Saturday, January 21, 2012

The 11th hour…

has arrived. 

Tomorrow, Mr. Painted Quilt will drop me off in Halifax where I will be spending the next six weeks from Monday to Friday undergoing both chemo and radiation treatments.  I get to come home on weekends which will be something to look forward to during the long five days in a strange city and unfamiliar lodgings. 

While waiting for January 23rd to arrive, I’ve been busy working on some small projects to take with me to wile away the hours between treatments.


This block from The Civil War Bride Quilt was prepped ages ago but I never got around to stitching the wool pieces onto the cotton background.  Frankie is making sure that I have all the threads necessary to complete the stitching and he tells me that everything looks good to go.


My Pink Lemonade flimsy from Lori’s quilt-along is sandwiched and ready for hand quilting…


as is the Temecula Quilt Company’s 12 Days of Christmas.


Yesterday I went to our local library and borrowed a not-too-heavy, easy reading ‘chick’ book, just in case I become bored with stitching.


Although the last week has been a difficult one for various reasons, I still remain positive and consider myself fortunate to have been given the opportunity to fight this dreaded disease, unlike my Mom who passed away six short months after being diagnosed with cancer.

Because everyone reacts differently to these treatments,  I don’t know how much time I’ll be able to spend on the computer.  Having said that, I’m going to bid you all a fond adieu for the next six weeks while I take a bloggie break in order to be able to focus on confronting the cancer monsters head on.

March 2nd, the projected last day of my treatments, cannot come quickly enough.  I’ll miss you all.

With much affection,



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Vroomans' Quilts said...

Many healing prayers will be sent while you are away, blessings.

Unknown said...

Have a safe trip and best of wishes to you! I wish you healing, peace and a calm un eventful treatment time! ((((HUG))))

WoolenSails said...

Daily prayers will be coming your way and I hope that you have the strength and blessings as you go through the treatments. Bring lots of small sewing projects, I know creating is what keeps my spirits up on bad days.


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Hugs and prayers Kaaren.

Pippa Parsons said...

my thoughts will be with you while your fighting this terrible disease. Hugs and best wishes

Monica said...

Take all the time you need and kick that cancer's butt Kaaren! You'll be in my thoughts in everyday as you have been these past months.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Also know that we will be anxiously waiting that post in March when you arrive back home to your comfort of The Painted Quilt. Godspeed
Be always in stitches.

Lesley said...

We will miss you immensely but will continue to pray and send positive thoughts through the airways! Your projects are so sweet and I know will give you much satisfaction in the next few weeks. What have you got ready for week two? Giggle, giggle. Many hugs...

Denise in PA said...

Kaaren, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers over these next six weeks. I wish you peace and strength. Many hugs.

Ter'e said...

You know my heart travels with you.
You're a tough cookie and God is on your side!!!!! You are my first and last thought as I climb into or out of bed.......and several times in between.
love you bunches,

ShirleyC said...

Many prayers going your way. Also praying for your strength and for the meds not to make you sick.
I'm sure you've been told, but a friend of mine that took chemo said the rooms are very cold. She always took a very warm blanket with her.
Hugs to you.

Linda said...

Kaaren.....I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers while you are undergoing all of this.
I am on a break from my chemo right now to prepare for surgery and then will resume treatments.
Take care and will be looking forward to seeing you post again.

gracie said...

I am sending many {{{hugs}}} to help you along. Please know that many of us will keep you in our thoughts during this time. And also for Mr PQ.

Sherri said...

I know you will be away from your blog, but you won't be forgotten. Many people, myself included will keep you in our prayers the whole time! I think having little projects to work on will be a blessing. Take good care!

Phyllis said...

Love and prayers are being sent to you. Praying for a safe trip and an uneventful time of treatment.

pinsandneedles said...

Kaaren, thoughts and prayers will be continued through this time. May you find peace and blessings along the way. I will be looking forward to your return. Prayers for Mr. Painted Quilt too!

