Sunday, September 25, 2011

Catch Up Sunday

It’s a foggy, dull and overcast day here in paradise as you can see from this view from an upstairs window but I’m not complaining.


Mr. Painted Quilt is away for the day fishing with his buddies which leaves me and my shadows sidekicks, Frankie and Mac, alone to do as we please.  I love these kind of days because it seems like I can get so much accomplished.


First on the list…clean and organize my studio.  Aaahhh…so much better!


A place for everything and everything in it’s place.


Now everything is neat and tidy and I can easily see things at a glance.


Things were getting a little messy because as I’d buy new fabric or wool, I would just let it pile up on the cutting table instead of putting it away.  Are you like me and just love to look at and fondle new fabric…like the ones below?

leaves divider

Blue shirting fabrics for a new blue and white, two-color quilt that is in the planning stages…


Along with these yummy Civil War and reproduction fabrics.


And I couldn’t resist this new solid cheddar fabric…all 5 yards of it!


I went to the farmer’s market in Annapolis Royal yesterday but because it was pouring rain, only the diehard vendors and customers were there.  I bought a bushel of tomatoes along with some fresh brown mushrooms, green and red bell peppers and garlic. 


I froze some of the tomatoes and the others are simmering on the stove as I write this. 

Home made spaghetti sauce for dinner tonight!  Are ya coming?


Did the boys help?  I don’t think so! 

Here’s Frankie catching some zzzzz’s on top of the warrn dryer…


And Mac’s curled up on the loveseat.


I’ve been a little remiss in telling you about some of the wonderful surprises that I’ve received in the mail recently from dear blogging friends.

Karen sent me this incredible miniature pieced heart pin which I’ve attached to my guild name tag.  I just can’t imagine holding such tiny pieces, never mind sewing them.  Thank you so much again, Karen.


When I opened the package from Miche’le, my heart skipped several beats. 

You all know I love pin cushions and this cross stitched one has become my favorite.  Of course I would never use it as a pin cushion but I keep it beside my sewing machine just to admire.  More thanks and hugs to you my Kiwi friend!


The spaghetti sauce needs stirring and the dryer signal just sounded so I’d better get back to my chores. 

Oh, and in the meantime, I’m diligently working on October’s FFF!  (First Friday Freebie).



  1. It is lovely to see your studio again! This is off coarse where all the magic happens.
    Since the boys didn't help, there not getting any yummy food, are they? :) They do look adorable though!
    Such lovely gifts. You are surely loved.

  2. Your studio is fabulous. I'm not so much with a place for everything, although it does make finding things quicker. What cheddar did you buy? I'm struggling with all the "orange" colors on line.

  3. Thanks for the invitation to dinner but can I have a rain check?
    You have inspired me to clean up my space. I too have the fruits of one shopping trip piled onto another. End result is lots of goodies but no productivity.
    Lovely fabrics Kaaren, they will make a lovely quilt.

  4. I love getting, looking at and loving new fabric. Such a warm feeling for some reason. Maybe I feel that way because I know it will be made into something someone else will love.
    You veggies look wish we had a farmers market around here.
    your studio looked great!

  5. Love your studio! Such a pleasant place to do what you enjoy!


  6. Love your studio - actually I LOVE your home.

    Here's the plan - I'm coming for spaghetti, then I'm going to play with the boys for a bit and then I'm going to play in your studio with you. OK?



  7. Your studio looks so cozy...such a great place to work! And I can almost smell the spaghetti sauce ....mmmmmm!

  8. Love your new header! So much easier to work when neat - but alas, glad you took photos, they don't stay that way do they? Definitely a fabric petter here. Wow, Frankie has grown quite hansomely! Lovely gifts and lovely post.

  9. I always feel so much better after a good sewing-room cleanup. I can't concentrate on a new project if everything is messy. Love the new fabrics you bought. You are so lucky to have a quilt shop nearby that carries those lovely Civil War fabrics. You've inspired me to go to the farmer's market today for tomatoes and get some sauce cooking. Looking forward to seeing your blue-quilt project as I have just bought a pattern from Temecula Quilt Co. that calls for blue and white.

  10. Thanks for the tour of your tidy studio Kaaren! That cross stitched pin cushion is incredible - just as you deserve.

  11. I had one of those days for most of yesterday. Dear Hubby had to unexpectedly go to work yesterday at 2:30 and didn't get home until 11:00. I love the guy but ... Don't you just love those days?

  12. Love your sewing room; looks so cozy and it's so neat! I need some of that cheddar colored fabric. It's fantastic. You'll have to post the maker of that. That lil' pincushion from Miche'le is adorable! I love your blog and your FFFs. Thank you.

  13. Wish my sewing space was as organized and neat as yours is! Mine is a mess, like you when I buy new fabric, kits, I pile them up rather than putting them away, then I run out of space on my cutting table! LOVE the shirtings and repro fabric that you purchased! I've been adding to my stash in that area too, because I'm getting ready to make a blue/white&cream/brown quilt...think I about have everything I need now, just finish the quilt I'm working on and will start that next! I grew green peppers this summer and I've had a bountiful harvest, have picked more than 40 so far, so I made stuffed green peppers last night for dinner, yummy - they were delicious! Have a great weekend!

  14. Love your studio and Bonnie Hunter's friends would have loved finding five yards of that cheddar for the cheddar bow-tie challenge -are you perhaps doing that one?

    Mac reminds me so much of my sweet boy and I still miss him terribly. Brady always found the best place in the house to lay. Judy C

  15. I forgot - don't let that cross-stitch pin cushion out of your sight - we all covet it. I wish I had the patience to make the small name badges - so unique and special. Judy C

  16. The fog is gorgeous; your studio is beautiful, and you are inspirational as always. Love the wonderful gifts you received!

