Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall is in the air!

The start to my favorite season has arrived, brought on by shorter days and cooler, crisper nights.  Although the leaves have not quite started to change color, one can feel the change of seasons in the air.  With autumn just beginning, so has my decorating.

I purchased some fresh gourds and pumpkins to grace our dining room table at the farmer’s market on Saturday.


The antique wheel barrow that sits on a huge rock on our front lawn is a perfect place for pumpkins.


A friend gave us some corn stalks from his garden which I fastened to the wrought iron stake marking our civic address.  I think I’ll add a few pumpkins around the base to add a little more color.


These sunflowers started growing as a result of the black oiled sunflower seeds dropping to the ground as the birds were feeding.  The tallest one stands over six feet high.


Our rose garden is flourishing.


They seem to prefer the cooler weather because they are laden with plump buds just waiting to burst open.


Twice yearly we have the opportunity to put out large items for trash pickup and this is the week. 

The barn with the coop that houses the “ladies”…Rhoda, Ruby and Roxanne…became a storage area over the years for junk and trash by previous owners of the property.  This morning Mr. Painted Quilt and I went at it…actually Mr. PQ did all the slugging and hauling because all I was capable of doing was to drive the tractor that pulled the trailer loaded with the trash to the roadside where Mr. PQ unloaded and stacked it all.

Step inside, shall we?


I know I should have taken ‘before’ photos but I only thought about it after the  work was done.  

Looking to the left as you enter the barn, this is what it looks like now.  The junk was piled clear to the ceiling…and I’m not exaggerating.  You wouldn’t believe what was in there!


This is looking to the right as you enter.  The door to the coop where the ladies reside is on the left.  Their feed is in the galvanized bin and the green trash bag behind it contains wood shavings to freshen up their digs. 

We decided to save the upstairs clean up until the spring.


I underwent a second surgery on Wednesday of this past week.  It has not been an easy time since then.  Because I’ve undergone three general anaesthetics in the last three months, it has taken me longer to recover each subsequent time.  Thankfully I don’t feel as ‘out of it’ today but my memory still leaves a lot to be desired.  As a result of the incision, I was given strict instructions not to do anything physical for at least three weeks. 

But that didn’t include shopping!

How do you like our new gourd birdhouse?  Pretty cool, huh? 


Mr. PQ took me to a local quilt shop where I just happened to find these Civil War reproduction fabrics in my favorite colors.  A three color quilt is definitely in the planning stages.


Even Frankie approves of my choices.


It might take me a little longer than usual but I did manage to start on the interior decorating as well.  Here’s a little peek.


Be sure to come back because I’ll show you the rest after I’m done.



  1. Sounds like y'all have been busy. Frankie is turning out to be quite the handsome guy. I recently got my own Frankie (and a Jesse too).

    P.S. Thanks for the wellness update. I'm still praying for a good resolution to this crummy situation you've been given.

  2. Your gardens are lovely and you have done so much since you moved in. I love your new fabric choices, beautiful colors and prints.


  3. You have been very busy, the reward is such a nice clean shed. Sounds like a lot of work! The gourds look wonderful on your table and I love the birdhouse one. It is a beautiful color. Have fun with your new fabrics, can't wait to see what you make. Best wishes for a quick recovery, the anesthesia issues take a while to go away. But whatever you have a hard time remembering, you can blame on the anesthesia!

  4. Three surgeries!!! Oh have been through so much. And yet, you have not stopped your contribution to the quilting community.....and we do appreciate. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing.Prayer continues and my appreciation for answered prayer is ever growing. Seek Him in every moment-"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

  5. We're just starting to have evening s with a nip in the air at night, and I'm so looking forward to fall. Your blog definitely has me thinking pumpkins. I think fabric shopping is just the ticket for you for next few weeks. The blues/creams/red that you bought are so nice. Kathie L in Allentown

  6. Sending you some good thoughts for wellness Kaaren and I'm impressed by the barn clean out and garden. Those gourds look fabulous.

  7. The decorations are looking good. Love the fabric choice.....I am almost finished with the embroidery of Your Huswif Needleroll pattern.....can't wait for you to see.
    Sending {{{hugs}}} that yu will soon be well.....

  8. Thanks for your update. I think about you and how you are doing. Your place looks great. I am sending healing thoughts your way.

  9. Kaaren, Your yard is beautiful, I love the fall decorations. For me changing a few things to reflect a new seasons makes everything look better. Can't wait to see what you do with the new fabric. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Autumn is a fun season and I do miss all the lovely colours of the leaves - not as many of that type of tree here in Oz. We are of course heading in to spring and I for one am enjoying more light and warmer days.

    If we wanted one of those big orange pumpkins here, and if we could find one, it would cost about $30! We have different varieties that we eat, Kent and Jap and butternut, all around $3-$4/kilo. We can buy it in cut pieces. It's so good roasted, or made into pumpkin soup.

