I cannot express in words how difficult the last two days have been for both me and Mr. Painted Quilt. If it weren’t for the wonderfully fond memories that we have of Mac and the belief that he is now having a grand old time while waiting for us just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, I think that our hearts would have been broken forever.
We had never heard of the Rainbow Bridge and I would like to thank both Lisa and Judy for sharing their knowledge of it with me. I can’t begin to tell you how much peace it has brought us in dealing with Mac’s passing.
Huge hugs to all of you who took the time to leave a comment and to express your condolences. You’ve all touched our hearts immensely. And for those of you who have lost a pet, may this bring you the same peace that it has for us…
Rainbow Bridge 
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
A kinder, devoted and more loveable dog you’ll never meet. He was our constant companion and we took him with us everywhere we went.
He didn’t have a mean bone in his body and touched the heart of everyone who had the good fortune to make his acquaintance.
He loved the outdoors, as long as we were there to share it with him.
Whenever we were in the kitchen, if it wasn’t by the fire during the winter months, you could find him snoozing in his ‘house’.
He loved to chase squirrels but never caught one and even if he did, I know that he never would have caused it any harm.
He was always a spiffy dude right after his appointment at the doggie beauty shop.
It was not one of his favorite outings and tolerated it just to please us. But being the typical male that he was, his spiffiness lasted only until his first roll in the grass…usually within ten minutes after returning home.
Although he was a little apprehensive about our moving to Nova Scotia, that didn’t last very long. Here he is taking a break while supervising helping the movers unload.
He was always there to help, like when we were unpacking.
He settled in very quickly and loved his new home.
Exploring the property was one of his favorite pastimes. Even as he wandered about, he always made sure that we were in his sight.
Mac loved it here and his final resting place is not too far from where stands in this photo.
We miss you, little guy…more than you’ll ever know.
Please let me extend my sincerest condolences. There is no words than can ease the pain of losing a loved pet, just know you gave him a wonderful full life.
Hugs Deb
My sincere sympathy as well, it is so difficult loosing a pet and Mac was such an adorable guy , I know how much you will miss him .hugs Sheila
Such a beautiful little guy. My heart goes out to you and Mr. PQ. You have had a rough year for sure - hope things take a turn for the better. Hugs to you!
What a wonderful tribute to Mac, he was a special little guy. I feel your loss and hope that the hole he left in your heart will be filled with loving memories.
Beautiful tribute, Kaaren!
I can only imagine the emotion involved in writing this post, Kaaren. Mac was with you through so much, even some pretty rough times. Now he waits at the rainbow bridge to share more good times. Beautiful thought. I had never heard of it, either.
I first learned of RAinbow Bride when we lost our Sherlock Holmes in 2005...the poem is always at hand so I can read it. It is a warm wonderful thought for those of us who must say good-bye to our precious furbabies. Keeping you in my thoughts....
Oh Kaaren, I am so very sorry for you and Mr. PQ. I have had occasion to visit Rainbow Bridge several times now, and it is such a wonderful place for our irreplaceable furbabies. Sending loving hugs.
I write with tears in my eyes because I share the pain of your loss. I think of all the wonderful critters who have shared their life with me and the empty place in my heart which only they can fill.
Mac was very loved, he will be waiting for you.
I'm so sorry--he looks like a spunky, wonderful fellow--I very much enjoyed seeing his photos. The Rainbow Bridge is lovely. The thought of it will help in our future as I see our aging Golden struggling a bit more each day.May your lovely memories of Mac give you comfort.
Cried thru your whole post. Could barely look at Mac's precious pictures. You know what a softie I am.
Sending love and prayers to you and Mr. PQ.
He will live forever in your heart. The loss of beloved pet is so difficult and I understand your sadness. Be joyful in your memories of Mac.
Such cherished memories and pictures you have of your beloved pet. DH and I never understood how attached people could be to their pet until we got our Beagle, Freckles. Oh my, did our lives change and our understanding. I don't know what we will do when his time comes to head to that Rainbow Bridge.
May you and your DH feel God's arms of comfort wrapped around you, holding you tight as you grieve your loss.
