Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Enjoying the Season

In a very short while we'll be putting the gardens and flower beds to bed for the winter.  Although many of the perennials are long past their prime, the rudbeckia (black-eyed susans)...

and purple echinacea (cone flowers) are still flourishing.

The rain that eluded us during the hot summer months has finally decided to pay us a visit and the lawns and fields that were once dry and brown are now a lushdeep green.  That against a back drop of leaves that are starting to change color makes for a perfect Autumn setting.

Frankie and Ollie are becoming tighter with each passing day. 

Ollie will be four months old on the 6th of October and we decided that he was overdue for his first visit to the doggie spa. 

The groomer said that he passed with flying colors and wasn't the least bit afraid of the bath or having his hair clipped and dried.

Much better now, huh? 

Aren't I a handsome dude?

I finally completed all the large stitcheries for the Wishes quilt...

and thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them.

Bronwyn Hayes from the Red Brolly is a very talented designer.

I'm now working on the applique parts and as soon as these are finished, I'll be able to assemble the first block.  I can't wait to see how it looks.  Of course I'm doing mine in wool.

Come along with me as I take you around our house to enjoy some touches of Autumn.

The dining room...


and the living room...

I had my second follow up CT scan last Wednesday and now have to wait until the 9th of October for my appointment with the oncologist for the results.  

The waiting is the difficult part.

My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued thoughts, prayers and support.  It would certainly be a long and lonely road to travel without you all.


  1. oh Ollie looks adorable, its so great they have become such great friends, I love seeing them snuggled together tooooo cute! don't you just love that the flowers are still blooming and the leaves are changing colors, my favorite time of the year....thanks for the tour always enjoy seeing your home and how you decorate.
    such a warm and inviting home
    sending good thoughts we know the results will be great.

  2. Ollie is very handsome and am so happy he and Frankie are best buddies!

    Love fall, finally cooler temps and waiting for the change in color.

    Keeping positive thoughts for CT results

  3. My thoughts are with you Kaaren. Ollie is tooo cute!

  4. Ollie is too cute for words. What a sweet face. I love your quilt cupboard. I need one. I'm sure stitching helps pass the time and keeps your mind occupied. Wishing you all the best.

  5. Beautiful Fall love all through your home. I love the red work.
    Ollie is soo handsome. Love the sweet brotherhood he has with Frankie.
    You are continually in my prayers Friend.

  6. Your house looks lovely Kaaren, especially loved the quilt cupboard. Prayers for good results!

  7. Kaaren , your blocks are beautiful. I have started printing my blocks. Now to start the tracing and fabric gathering process.

  8. Ollie is adorable!! I'm glad that he & Frankie are such buddies. Your embroidery looks great! I loved seeing your autumnal touches around the house, too. I need to get my autumn stuff out!

    You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. That's a whole lotta wonderful! Your home is decorated just right... looks very inviting and cozy! Gotta love Ollie and Frankie! What gifts of happiness they are! :-) Continued prayers for a clean report! Hugs!

  10. I don't think Ollie has the capacity to be anything other than completely adorable!

    I love your quilt storage!

    Keeping you in my thoughts as you wait for your results.

  11. I really enjoy the photos of your pets Kaaren. Thanks for sharing your home with us. It looks so welcoming and cosy. Praying for you as you wait for results. God Bless.

  12. Ollie is soooo cute!!!!!! LOve the flowers and flower arrangements in the house.
    Your Wish Quilt stitcheries look beautiful.
    I am sure everything will be fine with the CT results! Take care and stay calm.

  13. Kaaren, your continued good health is first and foremost in our thoughts and prayers...but then comes sweet Ollie- looking so dapper with his new cut!! Yogi says hello!!

  14. Hi Kaaren

    The waiting is the hardest. Looks like you have been busy with fall decorating and "Red Brolly". You're rooms look great. Fall is one of my favourite seasons. Love all the oranges.

    Keep on smiling. How can you not when I see the pictures of Olly and Frankie.


  15. Hi Kaaren.
    Hoping your results are good, and yes Ollie is one Handsome Dude :)

  16. I absolutely love the picture of Ollie and Frankie! They are just too cute. Love all of your fall decor - thanks for sharing! Still sending hugs and prayers your way!

  17. Oh, Ollie is so cute and handsome. I haven't even started the 'Wishes' and look at you fly with them. Many gentle hugs and prayers for you - hope it is a good wait.

  18. Your home is definitely taking on the autumn hues, Kaaren. It is such a "warm" season for colors.

    Ollie looks great with his new do!!

    Praying for great results on the tests.