    It must feel good to have the shed cleared out. People talk about finding 'treasure' in amongst the junk, but I think it's almost always just junk and needs to be tossed.

    I will continue to keep you in my heart and my prayers with your health. Treatments can be brutal and sometimes feel far worse than the disease, but you are tougher than you think and can do it.

    Hugs - Shari

  11. It was a while since your last post. Thanks for keeping us all up to date, I was feeling very concerned. I'm sending my good thoughts, my hopes and my prayers to you and your family. Please rest, you do eventually get your energy back. Hugs!!! ;->

  12. Your fall decor is great--now I feel so lazy, because I've done nothing! I hope the anethesia effects leave you soon--drink lots of fluids. Your new fabrics are lovely. What is that gorgeous one on the bottom? I'm looking forward to seeing your new project!

  13. I love the crisper cooler night air as well....but the aggressive bees and large spiders I can do without, lol! Your "girl's" house is looking very spiffy, Kaaren! And your decorating inside and out looks wonderful, so cozy and welcoming.

    Yes, three surgeries in that short time is hard on your system. You just take it easy, and relax as much as you can. You are ever in my prayers, sweetie!

  14. I love your fabric. So pretty. I hope you are feeling better and are on the mend.

  15. Love your new fabrics and I'll wait patiently to see just what you create this time.The gourds look just fabulous sweetie - I must try growing some one day. As for getting over all those awful drugs, drinking lots of water I got told was the trick to minimising the effects. You take care, you're still in my prayers my friend xx

  16. You still have been busy even with your surgeries...what is my excuse?? ;o) Your roses are lovely. I used to have a rose garden years ago at our other house...I think I need me a few bushes come spring. Take care Kaaren and happy stitching.

  17. Take it easy so you can heal well. You've been busy otherwise and I think that three color quilt will be amazing! Love the fabrics so far. I pray you may have comfort as you undergo these procedures. I know many are praying for you :)

  18. Autumn is the reason we moved to Missouri from the West Coast.
    Having grown up mostly in the desert, I dearly love the changing of the seasons.
    Many folks in this area decorate for the season and I just love it.

  19. I'm going to miss the changing of the seasons but I'll still decorate for them.

  20. Beautiful pics of your flower gardens and your fall decorating.
    It sure looks like you have been busy ~ the shed looks great!
    Frankie sure is one adorable looking guy!
    Lov'n those fabrics you found ~ such a great find!
    Will be thinking about you and your health.
    Prim Blessings

  21. A job well done, I would say about your barn!!! Always feels good, dosen't it? I love those civil war fabrics!!! I need to look for those...beautiful!

  22. Your garden looks like paradise! Very lovely with the roses blooming.
    Hope the surgeries are getting the doctors the necessary info the need, as well as making you feel better. You are still in my thoughts and I hope for a speedy recovery from this last surgery.
    Lovely fabrics! Retail therapy is always a relaxing event *wink*

  23. Wish I had a barn like that, what I could do with one of those. Great clean up job, it looks very spick and span. Your fabric is lovely, now you will have itchy fingers to get going making something. Do take it easy cos if you over exert yourself you could hurt yourself, any surgery needs time to heal. Take care.x

  24. Your garden is repaying you for the attention you gave it, how lovely. You have such a way with decorating, it all looks so wonderful. I'm glad to hear you have to take it easy, I wish you lots of good days.

  25. Hi Kaaren,

    Wish you were closer and could help me with clearing out a few things.

    Your fall decorating looks lovely and very inviting.

    We've been hitting some temperature highs this past week.

    I'm hoping for some more typical late summer early fall temperatures.

    Continue to improve, take care,

  26. always love seeing pics of your wonderful home and property. The pumpkins in the wheelbarrow look gorgeous.
    Those fabrics are just delightful! Hope your recovery speeds up. Frankie is such a handsome boy.

  27. You and Mr PQ have been busy. You are a real inspiration. After what you've been through, to attempt a barn clearout (even if you were only the getaway driver)is amazing. Well done you. Love and prayers. Bx.

  28. Kaaren, You and Mr PQ have been busy. Thanks for your health update. You are in our thoughts constantly. Have fun with your 3 colour quilt - the fabrics look awesome.

  29. Hi Kaaren,

    Good to hear from you. Hope every day you are feeling stronger again. Looks like your mind is working well even if it takes longer to get things done. Fall is also my favorite time of year and I like to do fall decorating too. Your ideas are inspiring. Love th gourds are fantastic.Love the fabric you purchased. Look forward to seeing it in a project. Have a great day. Dianne

  30. You've been busy busy busy! Everything looks great, Kaaren. Thinking of you.

  31. Your shed looks so clean , those chickens are going to be so happy in there.Love the fabrics you have purchased ,they will make a gorgeous quilt .Your fall decorating is coming along nicely I have been thinking I should start making a few changes here too. Take care of yourself and do as the doctor instructed ;-)

  32. Praying you get to feeling better from your procedures. The barn looks good! Also enjoyed the yard pictures. I love fall. :)

  33. Fall is my favorite season too. Rest up after your recent surgery, still saying prayers for you. Stitching doesn't seem too strenuous so you should be able to do that while you recover!Hope you feel well really soon.

