Sunday, September 2, 2012


I think I've finally settled down and have come to grips with the hacking of my email account.  Evidently this same thing happened to thousands of people on Friday night and there's some comfort in knowing that I was not being singled out.  It goes without saying that I'd still like to wring the little twerp's neck.

There has been a welcome chill in the air the last two nights.  It felt so good to snuggle under the covers and to stay that way for the entire night.  

Many signs of Fall were present at our Farmers' Market yesterday and I just couldn't leave without bringing home a few pumpkins and a potted mum.

The tomato plants in our kitchen garden are full of fruit.

We are having a hard time keeping up with the daily yield.  I picked these just this morning while watching Ollie frolic in our back yard.

With the cool down in temperature, I decided that it was finally time to turn the oven on and do a little baking.  I've been feeling a little guilty lately because it seems like ages since I last cooked a "proper" meal. 

These cranberry muffins hit the spot for breakfast with a cup or two of some freshly perked coffee.

On Sunday, we usually like to eat dinner early and today I cooked a turkey breast...

along with some new red potatoes from the market and a tomato (from our garden) based veggie casserole.

Can you tell that Mr. Painted Quilt was hungry?

And for dessert, we had some deliciously cold yellow watermelon, grown by our friend Cliff.

Of course Ollie was cheering me on while I was prepping all the goodies.

Hi guys!  It's me, Ollie.  I'm getting big, huh?
And while dinner was cooking, I started working on the third stitchery of the Wishes quilt that you can downoad for free at the Red Brolly.  

I'm going to love this quilt when it's done.

I also have some news that I'd like to share with you.  I was going to announce this on Friday when I post this month's First Friday Freebie but decided to give you all a head's up today.  

Because there are many people who visit my blog on the first Friday of every month only to download the free design and not read the entire post, I'm hoping to reach as many of you as possible today and I'll mention it again again on Friday.

After much deliberation, I've decided to cut down on my FFF's to just once a quarter.  I've been feeling a little stressed lately because with Ollie being a puppy and needing so much attention, I just can't devote the time needed to both his training and my designing.  One is bound to suffer and my first commitment is to Ollie. Having said that, I'm hoping to be able to go back to my monthly designs once he is fully trained and can be trusted to spend more time on his own.

So after this Friday, the 7th of September, my next FFF will be released on the First Friday of December, followed by March, June, September and December of 2013.  So be sure to stop by on Friday because you just never know...there just might be a little giveaway as well.

Thanks for understanding.


  1. I'm glad to hear you're well and keeping busy. And thank you for all the Ollie pics you've been posting because he is just too cute for words!

  2. Oh yum!! Any room at your table?...hahaaa!
    Ollie is a darlin' and you have to do what's right for you and for first, and always!

  3. Dinner looks wonderful Kaaren. If I didn't live so darned far away, I'd be over for a sample.
    The muffins look delicious too.

  4. I love all of your FFFs...and I truly understand your stand on them. Look out for yourself and everything else will fall into place. It is always a treat to read your blog:)

  5. Yummo, Kaaren!! I'd be over to snatch some dinner leftovers if I lived nearby!! And I'm jealous that you have some signs of fall already!! We won't get much of that until next month!! And I totally understand the need to cut down your work load!! Give Ollie a big kiss from Yogi and me!!

  6. Yum!!! I can't wait for a chill in the air here. I have never sampled yellow watermelon and I don't think I've ever seen one either.

  7. I want your dinner! I just added turkey breast to my grocery list.
    Ollie would take up all my time too...enjoy the stinker's puppy years!

  8. cranberry muffins...almost as irresistable as Ollie...

    we all have plenty to keep us just take care of yourself and loved ones and we'll manage between freebies...

  9. I always enjoy reading your posts and of course photos of Ollie are always loved, lol. Love how your stitchery is coming out, I am not making the whole quilt, but i did like a few designs and think they will make nice mini quilts as gifts.


  10. Blogger took down my blog this morning while I was reading it??? First thing I thought of was you and your email. I got it back up with not to much headache, but I am still wondering what the heck happened. They said they noticed unusual activity on it?????
    We all love your FFF's. I feel confident in speaking for most of us when I say, you deserve a bit of a break. We will just savor what you so generously share with us when you can! :-) Take care of that little cutie Ollie! And Mr PQ of course!

