Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My First Finish!

Ta da!  My first hooked rug!

I worked on my mat in the evenings during the last two weeks while the construction was going on as a way to relieve some of the stress and lo and behold…I finished it!  Right now it’s sitting on top of the pine blanket box in our living room.


Tuesday is the day we gather at the Moose River Rug Hooking Studio for our hook in so I took my mat over to show the gals.  Kathy, who is an amazing hooker and is pictured below, showed me how to iron/block it.


What a great group of gals!  Everyone works on a project while sharing stories, laughs and assistance to those who need it .  The studio provides tea and coffee and we bring the goodies.  By the time I took this photo, most of the goodies had mysteriously disappeared!  *wink*


We had heavy rains yesterday that turned to ice overnight so today’s group was smaller than usual.


Here’s Diane working away on her mat which is going to be gorgeous when finished.


Have a closer look…


Everyone keeps busy…


Inspired by all the gorgeous rugs on display in the shop.


And my wool stash continues to grow because after all…would you be able to walk by all this incredible wool and not buy any?  I can’t!


I have my next hooking project ready to go but I won’t be starting on that until we get the floors painted in my studio and Mr. PQ’s office and everything gets put back in place.  That will probably take at least another week. 

In the interim, all our clothing has been unpacked and hung in our new closets.  Yay!   It was like Christmas all over again!

Slowly but surely, we’re getting there.  We’re hoping that by this time next week, we’ll be home at last.

Note to Mary in Michigan:

You emailed me with respect to having difficulties downloading Blocks 10, 11 and 12 of my Raggedy & Friends BOM.  Unfortunately you came up as ‘no-reply’ meaning that I have no way to get in touch with you.  Please email me with your email address and I’ll send you the PDF file as an attachment with my reply.


P.S.  I just snapped this picture looking out our kitchen window at the sunset over the Annapolis Basin of the Bay of Fundy.  (6:05 p.m. Atlantic Time)  Honestly, the photo does not do it justice.  The colors are spectacular.



  1. Oh Kaaren the rug is beautiful. I am so happy that you found such a nice group of crafters and a great wool shop in your area. Have fun!

  2. What a wonderful treat to gather with friends on a regular basis! Those rugs are amazing! I love the arched window feeling of yours. Lovely! And look at your beautiful view, WOW!

  3. Well done Kaaren, Hookers are a great crowd..

  4. Kaaren, I have hooked rugs, but never anything that wonderful! Oh my goodness!!!

  5. Lovely finish. It looks like so much fun with you rug hookers.

  6. Kaaren, your first finish is wonderful - love it!!!! I really enjoy when you share pictures of the Tuesday Hookers. So much beauty and inspiration.

  7. Lovely work Kaaren and how lucky were you to find a such a great place to learn and work from. That sunset is one of your little rewards for putting up with all the dust and stress of recent weeks.

  8. Your rug looks beautiful. And I am so glad for you that your renovations are done and you can put things the way you want.

  9. Congratulations on your fantastic finish, Kaaren! The perfect first rug for your new house! I am so inspired by all the rugs people are working on and also hung on the walls! Gorgeous sunset - can you imagine what it will be like in the summer as you and Sam and Mac sit outside sipping lemonade and watching the sun go down?

  10. The Welcome rug is absolutely a beauty...a wonderful job!

  11. YAY Kaaren! Your first rug finish is truly beautiful - I can't wait to see what your next project will be! Good JOB!

  12. I love the rug, you did an excellent job. I know you are excited to get yourself setteled into your new house. What are you working on next?


  13. Yup you are hooked alright!! (couldn't resist!!haha)Your rug is gorgeous and what a lovely addition to your new home. Looks like you have settled in and have made a group of friends already! Your view is gorgeous...but what's that white stuff on the ground?
    Take care!

  14. Congratulations on your first finish!!! The rug is spectacular. Well done. It was very clever of you to work on this while all the chaos was around you - it does keep one sane.
    Lovely photo of the sunset. Such beauty!

  15. I love seeing the photos from when you've been to class, it's great to see what is being made. Do you cut the wool strips yourself? I love your rug, it's perfect for the new home.

  16. Kaaren you did a marvelous job on your rug - it's beautiful! What a lovely place to make friends and learn a lovely craft. Your sunset was spectacular, thanks for sharing it!

  17. Congratulations on your first finish in your new house. I wonder how you still had the strength to hook it after all those crazy constructions days. Nevertheless it turned out beautifully.

  18. I love how you are using the rug. It looks gorgeous :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  19. oh I just love your hooked rug
    congrats on your first one! I am sure there will be many more!'Its so nice that you found a group to join and are having fun! A productive group too!
    yes I would really have a hard time passing by that wool and not buying at least one piece!
    love your view,
    thanks for sharing your tuesday group with us
    I enjoy it!

  20. oh I just love your hooked rug
    congrats on your first one! I am sure there will be many more!'Its so nice that you found a group to join and are having fun! A productive group too!
    yes I would really have a hard time passing by that wool and not buying at least one piece!
    love your view,
    thanks for sharing your tuesday group with us
    I enjoy it!