  19. Ollie looks so cute with his haircut. I can't remember our Westie, Molly being that little; she is now 11 yrs old. Love your home; so warm and inviting. Good luck with your CT results....praying for you.

  20. Thanks for the lovely tour of your warm home.
    The unknown sucks!!!
    We are all thinking about you and sending positive thoughts.

  21. What a wonderful post to read!Love the pics of your blooms...I have one spray of black-eyed susans left and that's it! Love Mr. Neat and Tidy Ollie, and your stitcheries are so beautiful...your work is exquisite! I bet you will love putting it all together! Thanks for sharing the pictures of your I smell pumpkin pie?

  22. Frankie and Ollie completely crack me up!! So nice Frankie has accepted Ollie so well.
    You house is beautiful! I love changing my decor for the seasons.
    Lovely stitchery!

  23. Ollie is just adorable - he has the cutest face. I'm glad that the two of them are getting along.

    Love your stitcheries too and your fall decorating. Very nice.

    Sending positive thoughts for the CT results!

  24. Hi Kaaren, What a wonderful house tour. Love all the fall decorating! Your quilt is going to be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it all together.

    Still praying..........

  25. Ollie is quite the dapper dude after his Spa Day. I'll be Frankie thought so too. :-)

    I love when you share pictures of your home - would you please come decorate mine? :-)

    The waiting game is the worst but positive thoughts will get you through. Take care!

  26. Oh, I could look at that photo of Frankie and Ollie all day! So cute!!
    Beautiful stitchery, Kaaren. I look forward to seeing this quilt come together.
    You have done a lovely job of bringing the Fall feeling indoors.

  27. Ollie is just too cute. He has the best ears! Hope your CT results are good news!!

  28. Frankie and Ollie are so cute ~ but by far Ollie steals the show!!!
    Beautiful creations and fall displays in your home.
    Hope and pray you get good news from your scan.
    Prim Blessings

  29. Ollie is my favorite, so cute!
    Fingers crossed for you on october 9.


    Karin på Ösäter

  30. Your house looks so lovely, Kaaren, with all the autumn decorations. And Ollie looks very fine indeed, with his cute little trim. Sorry to hear that you have to wait until next week for your results, but I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. Finishing up your beautiful stitchery will keep your mind occupied.

  31. Frankie just cracks me up!! Ollie is growing up so fast. Keeping good thoughts of you, as always. Blessings to all.

  32. Have been thinking about you and wondering how the scan went. The waiting is difficult!I was reading Allie's blog and she uses fusible interfacing under her emdroidery. She says it hides her stitchs if ahe jumps from one letter etc to another. Have you ever done this? I am doing your santa from a year or so ago and I really don't want to do each little X seperately!
    Also, I was wondering if you use 2 or 3 strands of embroidery cotton.

    Lots of questions when I know you are busy. No rush.

  33. Your home is gorgeous! Your work is gorgeous! Your pets are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing you wonderful blessings! Charlie and Lola are at the groomer right now. Lola, who is a puppy mill rescue and a little on the fearful side, got twisted up in her special car seat on the way to the groomer...sigh...I may have a sprained finger from trying to get her out of her mess. They are worth everything though! Cheery wave from Bev

  34. I wish it didn't take so long to tell you your results.
    I loved the tour of your home and the gardens i other posts. Ollie and Frankie will have each other for company while you are busy.
    I am doing the Santa with the marionette strings as well as Santa in his sleigh, thanks to your post to Red Brolly. I have several of your Friday patterns done and I will incorporate them together some how. I still have 2 of the Annies to do. I love your blog and am wishing for good test results.

  35. Thank you for sharing the pics for your lovely house. Beautiful decorating! I do enjoy seeing Ollie and Frankie. Sooo cute! You are all finished your stitcheries. You are way ahead of me. I'll have to get back to mine. Take care.

  36. Your embroidery is beautiful, but oh that puppie. I so look forward to Ollie's antics! I'm keeping you all in my thoughts.

  37. You may just make me into a dog lover with your posts. My husband wants one, and he retires next year, so he may just get his wish. Thanks for the home tour. Decorating is a gift I just don't have. Today I changed out my candles and candle rings and that's about it. Best wishes for your test results. Kathie L in Allentown

  38. I wish my Echinacea still looked like yours, Kaaren! We just had our first frost, but still no rain! Ollie is a handsome boy and a dream doggie! I just love your fall touches - and those red, wool sheep - oh, la, la!

  39. You have a beautiful house, Ollie is adorable. Good to see he and Frankie are best buds. Your stitching is gorgeous. You get so many things done. Wonderful.