  11. Enjoy the trai in time with Ollie. A new puppy is so much work but good training is worth the effort. I've never seen yellow watermelon, does it taste the same?

  12. There is a time and a season for everything... even our art. You have blessed us with so many wonderful FFF's, thank you for them. Cutting back? Well it is time. You have your priorities straight and a new puppy does need a lot of attention, as well as other things in life.
    Like others, I'm drooling over your delicious looking meal. I'm sure it was greatly enjoyed.

  13. Kaaren, Thank you so much for your wonderful blog which I so enjoy reading. You dinner the other day looked scrumpous. Yellow watermelon?? Ollie is a sweetie and looks like a wee handful. Have also downloaded Wishes from Bronwyn but there are always other projects in the works. Right now I am working on my Christmas gifts so you take it easy with the FFF as I have plenty to keep me busy.

  14. FFF has been such a generous thing you've done for us. But, I am really seeing pictures of Ollie and hearing about his progress.
    Yellow watermelon, does it taste like the regular kind?

  15. You're so right about the FFF. I can keep up with making them, so I'm always in awe for you to design ánd make them :-)

    Good luck with Ollie, he is too cute for words!!!

  16. Wow, you had a feast. Love it. Little Ollie is growing so much. He is so cute. I have never seen yellow watermellon before. Looks interesting.

  17. Family comes first Kaaren. I am grateful for your blog and that you have survived the big C. Your food always looks so good.

  18. Ollie is adorable, Kaaren. Sorry, I haven't commented lately, haven't even had time to read blogs for a while. We lost out little yorkie, Dixie, back on May 5, 2012. I know how hard it is to lose a furbaby. I will be picking out my next yorkie girl in about 4 weeks. They were just born 2 weeks ago, so I have to wait until they are 6 weeks and I get to pick a new one. I can't wait. We miss Dixie so much. I hope all is well with you and your dinner makes my mouth water. Yummy!!!

  19. Good to know you are looking after yourself. Your muffins and meal look so tasty. Little ollie is the cutest puppy. Thank you for all your FFF's. We will really look forward to them when they are Fewer Friday Freebies :-)

  20. Hi Kaaren, thank you for the adorable Ollie picture! And as for the FFF, you are so right....Ollie comes first!
    Next, I noticed the green chilies with the tomato picture. Just yesterday my dh "Farmer Bob" harvested his tomatoes and Anaheim green chilies and brought them into the house and asked me to fix something with them. I googled on how to prepare the Anaheim green chilies and after preparing them, I made a Chili Rellanos (sp?) casserole with a mixed green salad.

    So how do you prepare your green chilies?

  21. Great looking meal! Tomato based veggie casserole? That looks so nummy. I for one read all of your posts, not just FFF. Good for you to take care of that little sweetie and yourself!

  22. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have shared. please don't feel guilty. just know that I enjoy reading your post of ollie, your beautiful garden, just sharing part of your life. thank you!!!!

  23. Well I think Lorene Holbrook (above me) said it just so well. I always enjoy seeing your post come up on the blog list. You've given us so much enjoyment in your designs. And you're a good Ollie-mommy. As mom to 2 labs and a cutie pie cat, I have much respect for those who care for their pets. Give both Ollie and Archie pets for me.....

  24. Your little Ollie is so cute. Enjoy your time with him. Thank you for sharing your projects.

  25. I can't believe some only read your blog for th FFF. I love to read every post. glad little Ollie is bringing you joy!

  26. Ollie is looking as cute as ever! I enjoy all of your posts not just the first Friday. The thing about a freebie is that you are free to offer it when you want to. I appreciate FFF designs whenever you care to offer them. Please don't feel pressured to keep a schedule.

  27. WOW, can I come over for leftovers? I would keep Ollie company. He is getting big and is so adorable. On a pin cushion exchange you put your cushion on a stand. Can you tell me where to get those stand if you remember which one I am talking about. Looked like it clamped to the side of the table. I love your blog. Post the FFF when ever..

  28. Kaaren
    That is very generous to give a pattern FF The quarter is a good idea. Don't stress your self. I used the painting bag a couple of weeks ago went to paint with Rosemary West in Virginia fun get away take care

  29. Reading each of your posts is like sitting down with friends & coffee - in addition to that precious Ollie, you have certainly had much to deal with of recent. It is amazing what you have accomplished & changing directions with your FFF is logical.
    Continue to be well.

