Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pink Lemonade Anyone?

Would you care to join me in some freshly made pink lemonade?

pink lemonade

No, not that kind…the quilted kind!


I finished piecing my version of Lori’s Pink Lemonade, a quilt-along that she hosted back in January.  I thought that I would be able to finish hand quilting it during the six weeks that I was away for my radiation and chemo treatments but such was not the case.  During that time, I had absolutely NO interest in anything quilting related…except for perhaps looking at pictures in magazines…and wondered if the spark would ever be rekindled.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Well, I’m happy to say that it has…and with a vengeance!

On Sunday I finished the hand quilting and just this morning, sewed the last stitch on the binding.  Then I washed it and tossed it in the dryer to give it that aged, vintage and crinkled look.

Here’s the back…complete with my new label.   

those labels!


I promised myself that I would finish up any projects that I had lying around before starting into something new and that’s what I’m doing.  Two down and one to go.

Next on the list?


The 12 Days of Christmas sampler by the Temecula Quilt Company.

I  can’t tell you how good it feels to be back in my studio again!!!



  1. How refreshing to see you back in the 'pink'!

  2. Love you pink lemonade and am very happy to see you back.

  3. You are so disciplined to finish before you start something new! Glad you have your mojo back!

  4. dear kaaren,i am glad wih you,happy quilting and the best wishes,susi

  5. It's SOOOO Good to have you back doing what you love and feeling good! You have been on my Prayer Request Sundays for quite some time now. So many love you Kaaren and wish you the absolute Best!
    Gmama Jane

  6. I'm glad you're finding enjoyment in quilting again! Keep it going.

  7. Your exuberance is coming through loud and clear!!! So happy that your mojo is back!

  8. So good to hear that you are back and working on your projects. They look great! Have a blessed day.

  9. Look at you go! Pink Lemonade just sparkles and I love the muted shades of your "12 Days" quilt. (I had to make the inner sashing go around the outer edge of all the blocks, too).
    I am impressed that you are getting UFOs completed before starting new projects and glad to see you sewing again!

  10. What a gift to all of us to hear you sending us such wonderful words.

  11. So happy for you...what beautiful work!!! TFS

  12. All my Love and Blessings for you my love....I'll keep you in my prayers.
    Just red your story...

  13. Sweet quilt and really wonderful to see you back in the studio :-)

  14. Your Pink Lemonade quilt looks so sweet. I've finished the blocks for mine, but had to wait for the yellow fabric that I ordered. It has arrived, so now I'll be able to get mine finished too! Love to see how your 12 Days of Christmas turns out finished. These were certainly fun quilts to make.

  15. Sweet with the perfect amount of tart. Very tasty. Happy you're up to sewing again.

  16. Love, love LOVE your Pink Lemonade!! And your sampler is just as cute too. :) I'm so happy to see that your interest/energy is returning. You linger in the corners of my mind. :)

  17. Love the pink lemonade quilt! It just so sweet. I can't wait to see your other one done too. You are certainly on a tear girlfriend! I'm so happy for you.

  18. I've been following your progress and I'm happy to hear that your quilting "mojo" has returned!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.



  21. It is so good to see you sparked and finishing things. I love Pink Lemonade!

  22. How fabulous to see that you're back in your studio and enjoying again!! Love your pink lemonade but, most of all, I'm just happy to see you're back o having some fun!

  23. Your little quilts are darling! Glad you are back to stitching.

  24. I like hearing you are back in the studio again just as much as your happy to be in there. :-) Your quilts are lovely!!!

  25. so glad you are getting your mojo back!
    your pink lemonade looks gorgeous.
    Happy creating!