What a lovely tribute to dear little Mac. Losing a beloved pet is very difficult. Thank goodness you've got all those wonderful memories.
Gentle hugs,
Oh Kaaren, my heart breaks both for you and Mr Painted Quilt but also for my DH and myself as we lost our beautiful Goldie less than 12 months ago and his memory still stirs up sorrow. We also have a 14 year old mini Foxy, she's greying but not slowing down and I must admit I do get anxious about what the nearish future holds.
May your awesome memories make the tears lessen.
fondest wishes, Miche'le
Losing a pet is so hard. It's been 5 years and I still miss our Schnapps. We love our pets because they are so much like us but they are more innocent and trusting.
I am so sorry to hear about your wonderful pup...it is very hard to lose our pets as they are a part of the family. Know that he is running and jumping to his hearts content right now.
Hugs to you and your husband!
Oh Kaaren and Mr PQ....
isn't it wonderful when we have pets in our lives whom we know love us as much as we love them! All those warm snuggles and curl-ups while watching TV will be great memories for you...
Is there another pup in your future?
When I think of Mac and how much he loved you both, I think he is still on the edges of your property, watching over you both for a few more days before he crosses the bridge...
Here's a few hugs,'cause 1 is never enough...
I'm sure he was the seetest little puppy there ever was. They certainly become part of the family, don't they? My sincerest sympathy to you and Mr. PQ. From experience...I know this is not easy at all.
I am so sorry for your loss!
The Rainbow Bridge is one of the most beautiful stories put on paper and made the sadness more bearable for me. I am so glad, Kaaren, that you gathered your pictures and wrote your beloved Mac's memorial - it had to be one of the hardest things you have done and truly a way to go forward. Tears rolling down my face now as I read and know it is the deepest pain in your heart and the sadness in your surroundings is beyond words. I still cannot drive by the vet's office without becoming emotional for my Brady. What a blessing they were and to have not had them in our lives would have been the greater loss. My heart sends you prayers and love - Judy C n NC
So sorry Kaaren, on losing your sweet little friend.
It has been 5 years since I lost my Trusty. You will always miss him, but it will get easier.
I'm so sorry Kaaren for you and your husband. What a sweet pup Mac was and I know how much joy he gave you both. I was told about Rainbow Bridge when our sweet Hogan was no longer with us. It was a much needed comfort to Mr. Farmhouse and I. Your memories will stay close to your heart and he will always be close just like always.
Big Hugs - Karen
Oh Kaaren, I'm so sorry, losing your best friend is so hard, when we lost our last Cocker, the Dr Suess quote kept me going..
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
and I did, just kept smiling at the wonderful memories he'd left us, our life was better for him having been in it as I know your's is for having Mac...
Take care and big hugs
I have followed you since before your move and my favorite blog memories of Mac were how he 'helped' you to pack up your old house. It has been almost 7 years since I lost my 14.5 year companion a cat named Opus and I still miss him terribly yet always smile at how he brightened my life. enjoy your memories.
Every time I read about Rainbow Bridge I get tears in my eyes. I know that you are missing Mac so much!
Kaaren, you have written such a very special tribute to a very special Mac...take care...
Kaaren, I just had to respond to this post, my heart is with you and your hubby, the loss of a beloved pet is a tremendous loss. I know and have been there and there will always be a tender spot. God bless you both. Mandy Currie
What a beautiful tribute....and what a beautiful boy!!!
My Sassy and Buddy are at the Bridge waiting for me..
Thank you for sharing the ''rainbow bridge'' with us all xxx
I'm so sad for you, These are such difficult moments. We love so much our friends, they are so important for us.
Hugs to you and Mr painted Quilt.
such a special little guy and beautiful Mac's tribute. I can imagine my life without my little Abbie evan many of my pets waiting me over the rainbow bridge. They are a special part of our family.
Big Hugs
What lovely photos Kaaren, thankyou for sharing them! I know your heart is breaking, this will ease with time, but never diminish the sweetest memories you have of your dear little companion - I think even the cat will miss him, they don't like to show it, but that 'significant other fur person' will be sorely missed!
Thank you for letting me learn more about wonderful Mac. Love the photos and stories about his wonderful life. How blessed you all are and will continue to be.