Sherry said...

I will be praying for you as you travel and undergo treatments. Thank you for all you share with others.

Gra said...

Take good care of yourself Kaaren!! We will be sending prayers and love to you. You are not alone.

paulette said...

I am sending nothing but good wishes and thoughts your way, Kaaren!! You can and will lick this awful disease!! HUGE HUGS!!

Bonnie said...

Good thoughts and prayers are with you.

Terry said...

Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way Kaaren! Just be strong and keep busy and the six weeks will be over before you know it!

OneOldGoat said...

You are in my prayers as you kick this thing but also so that you have as smooth a time as possible in doing so.


Bertie said...

Oh your appliqué is lovely! And the 12 days of Christmas is perfect! I do love the fabrics you used.

Will miss your lovely posts and updates Kaaren! Wishing you a lot of strength in the coming 6 weeks. I do hope you fare well with the treatment and I will be thinking of you a lot!! Sending you love and Hugs:))

Maria said...

Healing thoughts go with you. Keep strong.
Maria XX

LONA said...

Blessings to you and your:) Will pray.

onlymehere said...

Well miss you too and keep you in our prayers for a good outcome. I pray it all goes well. It looks like you have some great projects to work on.

Abby and Stephanie said...

You should be able to feel the good thoughts from everyone who cares about you. Take good care of yourself. Wishing you safe travels and a very speedy recovery!

Needled Mom said...

I'll be sending lots of prayers your way, Kaaren. I am sure the six weeks will be long and tiring, but it looks like you are ready to go. Hugs for a safe trip to Halifax!

Puddles of Grace said...

May this time pass quickly for you and Mr. PQ! I pray for healing, comfort... for a new friend to be made along the way! May God Bless you and keep you close to him!

Jane said...

Shall be thinking of you and wish you all the very best with the treatment.

Stephanie D said...

My prayers go with you!

Marge said...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the blessings of peace, joy, acceptance, and healing.

And I look forward to your quick return.

Blessings and hugs.

Erin said...

Karen you are in my prayers as well as your family!

Erin said...

Ps is there a way to get an address where we can send u cards?

Kathryn said...

Prayers will be following you to Halifax for the next six weeks. I'll think of you as I quilt my Pink Lemonade and finish my 12 Days also. I don't know if you've read any of the Maisy Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear, but they are wonderful mysteries set in post WWI England. Again, best wishes, Kathie L in Allentown

Quilting "b" said...

I will keep you in my prayers and hope this time passes quickly with the best possible results. We will be waiting for you and missing you. Take Care and sending a great big warm hug.

Siobhán said...

Kaaren, my thoughts and prayers will be with you, as they have been. Big hugs to you. xoxoxo God bless you.

The Pied Pedlar said...

good wishes
Loking forward to seeing your finished work

What Comes Next? said...

Hugs and best wishes Kaaren.

Susan D said...

We'll be thinking and praying for you while you're gone. You've helped me a few times with patterns, etc-- thank you so much. I know you'll do well. You've got a lot of support, family and friends from all over-- Prayer Power! Good thoughts.

Ruth B said...

We're all pulling for you and anxious to see your lovely work finished when you come home. Please know that thoughts and prayers go with you and you are not alone.

Jocelyn said...

Kaaren, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kathy in FL said...

I know I'm not alone when I say that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Mr Painted Quilt. Counting the days until March 2 with you.

MyCretanlife said...

I will be thinking of you Kaaren. I know you will put up a good battle, positive thinking goes a long way to beating this.

NancyB85374 said...

Kaaren..My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Also prayers for you loving Mr.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I have lifted you up this morning to our mighty God who can and will walk every step of this journey with you. I've asked Him to give you His strength so that you might heal quickly and to give your medical care givers wisdom and insight as they treat you. You will never be alone as all those who love you will be carrying you in their hearts. blessings, marlene

Just Ramblin' said...