  17. Your studio looks fabulous. I should have you give me some pointers on how to organize mine!

    What time's dinner. Love, love, love fresh tomato sauce.

  18. Your studio looks so inviting! Frankie must love it in there. :-)
    Until I wash new fabric it stays out on my sewing table where I can gaze at it. Once washed it gets put away, but until then ...

  19. Everything looks wonderful, I always love how you decorate. Our tomatoes started coming in, then it got cold, so no homemade sauce and I do love it.


  20. As much as I love my man I love him even more when he toodles off for the day and leaves me to my own devices where I can focus and create. Fresh vegies - there's nothing like them and a farmers market is just good health wrapped in a stall and nothing more comforting that pasta and sauce on a chilli evening.
    keep well sweetie
    hugs - Miche'le

  21. What a lovely studio! I'm so jealous! All of my work is done on the kitchen counter or the couch :)

  22. I love seeing your very organized creative work space. And the solid Cheddar is beautiful. I have not seen any in our area, but maybe I will have to do a better search ;-)

  23. Your house looks wonderful all over the place!! I'm a bit green of envy for such a wonderful place.

  24. Your home is always so welcoming and inviting....I can smell the aroma of your sauce and just the warmth of "home"....nothing better.

  25. Your studio looks great Kaaren. My small bedroom is not given so grand a title as studio, but I would love to have you stay for a while and tidy it for me. Its a mess. You have inspired me tho, so you are involved, as I tackle it tomorrow. Love your fabrics and gifts. Blessings, B x.

  26. Do you feel you get better bargains when you go to the farmers market in the rain or since there are fewer vendors they have the same amount of business?

    Jealous of your studio!

  27. What a cosy little family, everyone has their special sleeping places! how cute! cats always have a knack for finding the warmest spots in the house LOL!!! Is he settling down a bit now? You have a lovely sewing space and some gorgeous new fabric additions, love the blue fabric with the paisley design with bits of red in it, beautiful!!!!

  28. it sounds like a lovely day to yourself. I could use one of those too! (couldn't we all) your gifts are so beautiful.

  29. Your sewing room looks SO nice - mine needs a LOT of work before it's even close to yours. I noticed that you have a cooktop stove - we got one a few months ago and I'm having a heck of a time keeping it clean. Can you please tell me what you use on yours? Thanks!

  30. It's just wonderful to potter around and please yourself. With little companions and wonderful mail. Looks like a great day!

  31. That sewing studio is much too neat! My own needs another good tidying...

    But I did manage to get the Hoosier cabinet ready for Fall after seeing yours.
    Love your reproductions fabrics!

  32. A place for everything and everything in its place. That is one quote I live by. I cannot start a new project until all my work is done, sometimes I wish I could be different, would get so many more projects done :(
    And papercrafting is the worst mess maker going. Seems like I have to pull out a hundred tools and bits and pieces just to make one little card....
    And I see you have your new stove. I love it! Although I loved the look of your old one too. In general the american and canadian stoves seem to be so much bigger than the norm in Australia.

  33. Did you wave a magic wand?
    Love your new fabrics and goodies. lovely pincushion!
    all my favourite colours in this post

  34. Lots of lovely things in this post.

  35. You must feel so good now that the sewing room is all organised. How productive of you to be making sauce, just a good day for doing that sort of thing by the looks of the weather.
    The lovlies you got in the mail are just gorgeous and the cross stitch is so you. Fabrics look promising, hope you get to play with them soon.

  36. I just love the photos!

  37. I wonder if there is a magic wand to organize sewing rooms...if not then I'm on my own. I do feel more creative in a clean space and you have one of the loveliest spaces of all. Gorgeous new fabrics. Do Mac and Frankie help?

  38. I like the wool mat you have on your cutting table. You really have a good sense of decorating style.

  39. I agree with you, sometimes it nice to have a quiet day by yourself that you can do just as want, at the speed you want. Enjoy your week!

  40. Love the fabrics and such a pretty pincushion. Frankie has grown so much! xxBrenda

  41. My favorite kind of day, Kaaren! I hope Mr. PQ brought home some fish, too! Love your nice, neat studio - and the "pals", too! Oh, and that cheddar fabric is to die for! Is that your nifty new wool cutter in the 2nd photo? Spaghetti sounds great, we'll be there! Wish we could send you some of our tomato "overflow"

  42. Every time you show pics of your house I am just in awe, it is amazing!
    Love the presents. I think maybe you should use the pincushion, you will enjoy it even more and when it gets some wear it would be even more precious???

  43. Your studio is an inspiration! Today I will attack my sewing room with duster, broom and recycling bin!

  44. Your studio and decorating for fall is fabu! Love those blue repro prints too...and the cheddar...great color, so hard to find.

  45. Your studio looks amazing! You must love to spend time in there. I do the same with new fabric, I have to keep it out for awhile, lol. You got some beautiful pieces, and 5 yds of cheddar, woohoo!

    Home made spaghetti sauce sounds so wonderful - enjoy!!!

  46. Oh Kaaren, I just love your studio. I want mine to look just as cute and cozy as yours! Right now mine looks like a white tornado went through it. LOL

  47. Everything looks so cozy and inviting, as Frankie & Mac have so nicely modeled for us. ;) Wonderful gifts from your friends!

  48. The house and the studio are all looking great. Sorry I missed the spaghetti, it is a favorite of mine.

    Also sad to hear of your lemon news. We will just keep on praying.


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