  26. It is good to see you back in your studio too. I love to see what you make! even that luscious pink lemonade.

  27. so, so glad Kaaren. Love your little quilts/

  28. I'm so glad that your enjoying your quilting again.

  29. You are ahead of me on both projects. My pink lemonade is not yet quilted and my 12 Days of Christmas blocks haven't been set into a quilt yet. That hasn't stopped me from starting new things though!! Glad you are doing well. Best wishes, Kathie L in Allentown

  30. It is obvious that you are feeling better and getting some quilt projects done. Your Pink Lemonade is well done and will be a good addition to the process of filling your home with quilts.

  31. Somehow I knew you would return to quilting, Kaaren! I'd say you have a lot of catching up to do!

  32. love your pink lemonade. So good to see you back. Hope you are making good progress with your recovery from treatment. Blessings B.

  33. So glad you feel like stitching again! Love your pink lemonade.

  34. We can't tell you how wonderful it is for us to have you posting and and visiting and sewing and being back with us. Have a happy day. Judy C

  35. Hi Kaaren, I would love to join you for pink lemonade, tea or anything else. Throw in some sunshine and some sewing and it would be a perfect day. I am so glad you are back stitching.

  36. Quilting - the best medicine in the world!

    I like both your little quilts, but the pink and brown is the one that catches my eye...a favorite color combination. Well done!

  37. Love pink lemonade! Wonderful quilting and looks so nice on your table. I think your 12 Days is also wonderful and will look forward to seeing that quilted too! Love your new banner...so nice to see you back in blogland! We missed you!

  38. And were glad you are back too. I love your "Pink Lemonade".

  39. I love your quilting Kaaren! It's such a great felling to have finishes and even better that you're felling up to it.
    Love to you, Janet

  40. So happy to hear that you are back in the groove again! God is good! and your quilts are beautiful. I made the Pink Lemonade as well, and love it. Hugs!

  41. PTL you are back and feeling like doing something. The Lord is good; all the time.
    Nancy in IN


  42. Oh...God bless ya, Kaaren! It is so wonderful to hear about your returned interest in quilting! I love your blog. Always so many projects that you finish!

    It is so good to see you back. Still saying prayers for you here.


  43. love your quilts...I am so glad you are doing better and doing what you love to do..

  44. Glad to hear the quilting bug is back. You do lovely work. M

  45. I wasn't going to do the Pink Lemonade, but after seeing your's I like the pink and yellow together. It feels like summer! So glad to see you back to the things you love!!!

    Hugs, Patti L. (N.M.)

  46. Sweet quilt. I may have to try to do Pink Lemonade too.
    Glad you are back creating. Prayers continue for you.judy j

  47. Lovely finish and lovely finish to be. So glad you feel up to it.

  48. It's great to see you back and quilting again. Love your little quilts. Nola

  49. Sounds good to have you back, Kaaren.
    And, yes, to the pink lemonade -
    the temp reached 83 degrees F this afternoon.

  50. Very nice. If you were here, I would go out and pick some pink lemonade lemons and squeeze you some for a tall glass!!!

  51. LOVE your Pink Lemonade, Kaaren, and how good it is to see you enjoying sewing again!!

  52. Glad to see you back quilting. I certainly don't have any reasons not to finish my ufo's.

  53. I'm glad you are enjoying your sewing, your little quilts look fantastic!

  54. It is always wonderful to have a project completed. Such lovely projects you are working on.
    Glad to see you back in action, and enjoying it. You really are an inspiration!

  55. So glad to see your sewing mojo has returned! Isn't it wonderful to have it back especially when something like Pink Lemonade is the result - just gorgeous Kaaren! I have to say it was one of the most rewarding little projects I have done in a long while too, it's just so sweet!!
    I'm sure your 12 Days... will be equally as lovely!!!! Nice to see you back with your sewing again - all the very best Kaaren!!!

  56. I am so happy for you and glad to see you have that spark back! Love the Pink Lemonade and can't wait to see the 12 Days when you get it finished!

  57. What a super sweet finish! Great job, Kaaren. Love those colors, and I especially love that your mojo is back. :)

  58. Glad to see you back where you belong. You haven't lost your touch.

  59. Stitching is very good for the soul.

  60. Stitching is good for the soul.

  61. So happy that you are feeling up to sewing. Your Pink Lemonade is lovely! I adore the backing fabrci!!! Perfect for spring.