You certainly will be in my thoughts and prayers. Having been through chemo and radiation and am now a survivor of 5 years, I know that having prayers and thoughts offered in your behalf works miracles. Will be anxious to hear from you again come March. May you be blessed as you begin your treatments and know that when things get tough, there are many of us out there cheering you on. Nola

Sylke Feldhusen said...

Good wishes to you! Greetings from Norway

Darlene said...

((((HUGS)))) to you Kaaren. Kick that cancer's butt and know that you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You will be missed here and I look forward to hearing from you.


Michelle said...

Kaaren, I am sure this is a difficult time for you but THANK YOU for sharing with your blog family. I will say a daily prayer for you and I will look forward to your fun and inspirational postings in March! God Speed!

Cattinka said...

Take care, I will miss you.

quiltercaroline said...

Thinking of you and look forward to seeing you in March. GB C x

Karen said...

All the best, Kaaren. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, daily, and looking forward to your return to Blogland. Stay strong, Dear.

Maria McCabe said...

You are an amazing woman with such great outlook on life, you have inspired me many times with your strength. I along with so many other followers of your blog will be praying for you during the next 6 weeks.

KaHolly said...

You will both be in my thoughts as you travel this bumpy path. Will look forward to updates.

annie said...

The Lord bless and keep you.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you.
The Lord bear you up in His arms.
The Lord carry you through the darkest valleys.
The Lord be your strong Deliverer.
The Lord look from High upon you with grace and mercy.
The Lord give you peace.

tpott said...

Kaaren, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, as you've been. May this time pass quickly knowing so many friends are sending their blessings, positive energy and warm hugs to you and Mr. PQ. ;-> Toni Anne

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

You will be missed over the next short while. Your positive spirit will pull you through :)

Kate said...

Kaaren, good luck. With your positive attitude you'll do just fine. Enjoy the time to read, stitch, and/or quilt. You'll be missed in blogland ... my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Dennis and Barb said...

Healing prayers are with you, Kaaren! You are such an inspiration.

Orcsmom said...


Many thoughts and prayers are being sent to you! You are such a positive person, and that really makes a difference. My mom was the same way and she is still here after her last chemo/radiation treatments 14 years ago. If possible, may I have an address to sent you cards and a lttle something I would like you to have. Hugs!


Heartsdesire said...

You may be away from blogging for a while, but we will all be thinking of you every day, and keeping you in our prayers. Hurry back as soon as you can. I'm missing you already.

Marsha B said...

All of your little projects are so pretty. I hope working on them will brighten your spirits and help you fight the cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hope the treatments go easy and fast for you. Hugs!

Anne said...

I've never commented before but have read your blog for quite a while. One of your posts led me to the Avonport fabric store when we were over last summer visiting our daughter who now lives in Halifax. Wow, that's some store! :o)

Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you fight the cancer monster. Be strong!

Lori said...

I think that is a great idea. Know that many of us will be praying for you!!

antique quilter said...

Kaaren, I will be thinking about you and I know you will be back in six weeks, we need you!
lots of good wishes being sent your way

Lilian Pilar said...

Kaaren Hello!
Using a translator I am writing to wish you the best, that these six weeks they fly, that every day a new day filled with new energy, that at the end of the weeks you see a bright light,
Cover your golden light, white, violet .... take cover of Love ..
I'll be waiting here for you to show us your beautiful projects you carry ....

A big hug and many kisses for you.

I leave these Precepts of Reiki:

Just for today
Do not be angry.
Just for today
do not worry
Honor your parents
teachers and elders,
Earn your bread
feel gratitude
for all life.

Dr. Mikao Usui

Hugs and Kisses


Lilian Pilar said...

Hola Kaaren!!!
Utilizando un traductor te escribo para desearte lo mejor; que estas seis semanas pasen volando; que cada día sea un nuevo día repleto de nuevas energías; que al final de las semanas se vea una luz resplandeciente,
cubrete de luz dorada, blanca, violeta....cubrete de Amor...
aquí te estaré esperando para que nos muestres tus bellos proyectos que llevas contigo....