  30. A great posting, so glad you're well.
    That little puppy is just the cutest!
    I think it's great when we know when to step back and take a little time for what's important!!!

  31. Dinner looks great! Love to cook, but don't always have time.
    What a wistful little puppy face. Who could resist?
    Your freebies are not why I read your blog--they are a nice little extra, but I have only made a couple of them. You are just a gracious woman with a lovely home and yard and I love your quilting style. I feel at home here.
    : )

  32. Ollie is so so cute! I enjoy reading your blog very much while the freebie is nice I much prefer reading your blog just to caught up with what is going on ith you folks and your new little one. Thank you for the time you take to maintain your blog!

  33. mmmm.... que delicias de platos...abrazos Lily

  34. Fair enough that you cut down with your FFF, although we appreciate them many of us like to pop in and have a cuppa (with you) while we read about your happenings - good and not so good. So I for one will still be dropping in - take care

  35. Dear Kaaren,
    I love your FFF. I'm so glad to get it.
    But Olli needs you. That´s the first one. I fully understand. Your dinner looks delicious.
    Greetings from Germany, Marita

  36. By all means Ollie comes first, know to well how much time it takes to work with your little one. Besides, as much as I love Fridays, I will always continue following you, whether or not you had Freebies. Love your work, and really love hearing about Ollie. Wish I could have a copy of him.

  37. I love Ollie and your FFF's. I don't stop by just on the first Friday, but regularly. But I don't respond much.
    Now I like to say that I understand why you cut down on the FFF's. And I am truly thankful you keep on posting an FFF quarterly. Thanks

  38. I just love your blog! Ollie is such a sweety and your FFF almost have me convinced to do redwork :) Right now I'm going to go look up a recipe for cranberry muffins! Have a wonderful Labor Day!

  39. Oh that little Ollie makes me smile every time!!! Such a cute little bugger! Great looking turkey dinner with all the fresh produce too! We've been having too many grilled hot dogs and burgers through the summer... time to get something different on the plates! I may even bake some cookies this afternoon....

  40. There is certainly fall in the air with the longer shadows, shorter days and cooling nights. I am not sure I am ready, but guess it doesn't matter anyway.

    You definitely have your hands full with the puppy chores, but I know you are loving every minute of it. We can all understand the FFF situation.

  41. I understand your feelings about having your account hacked. I've had it happen twice!
    Good decision about FFF. A pet is just a furry family member, and Ollue deserves time to mature, just like a child. I'm looking forward to the next FFF

  42. Hi Kaaren. You're very generous with your free patterns, so I would hope no one would mind! I did want to say that I might sometimes be one of those statistics though. I do read all of your posts but I'm terrible at commetning (not just on your blog, on everyones), I tend to read them in Google Reader so i wouldn't show up on your statistics. I really do have to comment more!

  43. Kaaren,

    You are absolutely best to cut back for the present. One can only do and handle so much at a time before something suffers and we wouldn't want it to be dear Ollie.

    As long as we have regular updates about you all we will be happy with what you graciously share with us.

    Dinner and the muffins looked wonderful, enjoy Labour Day!

  44. Even without training a little puppy, it seemed to me quite a job to design and make the design all by yourself each month. I think this is a good desision to you and Ollie.....We can wait!
    I have to confes that I am a bit in love with Ollie, he is adorable!

  45. I think you are generous by giving us these great matter how often you do it! I have been reading your blog a long, long time. I comment once in a while, but not as much as I'd like to. Reading your blog, gives me insight to other places and destitnations...we travel to Quebec annually, and now our kids are both in VT, so we love to know about places in the NorthEast. We love Maine, and her rocky coast. Someday, we'd like to visit Nova Scotia, but time won't let us go that far, if we want to visit our kids all in the same vacation weeks! Thank you for sharing your talents with us, your new home, even your illness...lets us know we aren't alone! And now your little Ollie! What a sweetheart!

  46. Going to once a quarter just makes them that much more special. Ollie needs your attention alot more now then we do.

    Keep on enjoying life and sharing when possible. I'm starving at the moment after you shared dinner and dessert.