  34. It has been in the 90's since returning from the cruise....not even an inkling of fall in my area!!!
    Take care of yourself..I do think shopping a little will help you heal faster:)

  35. You've been really busy. I love your Fall decorations and the Civil War fabrics are just fabulous. Can't wait to see what will come of it. hope you're feeling well and everything will turn out fine. you'll be in prayers.

  36. I always enjoy stopping here and seeing what your up to. I agree that you both have accomplished so much since you moved in. I'm glad that you were up to some shopping therapy - your fabric choices are wonderful. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers :).

    Hugs - Karen

  37. So good to hear from you. I love your new fabrics -- think they are just what the doctor ordered (even if he doesn't know it - LOL). Be good to yourself. You are much in my prayers.

  38. Everything looks really good there, Kaaren! And that barn - wow! It is NICE! I'm definitely ready for some cooler weather, too. And glad you're recovering nicely. Surgery is no fun at any time, but. I like to think of difficult situations, "It didn't come to stay. It came to pass."

  39. Oh Kaaren, I just love "visiting" your house! If only we lived closer. Thanks for sharing your pictures. It just looks lovely.

  40. Everything looks just beautiful and the outside makes me a little homesick for N.S. I do love the colours of your new fabric. Did they come from the famous store along the highway? Keep well both of you (and all your live stock too!

  41. I love your fall decoration!!!!!!
    You and Mr PQ are always so busy, but your house is looking beautiful.
    Love your new fabrics!!!!!!!!

  42. Wow I sure wish that our garage looked like your barn ! The decorations are beautiful- thank you for sharing them- us non creative people love to copy ideas- hope that is ok? Praying for you !

  43. I once had a gourd birdhouse and a mama bird moved in to make her nest. Good luck with yours.

    Love your choice of fabrics - will be anxious to see what you make.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Charlotte S.

  44. I love the change in seasons. We could have used a bit more sunshine here where I live but we'll try again next year. :) Love what you've done decorating! Love your style! My thoughts are with you and wishing you well.

  45. Love the decos! I haven't felt the 'chill' yet, but I think I will Friday. I am so anticipating Fall!

  46. I'm way behind on catching up with my favourite blogs Kaaren, but I did enjoy your post! Your roses are beautiful, how nice to see such gorgeous blooms, I bet they smell delicious! Always a lot of work tidying up when you move into a new place, but the barn and the "girls' apartment" are looking really good. Love your seasonal interior decor too and those fabrics are just wonderful!
    Thanks for your health update as well, I continue to send you positive thoughts and prayers, I hope all goes well for you.

  47. I love your decorating, your home looks so lovely, wish I could come visit one day (bit far though).

    Your fabric choices are lovely too and I think the perfect way to help you get through your recent surgery.

  48. Looks like you guys have been busy. Love your rose garden. aKeeping you in my prayers.

  49. Hoping you are feeling stronger by now and able to do more. Your photos tell such a wonderful story and the colors give me a comforted feeling. I wonder where my craftiness has gone and why I am not better with my yard. Seeing your pix gives me inspiration to do more! Thank you!
    Growing Old With Grace

  50. Hi again,
    Yes, you may email me at I'd love to hear from you! I hope you'll visit my blog when you get a few minutes. I'd love it if you would follow me and leave a comment, too. Thanks again, Grace

  51. My gosh, Kaaren - you don't let any grass grow under your feet! You should be resting and taking good care of yourself. Love all your gourds and great decorating. Take care!

  52. So nice to find another Nova Scotian so close to home! I too was a decorative artist turned watercolor artist/hooker/jewelery maker! Oh, not to forget cross stitching as well! Your farmers market looks wonderful, have never heard of it before! Here is my little blog. Please do leave a comment and so much good luck wished for your health in the future. Keep smiling! Rosa

  53. Thanks for the update - your gardens are looking wonderful - you are such an inspiration.

  54. oooo - I love your fabric choices! yes mam! And all your fall decorations are wonderful! But what I want most of all is your barn and chickens!

  55. Almost Fall here too, had lots of rain these past weeks but today the sun is shining!! The only thing is don't particularly like during Fall are those really big, black spiders, brrrr they even got hair on their legs!!! Yesterday Taegan tried to catch one, silly dog, don't know what the spider did but she shaked her head and dropped it immediately hihi, bet she won't do that again! Love your three colour fabrics! Still praying! Big hug, Daniëlle

  56. Your gardens are very beautiful. You have such passion.


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