Un gran abrazo y muchos besitos para ti.

te dejo estos Preceptos de Reiki:

Sólo por hoy
no estes enojado.
Sólo por hoy
no te preocupes
Honra a tus padres
profesores y ancianos,
Gana tu pan
Siente gratitud
por todo lo vivo.

Dr. Mikao Usui

Besos y abrazos


Diane H said...

May God bless you as you embark on this journey and also those who will be caring for you.

Darlene said...

You are a very strong person, Kaaren! I'm sending lots and lots of hugs, healing thoughts and prayers. Know that you are consistently in my thoughts.

Sending hugs to Mr PQ, as well.

Mary said...

You are in our prayers. I hope you are take your "heart" Quilt with you so you can get all those "healing HUGS" we put in it.

Jeanne said...

Praying for successful treatments, Kaaren! Sending hugs, too. I will miss you while you are in Halifax, but will continue to work on my Ann and Andy blocks. Maybe they'll be in the done pile when you return! Love your Pink Lemonade and 12 Days of Christmas and the Civil War Bride block.

Graziella said...

dear Karen, do you best wishes for your care, that everything goes well, we're waiting for you

Cathi said...

Lots of hugs from here, Kaaren. You are and will be in my thoughts daily.

Teresa F. said...

go and get your treatments. We'll be praying for you and waiting to see what wonders you've accomplished during that time.

Rosa said...

Love and best wishes to you.

a big hug

Willeke said...

Take good care of yourself Kaaren! I will keep you in my thoughts the next weeks. Warm hugs for you and Mr. PQ!

Mad about Craft said...

I hope it all goes well and is very sucessful.

Lots of love and hugs!!!

Janet said...

Kaaren, there will be lots of prayers accompanying you to Halifax. Let me know if you are very lonely and I'll give you my sister's phone number. She's in Halifax attending university but as she is older and all the other students are young she is somewhat lonely there.

Kathleen said...

I will be keeping you in my prayers as you undergo your treatments...there is much love being sent to you from this blog...stay well, my friend....God Bless...don't forget to take your quilt with you, we will all be with you during your stay....

Beverley said...

Will miss your lovely blog while you are away. Sending hugs and hoping that you are better very soon.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Safe travels and best wishes and (((HUGS)))during treatments.

Janet O. said...

I will add my prayers to the many being sent heavenward in your behalf. Hope you will be able to get through these weeks with a minimum of discomfort and return with completed projects that you have been able to enjoy doing!
God bless!

Kathy MacKie said...

Prayers and Hugs are sent your way and may God keep you healthy and quilting keep you happy!

Jackie said...

I'll remember you in our prayers - sending you cyber hugs and thoughts as you fight!

Elzaan said...

Wishing you all the best Kaaren. You and your loving hubby are first in my line of prayers!
We will be thinking of you!

Kate/Massachusetts said...

I wish you a mighty sword to slay this dragon, Kaaren. You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Me and My Stitches said...

Oh Kaaren...we will all miss you and be thinking of you and sending so many prayers your way. Take care of you!

Marie said...

Love you and praying for you, you have the best attitude!!

Karen said...

Did you pack audio books? How about some comfort music?
Sitting there while you are getting treatment goes slow. You may want to rest your eyes, and not hear hospital noises.

Wishing you a speedy, and healthy completion of your treatments.

Will keep you in our hearts while you are away.
Hang in there Mr PQ.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Anonymous said...

Blessings, Healing and Prayers....
Quiltnanny- NH

Bonnie said...

Positive thoughts and prayers will be coming your way daily. Take care.

Mama Bell said...

Your blog is delightful! I have enjoyed making several of your stitchery's that you unselfishly share with the blogging world. God knows your name and will hear our prayers for you!

