Monday, November 21, 2011

A little of this and that…

I’ve always been curious about wool felting and when one of the gals from my hooking group offered to teach me how, I jumped at the chance.  I was pleasantly surprised to find out how easy it is…and here’s my first attempt.


An old world style St. Nick holding a miniature bottle brush Christmas tree.  He stands about 6” high and is currently taking up residence in a bowl of blueberries on one of the shelves in my studio.   Thanks, Betty!

gingerbreadmen divider

In my last blog entry, I posted the recipe for my Harvest Veggie Casserole and received several emails asking about rutabagas.  To those ‘no-reply’ bloggers,  a rutabaga is a north American-ism for the common turnip. 

Mystery solved!


The order that I placed for the 2-ply, 12 wt Aurifil thread arrived on Friday so you know what I was doing all weekend…


Designing and working on next month’s First Friday Freebie!  December 2nd will be here before we know it!

I can’t tell you how much I this  thread!

gingerbreadmen divider

I am also in the throes of setting up an Etsy shop.  Everything is good to go, save the fact that I’m not happy with the quality of the photos I’ve taken of the items that will be for sale, some of which will be my original First Friday Freebie samples.  As soon as I have some decent images to upload, I’ll announce the Grand Opening!

gingerbreadmen divider

Just this morning, I put to bed all of my fall decorating items until next year. 

How bare everything looks! 

I asked Mr. Painted Quilt if he could bring in the plastic bins labeled “Christmas” from our outbuilding and all I got was the “you’ve got to be kidding” look. 

I know he’ll do it…but in his own time.


And lastly, this is in response to all of you wonderful people who have made inquiries about my health.  

My main focus at this time is to keep both my hands and mind occupied and to stay positive.  I still tire very easily, otherwise, I feel no differently than I did a couple of months ago.  My next PET scan is scheduled for the 12th of December, followed by a meeting on the 19th with the head oncologist to discuss the results. 

Here’s hoping…



  1. Great job Kaaren! He looks so cute in the bowl of berries.
    Glad you are keeping positive and keeping those hands busy.
    Take care!

  2. WOW, you did a beautiful job on your first piece.
    I have been collecting felting supplies, now i need to get over the fear of making something;)


  3. I love your "old world St. Nick", what a terrific job you did on your first piece. Thanks for sharing, have a great week!

  4. You did a great job. I've never tried wool felting, I think I'm too much afraid.
    Keep on your positive thoughts, they will surely help you. you'll be in my prayers.

  5. a new outlet for your creativity? Looks great.
    I am with Mr PQ let's not mention Christmas just yet.
    Happy stitching!

  6. St. Nick is fabulous Kaaren - I love the look of wool felting but have never tried it.

  7. Yes Wow! what a great first project. I would have made a round pincushion. (period). You are astounding.
    Keeping you in prayer (always)
    Dec 12th is my 30th anniversary! I hope it will bring you good luck!

  8. Your new Santa is so fun, and has such a great personality! I really should try my hand at that some more - there just doesn't seem to be enough time to do everything I want to!

  9. Kaaren, mucha fuerza y veras que todo saldrá bien...un gran abrazo

  10.'ve got some awesome skills. Mr Santa is darling!!!! Stay busy and keep counting your blessings. Prayers coming your way.

  11. WOW Kaaren your first piece is wonderful - you sure have the touch for whatever you give a whirl to. Putting away fall or any season is always the chore I don't like. I always find something I missed, lol. I will be starting my decorating after our Thanksgiving on Thursday. With your positive attitude and busy hands your moving ahead :).

    Hugs - Karen

  12. Only 6 tubs for decorating?? That is not much.
    I have two big tubs and hubby said there is no more space so dont expand anymore.
    I made a note to bring in the boxes Dec 1. I think this year it may be eariler. Feeling the spirit and movitated.

    Happy decorating...Karencg

  13. He is darling!!! You did a great job.

    I continue to keep you in my prayers, Kaaren. I and looking for great results with the scan.

  14. Hi ya, before I forget... that vegetable is called a 'swede' in various parts of Britain and here in NZ.
    Now back to reading the rest of your post ; )))

  15. Love that little Santa. He looks so cuddly. Enjoy your quilting. Keeping you in my prayers. Blessings, B.

  16. Your Santa is wonderful! And I'm sure Mr. PQ will have those Christmas totes all set up for you sooner than later! Can't wait to see the next Friday Freebie. My new thread is in the mail and I can't wait to try it out! I'm also so excited for you in regards to setting up an Etsy shop. Go girl! And yes, fingers crossed, positive thoughts, and prayers!

  17. Oh Kaaren - you have a magic touch! Santa is incredible! I've been meaning to try this for some time and even have a felting attachment for my Bernina! I'm so happy the Aurifil arrived - sounds like you'll be going back and forth between decorating for Christmas and stitching! Can't wait for your grand opening Etsy shop, too! We send lots of good thoughts your way for your health - I think you're really doing the right thing by staying busy and happy!

  18. Love the Santa! Keeping you in my thoughts ....

  19. I think your Santa is just lovely.
    Thanks for solving the mystery of the rutabuga.
    Keep thinking positive thoughts.