  40. Thanks for sharing your house pictures with us - I always get lots of inspiration from your pictures.

    My black-eyed susans (that I didn't even know I had) are doing great this year, too, and my geraniums are better than they ever have been, despite the drought. I guess all that watering I did was worth it.

    Sending good thoughts your way for good news on your CT scan.

  41. First things first - the before picture of Ollie reminds me so much of my sweet Brady boy as Cairn terriers were a little "less" groomed than Westies.

    Looking forward to seeing your Wish quilt completed, especially combining the wool with it - Folk Art Fushion. Thanks for sharing your touches of Fall - we close Oct. 17th on our cottage and I am so ready to unpack all of our treasures. I forgot what we have.

    Had my last chemo treatment today for my kidneys and so looking forward to not having side effects. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for good news while we all "wait in the waiting room of life." Judy C in NC sends good wishes

  42. Love your blog and pray with all the others for your continued health.

  43. That picture of Frankie and Ollie is just precious! Your house looks so warm and inviting.

    I'm thinking nothing but good thoughts and sending hugs....

  44. Hoping for a good report. Your fall decorations look so nice. And Ollie looks so cute.

  45. Ollie is so very handsome!!!!! What a love!
    Lady Blu goes to the vet tomorrow to be checked out. She is doing so well. SHE is getting closer and closer to Charley every day. Today I caught them sleeping with Blu's head on Charley's bootie.
    Blu's potty training is going slower than Charley's, but she is doing so well. I am in love with her.
    Your home looks just lovely. So perfect. So you.
    Your stitchery is glorious! Just glorious. Remember, my fav color is red. LOL.
    You're always in my prayers! Your results will be good. I just feel it.

  46. First off, Ollie is "one handsome DUDE" ~ you have such a beautiful and inviting home ~ and please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers

  47. Yes Ollie is one handsome DUDE...I love it..He and Frankie are so good for each other. Your place has come together so nice. It is just beautiful..Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  48. Aww, Ollie is adorable! Your stitching looks great too. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  49. I happened to find your blog while browsing through Pinterest today. Of course I think your Westie is totally adorable since I have one also :)
    Love all your stitching too.

  50. Awwww, Frankie has Ollie in a headlock! So cute! :)

    Yes, the waiting for the results is awfully hard, isn't it? It's always such a relief to get an "all clear" pronouncement from the oncologist. At the end of my 6 years, I told him that he was a nice person, a great doctor, but I never wanted to see him again. lol

  51. Kaaren, after seeing these blocks in real life tonight, I just had to tell you again how beautiful they are! The pictures just don't do them justice! Can't wait to see more!

  52. Prayers for good results for you. Ollie is certainly sporting a nice look with his sprucing up. My husband and I started doing some of our outdoor cleanup choosing medium sized areas to tend to. We do need rain though, it has been so dry, yes even up here in the Pacific Northwest! Really enjoyed the photos you shared of your home with the fall decor. Thank you!

  53. Thoughts and prayers for you for the results of your test! Ollie is one mighty handsome man and your stitcheries are just darling!

  54. I have never been ale to grow Echinacea, soil or too hot or something they just don't come to anything. The Bronwyn Hayes stitcheries make me want to yell " let me at them " she does beautiful work, and is so generous with her pieces.

  55. What a beautiful photo of Ollie & Frankie together - makes me smile to see them like that, such great buddies :-) Am loving your autumn colours around your home - I always love your house pics - especially the way you display your crafts & treasures. Sending positive vibes your way for a great scan result Hugs/ warm wishes, Julie :-)

  56. Fruit flies, again:

  57. Hi Kareen, I'm happy that everything is ok for you. I really like the result of your embroidery. Which kind of thread did you use and the color look like varigated, it's possible?

  58. Awww, Ollie and Frankie are too adorable together! Ollie looks so handsome. Lots of autumn flowers blooming here, but I'm not sure how most of them fared last night, I think we had first frost. HUBBY turned on the furnace just now - usually he waits til November, while we freeze, lol!
    Your stitcheries are wonderful. And your gorgeous home - so welcoming! I am praying for a very, very good report, Kaaren!

  59. Kaaren,

    I love your blog. All very beautiful and beautifully done. Your pets are sweet
    Kisses from Brazil and Rio de Janeiro.

  60. We love you Kaaren!! You are in my prayers for a perfect test result!! And yes, Ollie, you are an adorable dude!!! Loving your appliqued blocks!!

  61. o how i wish i had your quilt gorgeous...Ollie is just a darling and how amazing it is to see your siamese and its relationship with Ollie...true harmony in the home


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