Donna~~ said...

I hope your treatments go well for you and bring you healing! If I were in or near Halifax I would stop and visit, but will have to send good thoughts virtually instead. I enjoy books on tape while hand sewing--seems to help the time fly by--perhaps you would enjoy that too. Looks like you have a bunch of fun and lovely projects for entertainment--look forward to seeing them completed in March! Will be thinking of you!

mary pernula said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, please be stong, I will look forward to your return. Hugs Mary

Grandma M said...

We will miss you but our thoughts and prayers are with you. All the best to you and your husband as you take this journey together.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all the way. Hope you have room to take your Blogging friends quilt with you so you can wrap yourself in all that love and care! Stay Strong

Ginette said...

You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending very positive vibes your way. Take care!

Dianne Mitzel said...

Positive thoughts are so important, and you are arming yourself with those. I pray your chemo will go as smoothly as mine did, very little side effects, and no nausea at all. I will pray for your complete healing, and your fast return to your wonderful life surrounded by those you love..

Joan said...

I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Thinking of you! Take care! X0

Rita said...

Kaaren, Please know that I will be praying for you and your husband. I pray for healing and peace of mind as you go through your treatments. God Bless!

Sandi said...


All of our thoughts and prayers are with you right now, we will miss you and think of you while you are away and will delight when you feel like popping in to give us an update.

May this time pass quickly for you and get you back onto the road to recovery and creativity.

Can't wait to see whay you come up with while you take this break.

Just think, Spring is just around the corner when you are finished. Sandi

Deb said...

Kaaren, there is so much love on this blog from other members I can`t say more than what is already said, in repeating all. just to let you know we will miss you too and everyday a prayer will be said that there is a helping hand, a kind word and many hugs coming your way.
Your Bride will keep you amused in this new journey. This is a good time to work on her, as her story unfolds yours will pass, I hope uneventfully. Hugs Deb

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

I will be thinking of you Kaaren. Sending you all my best wishes.I know you are a very strong lady. I'll be looking forward to seeing those finished projects.

The Paisley Studio/Sarah McNamara said...

Sending positive thoughts your way.

Betty said...

Kaaren, my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Hopefully the next 6 weeks will past quickly. Can't wait to see you back in blogland. We will miss you.

Anneke said...

my prayers will go with you. I hope your fabrics and projects will distract you and give you as much joy as possible.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way - you'll be greatly missed while you're gone. Take good care and know we're thinking of you.


Marlene said...

Hugs and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

We love you girl! Hugs

Diane said...

Oh Kaaren-I will miss you so......look forward to your posts and especially to knowing how you are feeling. So glad that you will finally be able to face this head on and fight. I am thankful that God has gone before you and the He has a plan for your life.....Jeremiah 29:11
Praying for you in earnest-God bless!!

jeanettesquiltin said...

Sending prayers your way! Godspeed

Sheila said...

Dear Kaaren, my thoughts and prayers are with you and I will be thinking of you often over the next six weeks and hope the treatments treat you kindly .Glad to see you have some handwork to keep you busy and keep your mind in a better place . God Bless . Sheila

Candace said...

Take care, Kaaren! Mr. Squash and I know you will come through with flying colors! Our hearts are with you!

Jane said...

Blessings and prayers as you embark on this journey

Diane said...

Kaaren I will continue to lift you in prayer every day.
You will beat this. Diane

ShabbySheep said...

Whoaa Kaaren, You made the tears stream down my face when I read you were grateful to be given the chance to fight this disease. I must admit, I NEVER had that thought when was beginning treatment. I finished my treatment in June 2010 for breast cancer and so far I'm winning the fight against the beast! I'll be praying for you.
Once you get to your temp. living quarters give us your address and we'll send you some cheery cards!
I just found your blog from my sweet friend Ter'e. She always knows who needs some lovin'!
My best advice is to Think Positive, sleep, and pray.
xo, Sheri

barcord said...

