your house. My daughter asked me yesterday, when can we start putting out the Christmas decorations ;-) She's ready, but I'm not!!

  14. Best wishes to you this holiday season. Thanks for the window into your world.

  15. How fun to take time to really decorate this season. Ollie always look so interested!!

  16. I can sense your excitement, Kaaren. Such tasteful, classic prim decor. Everything is lovely and inviting. Why am I not surprised? You have created a gracious, holiday atmosphere and I look forward to the next phase!

  17. For me as well, Christmas will be special this year. I sense your enthusiasm and your decorating style is much like mine. Since our homes reflect the spirit of our hearts your Christmas is well on its way. It's a state of mind, it is the hope for the future and the love of those in our lives. Can't wait for phase two!

  18. You have the loveliest and warmest home. I'm so glad you're decorating for Christmas.

  19. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" and I am sure you must be having a blast setting it all up for the first time. It is lovely looking.

  20. It's so gorgeous! I absolutely love your home and the decorations! You are so talented!

    Cheery wave from

  21. How lovely your home looks with it's Christmas decorations. I'm still working on some Christmas projects, but have been inspired by you to go through the decorations and start putting a few things out. Ollie is just the sweetest dog. What a wonderful choice you made when you picked him.

  22. your Xmas decorations are awesome! Love the way your house is looking. Hope you'll have a happier Christmas this year. Ollie is growing beautifully. Thanks for sharing with us.

  23. Everything looks so festive and ready to have a good time!

  24. Hi Kaaren,

    Love all your preps for Christmas. Just beginning to start here and looking forward to our granddaughter coming when exams are finished to help with baking and decorating. Should be fun.
    Always enjoy your blog and pictures. Your are a great inspiration.
    Enjoy your day.

  25. Everything is just beautiful. I will not decorate this year due to our move to a new home in late December. I'll enjoy your decorations and pretend. Thank you.

  26. Everything is just beautiful. I will not decorate this year due to our move to a new home in late December. I'll enjoy your decorations and pretend. Thank you.

  27. Everything looks so wonderful and I am so happy that you can enjoy the holidays this year.


  28. Your house is so homey and lovely! And I love your puppy so much :o)

  29. After all that has happened in recent times, you must be over the moon in anticipating the holidays! Love all your touches in Phase I & look forward to seeing Phase II. I always think any home where a quilter resides is just cozier...

    Our own first 10 years of marriage always featured getting new orders for my husband who was a pilot. either he was in Vietnam for 2 years or reassignment came in early December. We were always moving right before the holidays. Add in 2 pregnancies, one year of a major illness too. This year our son and future daughter-in-law will be home from Alaska and we are going all out in celebration!

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving and have a good time decking the halls.

  30. Everything looks so wonderful Kaaren - and I bet it feels so good to be seeing those wonderful holiday treasures again. Can't wait for phase 2 :).

    Hugs- Karen

  31. It's very beautiful home for Christmas !
    Have a good holiday time.

  32. I love Christmas and decorating! I start decorating the day after Thanksgiving.

    Having been without Christmas for a couple of years makes this one all the more special especially with Frankie and Ollie. Have they hung their stockings?

  33. Thank you so much for your blog and sharing your holiday decor. Can't wait to see more. Have a wonderful season. Peace and Hope to you and yours.

  34. It's looking beautiful. Last year we didn't decorate much either with someone close dying in November - so I think I will make a much bigger effort this year too. Your home looks beautiful and is inspiring

  35. Your home is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing your Christmas decorating. Ollie is such a good supervisor.

    We have a woodstove that is our main source of heat. I love sitting by it and Dottie the Dog loves to lay on the warm brick floor that the stove sits on.

    PS: DMC 115 is one of my favorites too!

  36. I love your enthusiasm Kaaren. I'd love to move into your place just for the holidays, it already looks so welcoming. You have such a flair for decorating.

  37. Hi Kaaren, I don't often comment, but I love receiving your blog in my inbox, but I had to say how lovely your home looks! I also especially love your Westie, as I once owned one too. He is delightfull,

  38. Your decor is fantastic, but I just have to say that your furniture is amazing! I've just begun collecting reclaimed wood pieces and I am drooling over your glass front hutch full of quilts!

  39. Kaaren , I have to tell you that seeing the photos of your home just warms my heart , I love your style of decorating and it is gorgeous ,you have a real knack for decorating , a true artist!

  40. Hello from Halifax! I enjoy your blog and I love to see your quilts.

  41. Your home is beautiful!!! So warm and cozy. We too moved from Eastern Ontario to Halifax in 2012. You have inspired me to start pulling my decorations out. Love all the wonderful wallhangings and heritage details in your home.

  42. Kaaren, Your home is looking so warm and inviting. It has such a personal warmth to it in every photo you post. It is so beautiful. I place I would like to curl up by the fire and talk with you of all things stitching, sketching and quilting. Of course, I would have to be playing with Frankie and Ollie the entire time. I may be 62 but I haven't changed from the little girl who my father told everyone would always be found where ever the animals were, LOL. Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to see the rest. I won't start really decorating until after our big Thanksgiving meal Thursday. Tomorrow is set aside for baking pies and rolls, then everything else Thursday. Friday the decorating begins. Hugs...

  43. I might just have to move in for Christmas Kaaren LOL!!!! You've done a wonderful job of your decorating, subtle, charming, I especially love how you've included the bathroom, such a nice idea!!! Ollie is looking wonderful and growing into quite the young gentleman of the house!!!

  44. So beautiful and festive~I love your decorations ~ especially the wool penny rug/mats!

  45. Your house is definitely a home-may you have health and happiness this year for the holidays, many prayers your way.

  46. Can I move in with you???!:0))))
    Love your house have the eye for beauty...
    Last Christmas my daughter and son helped me with some Christmas decorating...didn't want to ...hadn't the strength either.. Just cried... And well it became Christmas that year...and I guess it will this year as well...and hope I will feel for it this year... And have some fun decorating... Waiting for that Christmassy mood to attend!!!! :0)
    Enjoying your pictures and waits..;0)

  47. I want to live in your is so "me" ;D Really beautiful.

  48. Your décor is sooo inviting.. Hope you have the best of Christmas...

  49. Your home always looks so inviting. Come on in the backdoor and have a cup of tea and a slice of my bread I just pulled out of the oven. Everything is just perfect. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.

  50. I just love this new pattern of yours. That is going to be my 2013 pattern to do. Thank you for all the freebies on the site. Just fun to view.


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