A beautiful tribute, Kaaren. I hope creating it eased some of the pain you are feeling.
I never heard of this but have always known my pets would wait for me so this was perfect for me too. Thanks for sharing...your caring friend...
I am mopping my eyes as I type this. What a beautiful eulogy to Mac. I had never read about Rainbow Bridge, thank you so much for sharing. You and Mr. PQ have had a rough 2012...may the coming months be happy and joy filled. Hugs from Ohio.
Such a wonderful tribute to Mac. Thinking of you as you grieve for your little Mac. He sounds the ultimate companion. Keep thinking of the Rainbow Bridge.
Hugs xx
I do know. There are places in your heart that will always be filled with the ones who have gone on. However, God has given our hearts the ability to expand, so there is always room to love again.
Thank you for a lovely tribute to your friend, Kaaren. And thanks for Rainbow Bridge - my eyes are filled with tears.
Take Care.
What a beautiful tribute to your precious friend, Kaaren...
lovely tribute...
hugs and smooches...
so sorry
So sorry to hear about your Mac. He was very special. Hope you will have many good memories.
Oh Kaaren, I am so sorry. They do have a special place in ouir hearts, don't they? xox
Little tears from Oz - God bless!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh Kaaren I'm so so sorry for your loss. How very important our little furry kids are to us and my heart goes out to you and Mr PQ at this sad time. Your rainbow story is a delight and one I'll remember too.
Hugs to you!!!
Joy xxx
I'm sorry to hera that Mac has gone. I hope he has a great time by the rainbow bridge.
Dear little fella, sounds like he a great life and gave you as much love and happiness as you gave him.
The Rainbow Bridge poem is just lovely isn't it? It does help to read it, at least that is what I have found anyhow. Thanks for sharing your story and photos.
I'm sorry for your loss of Mac. I, too lost my dear little Molly, just last Wednesday and it is so hurtful. My heart feels like it's broken in two and I will remember her dear soul forever.
Hugs, Marie
So very sorry, Mac was such a doll pup. We lost our lil sweet beagle Sadie in 2010. We still miss her dearly and always will. Take care.
Hi Kaaren,
It was a great memorial to Mac. I had never heard of the Rainbow Bridge. What a great poem. We have lots of friends with animals and we will use it at some future date.
Take care.
So So sorry to read your news about sweet little Mac...breaks my heart..so how doesn't you feel...phew...loved to read about the rainbow bridge...never heard of it before.. Take care and hugs!!
Oh no! I am so sorry Kaaren. I had no idea. THis is such a sweet tribute to Mac. We've been through this a few more times than we'd ever want to and it's never easy. I know just how you are feeling my friend. Please be gentle with yourself. I hope he did not suffer or hurt with whatever was ailing him. So sorry.
Thankyou SO much for sharing the Rainbow Bridge verse with us - I had never heard of it and even though I cried through your whole post, it gave me comfort as we have a few treasured pets that are now at Rainbow Bridge. I have followed Mac and your postings for awhile now and really enjoy your blog and the pleasure it brings all the way across the globe to New Zealand. Thank you so much - poor Frankie will be missing him also I am guessing. Take good care and many hugs and friendship to you as you remember your happy memories of Mac. Kind regards, Julie :-) x x
Oh, Kaaren, I'm so sorry!!!
My deepest condolences. I know he will be missed. I bet Frankie is missing him too. As someone asked, is
there a puppy in the future? I highly recommended it, there is nothing like a puppy in the house. Don't think of it as replacing Mac but adding to your family. Take care and I look forward to your next installment.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I know that you will miss Mac for a long time to come, but I also know that there are smiles in your heart when you think of him. I know what you're going through as I lost my long-haired doxie a couple of years ago--still think of him almost every day. thank you for sharing the Rainbow Bridge--it does help.
Very nice tribute to Mac, I know he was a wonderful part of your family, and gave you immense pleasure.
Thank you for sharing some of your treasured memories of sweet Mac! I pray that they will bring you both comfort during this difficult time. Not only did he bring you much joy, but surely you know that you brought him joy in return.