  62. It's wonderful to have you back! You inspire me. I love your little quilts. I'm currently working on the 12 Days of Christmas. It's so much fun to see what you chose for fabrics. Beautiful.

  63. So glad to see you back. I love your work!

  64. Beautiful quilts, but it's even better that you feel like spending time on them.

  65. Welcome home, Kaaren...you were missed. So glad you're "sounding" cheerier. Looking forward to your wonderful shares and posts again!

  66. Hello there Sweetie.. happy to see some posts by you and that your treatments have gone as they should..
    Lots of lovely things going on in your house.. so nice to see.. you take care.. and much love from me!! HUGS

  67. Hello Kaaren! I'm so glad to read that you are feeling better and back into Quilting Mode! What a sweet little quilt you've finished and I love the one you are going to finish next. One of these days I'm going to try my hand at something small..I've have NEVER quilted in my life and figure if I start on maybe a small pillow ...that would break the ice. It's such a beautiful ART! I'd love a sip of that pink lemonade right about now..it's 75 and rising here in our part of Kansas. I hope your day is a warm one too.
    Maura :)

  68. Sono felice che la tua scintilla si sia riaccesa...
    I tuoi Quilt sono fantastici...
    Happy quinting..
    un abbraccio

  69. I guess if life gives you lemon you just have to make lemonade. :^)
    Good to see that you are getting back in the swing.

  70. Oh so glad you are back!!!!I wish I had your dicipline. Work'n on it

  71. So glad to see you are feeling better and are back in your sewing room. Hope you get all your little projects finished soon! You know you want to start something fresh and new!

  72. You dont loose something that is part of what you are. It just takes a break, waiting for you to come back. I cannot imagine not quilting, sewing, and creating. What would we do??
    Glad you got your groove back....Kgc

  73. So happy you are back and that your mojo is flowing!! i will take that as a sign of great things to come!!!!

  74. I don't know how you do it, Kaaren...your stamina is amazing :) Best wishes, and happy crafting, Jenny :)

  75. It is great to see you back! Love your pPink Lemonade quilt ! You have given me incentive to finish my 12 Days quilt! Hugs Sydney

  76. Delightful finishes!! It's the small things that count most in life!! Wishing you well...~karen

  77. I'm very proud of how you handled this awful situation. It is an example to me. Glad to see you back to creating. Good for you.

  78. So glad to see you back doing what you love..you are such an inspiration to all of us in quilt world..all my best to you

  79. Ciao, ma che bei lavori che fai....sono contenta di leggere che anche se sei costretta a seguire le terapie non ti manca la grinta e l'entusiasmo per continuare a produrre queste belle cose, penso sia la strada giusta per stare bene!!!
    Ti seguo e ti faccio tantissimi in bocca al lupo!!!
    Un forte abbraccio e auguri

  80. Good for you, glad to hear that you feel up to quilting again. Now, tell me about those labels, they look very interesting.

  81. Happy to see you back and I hope all is well. I too haven't been in my sewing room for about a month and a half. My mom passed away suddenly on January 22nd and I lost all interest. But thanks to a Quilty Friend who kept giving me small patterns (until one just clicked with me) I am happy to say I am back at it and thrilled about it. Quilters are lucky to have some of the most amazing, supportive friends....they are one of the reasons we are all so passionate about our craft,

  82. Good for you!~ So beautiful! I've been in a quilting slump, you've inspired me...
    So glad to see your posts! Missed ya. THinking of you and praying for you. XO

  83. Very nice! Though the DRINK looks refreshing & yummy, too. :) I hope you are doing well!

  84. lovely quilts, but geez, you made me thirsty!

  85. I am delighted to see you back! Do what you love, and love what you do.

  86. Hi, your blog is so beautifull, I love this quilt


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