  21. A beautiful photo Kaaren, and well done on your first hooked rug. It looks like a lot of fun. Never tried it, but would love to one day. Lovely that you have joined a nice group of 'hookers':-) Dianne.

  22. oh I just love your hooked rug
    congrats on your first one! I am sure there will be many more!'Its so nice that you found a group to join and are having fun! A productive group too!
    yes I would really have a hard time passing by that wool and not buying at least one piece!
    love your view,
    thanks for sharing your tuesday group with us
    I enjoy it!

  23. Your rug is beautiful. Everything seems to be falling intoplace for you now. Renos about done, your rug is finished, and spring will be here soon. You are fortunate to have such a wonderful place to learn and hook so close to you.

    Please keep up with the photos, and if the ladies allow...the inspiration is amazing!

    Thank you for sharing.

  24. Your rug is so lovely Kaaren! As was the sunrise...being near water adds a certain amount of spectacular colors to sunrises and sunsets :)

  25. A very perfect finish for your "new" old home. It's lovely and very inviting. Gorgeous view!!!

  26. What a wonderful display of your talents Kaaren, anyone would feel Welcome. I have happy that your house is quickly becoming your home and with that view every morning I would think that would make it all the more Welcoming.
    As always my friend

  27. Very nice job. Can't wait to start smy next one. Such fun

  28. I am so proud of you!!!! Your rug is just wonderful. Finished to perfection!!!! Can't wait to seewhat project you will choose for the next one.
    What I wouldn't give to have a wonderful shop to go to to hook!!!! Girlfriend, you found a DREAM HOME for sure!!!!!
    I could not be happier for you and Mr. PQ

  29. It's wonderful, I love your rug hooking. I think your hooked!

  30. Your first rug is fantastic!!! It is going to look fantastic in your new home!

  31. Great Rug! What a pretty rug! good colors. Cheri

  32. Lovely subtle colours that set off the honey colour of your small chest to perfection! Well done. And it is so nice to see the sun setting later each day and rising earlier each morning. We can make it to spring now!

  33. Great job on the rug Kaaren.

    What a lovelygroup to hook with, it's great you've found a group to be at home with.

    Lovely photo and view for the end of a day.

  34. Wonderfull that you found those ladies in the rug store to join them so soon. Beautiful first rug you made! I love your house stories, great that all is getting in place now!

  35. Your rug came out beautiful!! Aren't the ladies in Nova Scotia so nice and friendly?

  36. It does look like so much fun! Wish there was a place near me like that, so I could learn how to do it.

  37. Hi Kaaren,

    Your rug is just lovely. You are so lucky to have that shop and all those wonderful hookers so close for inspiration and help. So glad you are able to take your mind off renovations for a few hours. Great sunset. Everyday feels more like spring might just be around the corner. Enjoy those sunsets. Dianne

  38. Congratulations on completing your rug - it's beautiful and will look wonderful in your new home.

  39. You gathering looks like so much fun! Beautiful hooked rug :-)

  40. Two things Kaaren: First, love your hooked work. I just found out that there is a place not too far from me that has a hooking "studio". Your photos and encouraging talk have made me want to go check it out. Oh great, another hobby to spend money on. Thanks! (hahaha) Second, you mentioned the Bay of Fundy and it brought back wonderful memories of when my family camped up there when I was a child. The one thing I really remember about that area, other than the beauty of the place, was being warned about not getting caught out on a sandbar when the tide came rushing in. I do have the right place, correct? We camped up that way a lot. A second second, love what you are doing with the house soon to be a home. Lovely!

  41. I really wish I had a hooking store nearby. I know it would be the inspiration to get me to finish an Autumn runner that I started several years ago...I do enjoy the process. Love, love gorgeous wools!

  42. Wow! That is beautiful Kaaren! So hard to believe that it's a first project. You are a natural.

  43. Your rug is beautiful! I have not been by for a visit for a long time. A lot of catching up to do. Great sunset pic.

  44. Hi Kaaren....the rug is spectacular!!! What fun to learn and share with such wonderful ladies!!!
    I bet you're feeling excited about the closeness of 'home'!!! and a note to Mary....I had trouble too downloading using Internet Explorer....but if I use Mozilla Firefox, I have no problems whatsoever...maybe if she tries that??? Just a thought!
    sugary warm hugs
    XXX Wendy :O)

  45. Oh, how neat!! Congratulations on your first rug finish--I'm sure many more will follow. :)

  46. While it wasn't hooked the way you folks work, I did finish a Pendleton Wool crochet rug recently. You can see it here: http://trashingmyreputation.blogspot.com/2011/02/diy-pendleton-wool-rug-making-rug-out.html

  47. So incredibly darling. I would love to try this. Maybe sometime. Great job.

  48. Beautiful job on your rug!!!

  49. Been catching up on all the stuff going on at the Painted Quilt.
    Your house is just lovely. Everything is so crisp and clean looking.
    You got some great buys at the quilt shop.
    Your rug is so pretty and it is so great you are making some new friends at the rug hooking shop.
    What a beautiful quilt you found too. Just lovely.


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