God Bless you Kaaren as you walk this journey. Will be praying for you and Mr PQ and family. Will miss your blogs. Love all the projects you plan to take with you. Blessings, B x

Mumbly52 said...

Warmest thoughts to you and Mr. PQ.

Betsy said...

I have posted your name on my bedroom mirror....prayers will be said thru this journey. "Blessings and love. xo

Karen said...

Kaaren your attitude is wonderful and that will help you as you move forward with your treatments. My wish for you is that everything go smoothly and hopefully your reactions will be minimal and those days during the week go quickly so you can get home for a couple of days of "normal". I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Your sewing will help keep your spirits up and time move quickly.

Safe travels - hugs - Karen

Ginger Quilter said...


I will miss your bright and cheerful outlook while you are gone for treatment. Please stay as calm and cheerful as you can. That will help in your recovery.

I will be praying for your wellness.

Ginger Quilter

Jackie's Stitches said...

Sending you many hugs and healing thoughts as you go through the next 6 weeks and recovering. Even though you'll be away for a while, we're all here thinking of you and here if you need some encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and Mr PQ. Prayers for healing, peace, strength and safe journeys.
Many hugs and looking forward to that March post.

Anonymous said...

I pray that you tolerate the treatments well. Hugs!

SueAnn W from Richmond said...

no reply'll be in my prayers for a swift and easy recovery from your treatments. Hurry home to spark our creative juices! Feel our love.


Sunnybec said...

All the very best my friend, take care and know that we are all praying for. Bonne Chance. Big big hugs xxx

roccagal said...

My prayers are with you Kaaren! We will miss your wonderful words!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I just started reading your blog and want you to know I'll keep you in my prayers. I found out in the beginning of 2011 that I had an illness and it has been a difficult year but I have seemed to come through that year and probably have a lot more to go through this year but it can be done. Hang in there.

Angie said...

You will never be far from my thoughts and prayers, Kaaren. May you be surrounded by healing light and love. We will miss you while you're away. Hugs.

Linda said...

All the best Kaaren. We know you can beat this. Positive thoughts.
Hugs coming your way.

Karen said...

Oh, all my wishes for an easy time and the best outcome. I just know you will finish all your projects and be asking for more before you get back home.

Karen said...

All the best prays and thoughts are with you Karen

lynneUSA said...

Just know that every one who as read your blog or stitched a FFF will be sending you love and best wishes. I hope everything goes as it should

grammajudyb said...

Don't be hard on yourself while you fight this battle. This is your journey, do what feels right to you. When I was going through treatment, I had great difficulty concentrating on stitchery or books. Sleep was my friend. So please know that is OK , NOT, to finish your projects. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I am 11 years past treatment. Love and prayers to you.

Esse-Riekje said...

Healing energie , love and blessings for you during the comming weeks...<3

Chris said...

Dear Kaaren,
I think good thoughts for you every time I walk thru the doorway to the sewingroom and see Raggedy Ann. I think good thoughts for you Take care and come home to us healthy.

Merilyn said...

Oh Kaaren! My thoughts and prayers are with you every step of the way in this short but very difficult journey! Words just can't express.....
I'm glad you have prepared some small projects to work on, these little distractions will be so important during this time!
My heartfelt best wishes to you, you will be missed not just by us, but your DH, and your furry little mates too, till you come home!
Sending you a big Aussie hug dear friend, look forward to hearing from you in March, it can't come soon enough!!! God bless!!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Kaaren, you are in so many thoughts and prayers, the healing is just beginning. Daily prayers for you and your family.

JudyCinNC said...

We will anxiously await anything we can learn or hear about your journey ... while we pray and send you strength to endure your treatments. You are loved my friend. Judy C

Pat said...

I have been following your very positive and courageous journey and will continue to send good thought s and prayers your way.

Chookyblue...... said...

all the best Kaaren for your treatment ahead.........

Sue-Anne said...