  20. Hi Kaaren,

    Love your old St.Nick. I have always loved the tradional St. Nicolas and have several. One a full door wall hanging that I made about ten years ago.
    Can't wait to see your Etsy store.My thread is in the mail, so can't wait for Dec. 2. Always in my thoughts and prayers. Glad your keeping busy.


  21. Beautiful Santa! please keep the FAITH

  22. That little Santa is darling, Kaaren! And how funny, I had no idea a rutabaga is the same as a turnip - and I live in North America, lol.
    I think you need more Christmas decorations...*giggle*...can't wait to see your house all decked out! I'm keeping you in prayer for your health, dear one!

  23. Your little St. Nick is lovely. I shared your cornish pie recipe with my mother-in-law and daughter. It's a real hit. Thinking about you! Take care! X0X0

  24. I just love your St. Nick! Isn't exciting to begin decorating for Christmas?

    Please know that you continue to be in my prayers.


  25. I love your felted Santa. I have not tried this craft either. I keep you in my prayers and wish you good news at your next appt. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sandi

  26. Great job on your first felted Santa.
    We don't have anyone around here that sells Aurifil. I should try it some time.
    I bet you sell a lot of your stuff on Etsy. Good luck.

  27. I can't believe that was your first attempt. It is darling!

  28. Happy thanksgiving Karen and I love your positive outlook on everything. We are battling cnacer with my sweet hubby and his hear condition and I love that he is so much like your attitude. What a blessing. Many hugs and prayers for you. Marie

  29. Amazing job for your "first try." Love it.

  30. craftingcathy@hotmail.comNovember 21, 2011 at 11:10 PM

    Your post about the rutabaga had me wondering, and being the curious type that I am, had to check things out...I live in Missouri and the turnip that I am familiar with has very white flesh and can be eaten Google reading indicates that while many people use rutabaga/turnip interchangeably, they usually are referring to a "yellow turnip" which is a different vegetable than what we call a turnip in this area of the country.
    Thanks for posting all the pretty pictures! Love to see what all the other crafters/quilters are doing around the country!!!

  31. what a cute little santa - good luck on the 12th xxBrenda

  32. Love the Santa Kaaren, and I'm very excited for your Etsy grand opening! Glad to hear the thread arrived too. I am in North America (Washington state, USA)and I have to agree with CrafingCathy...'my' turnip is purple and white, while 'my' rutabaga is yellow. LOL!

  33. ok it is obvious that you are an artist!! great Santa.. just love him.... did you work from a pattern or make him up. Good job!!

  34. Your St. Nick turned out great!!!
    He really is adorable!!!
    Stay positive and hope you hear some good news!
    Hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
    Have fun decorating when your hubby has the urge to get your totes!!!
    Prim Blessings

  35. I love your little Santa - he's so cute! My fingers and toes are crossed for the 12th and 19th.

  36. Your felted Santa looks so nice, and just tell your husband, he feels lonely, so he has to get you the christmas boxes!

  37. I have always wanted to try felting too, and would love to do a beginner's class! Your littie St. Nick looks pretty good for a first attempt!
    I wish you well Kaaren, for the upcoming PET, prayers your way....

  38. Thank you for sharing your inspiring work! You are in my thoughts & prayers.

  39. Your little Santa is darling - love him! I can't wait to see your Etsy shop - I would love to have one of your wool pin cushions, as I can't seem to get one made for myself! Glad you are feeling well - hope and pray for all good results!

  40. Mr.Saint Nick is adorable. I'm in love.

  41. Kaaren, Ol' St. Nick is adorable! Hard to believe it was your first attempt...ya got some mad skills there, Missy! (at least that's how the young generation says Thanks for sharing, Kaaren.

  42. Kaaren, Ol' St. Nick is adorable! Hard to believe it was your first attempt...ya got some mad skills there, Missy! (at least that's how the young generation says Thanks for sharing, Kaaren.

  43. I have followed your blog for over a year now, but don't often comment. My son still loves the Sh'boom song!

    I LOVE the St. Nick! Gorgeous!

    Blessings to you and I wish you health in the new year!

  44. Love your newest Santa! What a great way to kick off the season!!

  45. You precious girl!
    You know you are at the top of my prayer list!!!!!!

    Your Santa is past darling. Is there anything you can't do????? Well, other than blinking your eyes and making those Christmas boxes magically appear in your great room????

    Love you.

  46. I really like your postage stamp top turned out. Inspires me to pull out all of the 2 2/2 strips I have been saving. Love your felting. Looks really good and another inspiration to get to it. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving. Appreciate the time and effort you put into your FFF and your blog. Thank you so much.

  47. He is very cute! I can't believe you didn't have an etsy shop with all the pretty things you make!, I just started mine! Its very exciting :)

  48. Your Santa is adorable! So glad you got a lesson and had fun.

    Positive thoughts are healing thoughts - keep at it!!!!

  49. Love, love, love that Santa!! Just checking in - our snow has started but I just read in the paper that the valley is going to get up to 30cm! Know you have plenty to keep you hands busy while Mother Nature unleashes winter! ~karen

  50. Kaaren, I love the little felted Old World Santa. You certainly did a wonderful job.

  51. Praying things will be well for you. Thanks for sharing the cake recipe!


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