  47. Ollie is such a cutie!!! I keep wanting to reach out and pet the screen when his photo pops up. So, you go right ahead and take the time off from FFF (not that you need my permission) as both you and Ollie deserve it. You have been so very generous in the past with these free designs that none of us can complain about you taking time off for more important issues. I have a 14 month old dog so I know of what you speak. So go; enjoy your Ollie time; do some things for yourself; enjoy life!!!

  48. The cool nights are wonderful I have been enjoying snuggling in as well. Ollie is getting big he is just so darn cute, he'll be trained in no time I'm sure.

  49. A successful garden...I am still waiting on a TONS of cherry tomatoes to ripen, thankfully I love them.

    I want to come for dinner, it all looks so delicious. It would also give me the opportunity for some puppy play time with Ollie. :D

    I see you are still busy on those awesome rework blocks. I so want to stitch them as well but am trying not to start anything that involved right now.

  50. Kaaren, Of course we will miss the regularness of your FFF-because they are always so wonderful. Truly you have to consider your level of stress, stamina, etc. I recently have been dealing with "C" myself, and man the stamina just isn't like it used to be...we bought a new house and it has been tough getting done, all that I want to. I am so glad to see Ollie and know what a joy and wonderful distraction our animals can be. Praying for you as you continue to recover. I read your blog pretty much everyday, I enjoy it alot. Thanks for all the time you put into it. Blessings, Vic

  51. I think Mr.PQ has a hollow leg!!!!! That boy can eat!!!!!!
    Our Ollie is so precious!!!!!! I love him to death. OK OK....I love Mr. PQ too........''haha

  52. I was picking pear today and made a pie for our dessert. It is fantastic all one can make at harvest season.
    I love your FFF but understand you can´t find the time, (I got my 6 y/o and grandkids)
    Have a great fall I will be back and check out how you, Mr and Ollie are doing.

    Grettings from Sweden,
    Karin på Ösäter

  53. I sooo want to come to your place for a meal MMmm looks good.Boy Ollie is growing big! I totally understand where you're coming from and Ollie and your family need to come first,I look forward to seeing what you've been working on when you get the chance to post.Take care of yourself :) Barb.

  54. I pop by to read about you, not for your freebies although I do confess to collecting all of you Annies blocks and making them although I am yet to put them together.
    Your family time is very important.

  55. I have so enjoyed all of your designs. You have been so generous sharing your expertise with us and truly understand only so many hours in the day. Maybe this will give all of us a chance to play catch-up. So gald you are doing well and good luck with training Ollie...what a cutie.

  56. Awesome harvest! My cherry tomatoes were out of this world, but the regular tomatoes--I think I got four. Total.

    Ollie is so adorable! Love those expressions of his! Absolutely--you must raise Ollie to be a well-trained, happy member of the family, and that takes time. (Just keep the pics coming.)

  57. Oh cooler temps.
    My dream. We were teased a few weeks ago The heat and humidty have been so yuck.
    I too have picked up some mums.
    Just beautiful.
    Love pumpkins too.
    Ollie is so growing. What a sweetie.
    Your dinner looks yummo.
    Blessings & JOY

  58. Oh my goodness Kaaren! I haven't been by your blog for far too long, since I lost inadvertently deleted all my favorite blogs list. Odd feeling it is, when you hit that delete button and instantly realize you messed up Big Time. Lost a bunch of patterns too. Still not sure how I did it, but I do know it was all my own doing, *hanging head in shame*. Ah well, I'm slowly rebuilding things. OOPs, got a little side tracked there, sorry.
    Anyway, I've found you again and I'm so delighted to see you have a new puppy. Ollie is so adorable, really who could resist that little face? Not me, LOL. I plan to wander back through the posts I have missed, but can't do that for a few days, so I wondered, what does Frankie think of his baby brother? Big Hugs...

  59. Thank you so much for your sharing heart.

  60. Your dinner looks fantastic! I understand about moving to once a quarter on your free designs...please know that many of us visit your blog frequently and not on the first're blog and designs are very appreciated!

    Glad to see that you are well!

  61. I love your blog, and look at as a gift. It takes alot of time and effort to keep a blog up. I also love your patterns and ideas that come from it. Thanks for doing it, and be sure and take time for yourself and for family, and yes that includes Ollie.....Jan in ND


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