Hi Kaaren, I am wishing you lots of love and good luck with your treatment. I will be thinking of you and looking forward to your return to blogland, seeing all those projects finished! Take care xx

Elizabeth Ann said...

God bless you during this time of healing, looking forward to your return. Enjoy quilting all your little projects. We all will be thinking of you while you are taking your treatments...

Lynn said...

Wow! So many thoughts, wishes and blessings for you. Add mine to them!

LesQuilts said...

Hi Kaaren!
Here's another hug to remember next week! Don't forget to take your lovely quilts we all made for you. The smaller one is while you nap in Chemo and the larger one is for your bed! That way you will have us with you the whole way!
Thinking of you!
Take care, Leslie

Yvonne Moxon said...

Your work is lovely, Sending my prayers hope and wishes Kaaren Stay strong x

Pat said...

Kaaren, Your will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know you can win this battle. Big hugs my friend.


Carrie P. said...

6 weeks! oh that is not fun. Glad to see you have some stuff to keep you busy. Will be praying for you and hubby.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

We'll keep you in my prayers Kaaren.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, and hoping it all goes as well as possible, keep fighting!!

Anonymous said...

Prayers and best wishes heading your way. Looking forward to seeing you back when all this is behind you. You CAN beat this!!!


Sandy said...

My dearest Kaaren, you will be in my daily prayers from now until we here from you again...and then some! What lovely items you are taking to stitch. Stitching brings a calm to me and I am sure for you also. I pray that your side effects are not too bad. I am sure there will be loving nurses and techs to ooh and aah over your projects and to help you get through this hump in your life. Take care, my friend! Hugs, Sandy

Sandy said...

I, too, would like to know if there is an address for cards? Maybe your home on the weekends?

Roselie said...

Many healing prayers and hugs are being sent your way.

Lindah said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers, Kaaren. Looking forward to your happy return.

Meg said...

You now will get the process going to return you to good health. You can and will do it, and we are all here in a circle surrounding you with caring and love. it will be easier once the treatment has started and you know what to expect.
'thoughts of your husband too.
til soon,

Laura said...

Hugs and prayers Kaaren! I look forward to a safe and healthy return!

woollylottrugs said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. You have a huge group of women praying for you. Best of luck with your treatments and I look forward to you coming back to your blog. You are not alone.


Marilyn said...

You will be in my thoughts every day of those 6 weeks. Just take care and be kind to yourself.
The p[rojects you are taking are beautiful. Hand quilting will be so peaceful when you are feeling up to it.

Elyte said...

Sending good thoughts with you Kaaren. Keep all the good and positive thoughts closest to your heart.

Marie-Claude said...

Dear Kaaren,

My thoughts and prayers are with you.Looking forward to hearing from you on the other side.


Maryjo said...

Love and best wishes..may your 6 weeks run smoothly with all the success you deserve. Anxious for good news:)

-girl from the bush said...

Hi Kaaren, my thoughts are with you.((hugs))) My friend is going through treatment as we speak.I 'll look forward to reading your blog and being inspired too. sue~nz Goodluck!

Kathy said...

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery.

Mimi said...

I hope time flies quickly for you so that you will be home to stay and 100% healthy,too. Prayers coming your way

Wendyb said...

Oh Kaaren, thoughts and prayers are always with you and with your positive attitude and a "thousand" people 'with' you, you'll kick it my lovely!!!!
Those stitchy moments will help and when you're low, we'll be there! Can't wait till your back and bouncing around again!
love, blessings,prayers and sugary sweet hugs my sweet friend
XXX Wendy :O)

ann said...

Our prayers will be with you for your treatment to go easy on your body. Gods Speed

Cheryl said...

All our prayers are coming your way!

icraftnqlt said...

My prayers go with you. Go kick cancer's butt!

Anonymous said...