Dear Kaaren,
I am terribly sorry for your loss and I can understand your pain and how difficult this moment is for you and your husband. I suffered the same enormous loss last month when my beloved labrador called Jody passed away. He has been with us 13 years and we miss him so much. A friend sent me the Rainbow Bridge message and, although it made me cry a lot, it also helped me to accept that our best friends are hapy and playing together in a special place.
A special hug to you.
Tiziana (from Italy)
Kaaren, as I post this tears are streaming down my cheeks. I am so sorry. Your Mac and my Fergus are one of the same. Fergus goes to the groomers and the first thing he does is roll around on the grass. I know how you are both hurting. You have lost a family member. Hugs go out to you both.xo
I'm so glad that poem brought you comfort. I had a feeling it would when I sent it to you. I found it in an internet search when we lost our Haley three years ago and I've never forgotten it. Our dear furbabies really do leave paw prints on our hearts. He will never be forgotten this I know.
With hugs,
Dear Kaaren...I am so sorry about your losing Mac...from your tribute he looked to be a big part of your family...makes me smile to think of all the joy he added to your life...
This is the quote I have on my blog for my Chester...though he's been gone over 2 years he still holds a huge place in my heart...it surely applies to Mac too...
Grieve not
nor speak of me with tears
but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you
I loved you so . . .
'twas heaven here with you.
~ Isla Paschal Richardson
Sorry to read about your pup "Mac"! I know how hard it is we had a precious little red cocker for 16 years...every day with her was special.
We were both lucky to have special ones in our life.
xoxox, Carolyn
I'm so very sorry for your lose of Mac. I've got tears rolling down my face. Wonderful tribute to Mac.
This is a wonderful post about Mac. I'm so sorry to hear he has gone ahead to wait for you. I always enjoyed reading about him, I know he will be missed.
I'm so sad to hear about Mac, but he sounds like he was a wonderful dog who was much loved. You guys gave him a wonderful life.
Oh Kaaren, I'm so incredibly sad for you. I have to say I do know just how you feel. When a pet is a "person" in the family it is so much more than a dog. We love our dog so much. When he goes it will be very very terrible. I hate that we have to say goodbye to those we love. But it wouldn't be heaven without pets. So I look forward to that.
Kaaren, sorry for your loss of such a sweetie. Our cat, Christie, died last year. She was with us for 20 years.
Oh, Kaaren, my deepest sympathy. I was just catching up on my blog reading when I saw your post. I have 2 poms who mean the world to me so it pains me to hear of your loss. Mac certainly was a cutie and I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that one day there will be a happy reunion. Take care, Kaaren. Hugz 2 u.
Kaaren, My heart aches with sadness for your loss. I'm so sorry I missed your post earlier telling of his passing. My deepest sympathy and condolences comes to you with this, along with a very grateful heart for sharing the "Rainbow Bridge" with me/us, for I had never heard of it either and our trusted veterinarian told us yesterday, that we will be facing the loss of our little supervisor/helper of 12 years within this month. Though I wept openly as I read "Rainbow Bridge" just a minute ago, it has also given me much comfort. Sending you gentle hugs and keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers...
OH Kaaren this is such sad news. Mac was such a beautiful soul...inside and out. My heart goes out to you and your Mr Painted Quilt. Maura X
what a beautiful tribute post to your little sweet dog. What a cutie.
Sorry to hear :(
Kaaren, I feel your pain and I have seen the Rainbow Bridge Poem before and it is lovely. We, too, actually just 2 weeks ago today, had to put our little Yorkshire terrier, Dixie, down. My hubby and I are still grieving her and miss her everyday. We will always keep them in our hearts until we meet again. I truly believe they will be waiting for us to come home. My sympathy!
I only just learned the sad news about your precious little "Mac". I'm so very sorry and send heartfelt thoughts to you and your hubby.
Kaaren, I am so very, very sorry. May I please share this with you. It is from a collection of short stories called "Separate Lifetimes" by Irving Townsend and this particular bit is from "The Once Again Prince." It has sustained me through the losses of my rescue dogs:
We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.”
What joy they bring us in their short lives; what pain comes with their loss. If only people could love as our dogs do. (( ))
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