Kaaren, you are indeed prepared for the next weeks to come. Great going! You have a vigorous schedule and I will do the praying that your body will let the drugs fight the cancer and rest to let the healthy cells regenerate. Some one wrote a healing prayer... perfect. Big Hugs, Mimi in Texas

ranette said...

I will be praying for you Kaaren.

SharonZ said...

Prayers and postive thoughts going out to you Kaaren.

Phyllis in Minnesota said...

Prayers, best wishes and healing. If it is true that laughter is the best medicine, please remind your doctors they need to take excellent care of you because you have many friends who are quilters and we all have a LOT of sharp needles!!!!

Katou said...

Courage for the hard days to come.

A lot of people are sending positives thoughts your way and praying for you.

We will be thinking of you and waiting for your return to show us your finished projects.

Peace and strength to go throught this ordeal

Karen L. said...

You will be in my heart and prayers for the duration. I hope this is not too hard on you. It's good that you have something to keep your hands and mind busy. That is probably the best way to deal with this. I know your husband and Frankie will miss you but at least they will get to see you on weekends and I am sure that will be a nice respite for you too. Best Wishes and God Speed!

Janice said...

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers and wish the best for you over the next difficult weeks. Hugs and love to you.

Unknown said...

Saying a prayer for you in the coming weeks Kaaren, that you will come through the chemo and radiation with a successful ending.
Trudy in a snowy Peterborough, ON.

Susannah said...

Kaaren...what can I say that has not been already said? Everyone cares so much for you. You are a highly thought of inspiration to all of us. I have you on my prayer list and I have had you in my prayers every night. I will certainly continue. You are a fine and wonderful person. Trust in the Lord and May He bless you.

Thinking of you with heartfelt concern,

quiltgrammy said...

Thoughts and prayers for you and
Mr.PQ, stay positive and beat that beast.((((HUGS))))

Sandi said...

You will be in my prayers everyday. Take care. Sandi

Heather said...

Sending prayers and best wishes for healing and strength.

Granny Anne said...

Good luck on your time away from home. At times you will feel lonely and icky but we all will be awaiting you and thinking of you often.

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers. I had a friend that had cancer and use to visualize the good cells eating the bad cells. Be strong and I love how you are so positive.
Debbi F

Quilty hugs!!!

Amy said...

My thoughts are with you Kaaren!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

I wish you all the best Kaaren and will pray that your treatment goes well and quickly for you. You have a positive attitude...keep it up and remember that you have so many blogging friends praying for you and thinking about you.
Maura X

Nancy said...


My prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery. You will be missed here until you return.
Take care.

Patty D'Elia said...

You will be missed very much. Stay focused on what is important and keep your chin up! Have a safe and speedy recovery and we will all be here when you get back. Hugs, Patty

DL said...

I wish you all the best and send prayers for courage and strength

Donna said...

You will be in my thoughts and I hope all the best will come your way, and the treatment will not be difficult for you. Hugs to you.

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Blessing to you my friend. ~Karen

Ps. Please post an address for cards and such if you can. Hugs!

Corrine said...

Dear Heart, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this process. I was a cancer treatment practitioner for many years. I know, without any doubt, that positive thinking and prayer work. Many around the world are with you. God Bless.

Sandy said...

Prayers and love will be with you every minute of the day as you go through your treatments. Know that you have a world of friends that are thinking of you.

JLL24 said...

I will pray for ALLAH to give you strength thru your treatment, and that it is successful. And prayers will be said for your family also. Please remember we are all supporting you and your family in our hearts.

brenda said...

My thoughts will be with you while you go through your cancer treatments.I hope March comes very quickly for you.

Karen said...

Wishing you all the very best for your treatment. I hope it goes well and await your return to blogging. We will all be here for you no matter when that is.

KatieQ said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenny's Place Online said...

Hope all goes well for you. Best wishes, and happy crafting, Jenny

marina said...

sending you a cyber hug and wishing you a speedy return to blogland. Will be thinking of you.

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