Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Demolition–Day 3…Bad to Worse

Our house is upside down…literally.  The mess is going from bad to worse and the downside is that it’s going to get even more worse before it starts to get better.  I can’t believe that my stress level isn’t off the charts but I’m doing some very deep breathing V-E-R-Y often and I’m coping much better than even I expected.


The boys arrived just after 8 a.m.  While they were unloading all their gear and supplies, I took Mr. Painted Quilt to his eye appointment.  We arrived back home about an hour and a half later to find all four men hard at work.  Jody had finished taping and applying the first coat of whatever goes on the sheet rock seams and started to install the tub surround in the upstairs bathroom.


This is our downstairs bathroom…the way it looked when we left.  Gross, huh?  What appears to be white wainscoting is the same fake tile stuff that was in the upstairs bathroom.  And the fuchsia color…yup…that’s what it looks like.  No photo error here!


And here’s what it looks like now…


Panning right…


And right again.


Can you hear me breathing deeply?  I told you it was getting worse.

This is the view into the dining room and the pantry beyond.


All the while, Jody’s two helpers were busy prepping the kitchen for painting…


From this…


To this…


And this.


Insert more deep breathing here.


The pantry has been transformed into a temporary holding area.


In the meantime, the fourth worker was stripping wallpaper in the living room.


Initially, the job was supposed to take five days but because we’ve asked Jody to take on additional work, they are probably going to be here all next week as well.  Our thinking was that we might as well get everything done at once rather than having to go through the same upheaval a second time in the near future.  Thank goodness Jody was able to accommodate us by rescheduling his next jobs.


To be continued…



  1. Oh, wow, Karen --my condolences --and congratulations! Yep, might as well get it all done and have the mess/clean up once. I'm wondering where you and the Mister "be" while all this mish-mash is going on!
    Reminds me of the time that we actually hired out some sheetrocking and paint work in prep for selling our east coast house to move to west coast. Hubby conveniently had a business trip that would take him away during that time. We moved a bed, a comfy chair, lamp and TV into the attic. I lived up there for 2 weeks,coming out late afternoon to blink in the light and tiptoe into the kitchen for cold cuts, etc. Crazy, I was! But that too passed.
    Looking forward to your after pics!

  2. I'm helping you breathe! LOL It'll be worth it in the end.

  3. Hang in there. It to will pass and get finished.

  4. wow, I had to play catch-up. You and your Husband and the guys have all been very busy. I think that in the long run you will be much happier having everything completed at once, that way it will be more your home than your house and you can relax and take a deep breath of enjoyment rather than for stress management. Best Wishes to every little aspect of your renovations and I know that when all is finished and you are ready to share the pictures, we will all be in total awe of each and every little crevice of your new home. Heck I already am.
    As always,

  5. What is really nice is Jody and his guys are showing up and working hard! It will be over before you know it.

  6. Oh Kaaren! Your place is going to be so well worth all that deep BREATHING! I think it is wonderful you were able to just get it all done in one full swack and be done with the men in your home invading your nest.

  7. You guys are going like a whirlwind! It is going to be so nice when it's all done. You just have to keep your heart stayed on that. And keep breathing!

  8. I feel for you. We had a flood last week from our washing machine and so my office floor is gone and my carpet needs to be cleaned and restretched. House is just a mess in the mean time.

  9. Wow what a mess, but just think of the results!! The pantry reminds me of my Grandma's old house. Why don't they make pantry's like that anymore??!! Memories....

  10. As long as someone else is doing it, lol.
    My husband does all the work, which means our house is always in a working on state, makes me nuts;)


  11. Oh Dear Friend - all I can say is 'keep breathing'.

    Hugs - Marie

  12. Keep breathing. It will eventually look fabulous and these memories will only be that.

  13. Hi Kaaren, Wow living in a construction zone is hard!Thanks for pictures it's interesting to see what your talking about. It is going to be so nice when its done.You will be so happy a couple of weeks from Now!Cheri

  14. All the bad goes out and the good comes in. We took about 3 x 10ton trucks to the tip.

  15. Just breathe...deeply... I have done that so many times in my life. Once I lived like that with my kitchen torn apart while we remodeled for 5 months and I had 6 kids 2-12. It brings back so many memories. Go to the store where you can hook in peace. I will praying for you.

  16. You are on the right track, get it all done and over with all at once, like ripping a bandaid off. It will be well worth it in a couple of weeks when you are all comfy in your newly done home! Keep thinking about your lovely new look!

  17. It is going to be wonderful and then this time will only be a memory. Keep breathing (just don't hyper-ventilate!)

  18. I don't know if it's helps to say I understand (because we also went through this) but this too shall pass and you will one day look back and smile!

  19. What caught my attention is that fabulously big pantry! What a lucky girl you are to have that. This will all be so worth it though when they're finished. I agree to that you might as well do it all now to avoid a mess later. If you can financially do it that's a smart move. I must admit I'm getting more and more excited to see your final reveal! Remember to....just breathe!

  20. Awww Kaaren ... even though it's all so chaotic now at least you know it's gonna look fabulous when it's done.
    Hold on to that thought lol.
    Joy ;o)

  21. Oh my goodness, are you using the gas station down the road to shower and you know (potty)!!

  22. I understand what your going through. We did that ~ remodeled our house Thank God it was summer because we had no bathroom we had to shower at the neighbors or if you had to go to the bathroom you had to run down the street to the park ~ I even went behind the lilac tree in the middle of the night. And our living room and kitchen was set up in the garage. But it was all worth it in the end. Can't wait to see how everything turns out. Good Luck will be thinking of you.
    Prim Blessings! Robin

  23. Our house is still in limbo since August when we had water damage. Got the bathrooms and laundry room done, now waiting on insurance for the studio and kitchen! It's been such a nightmare! Things will get better for us both, but it seems things take forever to materialize.

  24. Oh my Kaaren ........ you're a brave woman to take on a move, but to take on total chaos is insane. Or, it would be for me; however, the bright side is it will be actually phenomnal when it's completed and you will have a beautiful home when you've completed your decorating. Good luck and as you mention - take really deep breaths once in awhile.

  25. I'm speechless....wow...that's a LOT! Kaaren, remember labor pains, how you thought they'd never end, how much it hurt - and then at the end, you had a BEAUTIFUL baby? This reminds me of that. You're going through the hard part now, but just you wait - it will all be worth it!

    I must say too, I'm amazed at how fast they're working!

  26. Oh, my... it's going to take me a while to read through all this. Yep, been there done that... don't want to do it again! Ours was a 100 year old house in downtown Baltimore near the Inner Harbor. It will definitely be worth it, Kaaren! And you will love your home.

    Thanks for sharing your reno! Oh, and love the new look of your blog! Lovely header photo, too.


  27. Kaaren..what a clever girl to feed the workers!! Keep them happy and working... I needed deep breathes just looking at the pics... When it's all fixed you'll think what was I worrying about all that mess for.. it will be all so worthwhile. In the meantime..hugs Gloria

  28. Kaaren, wow, I am breathing deeply for you from way over here. You will be using all of your possible visualisation techniques to get you through. Still a week is nothing, only 7 days, you have lots of wonderful times ahead.

    Keep breathing........in....out...in....out....

  29. Keep breathing! Things will have to get worse before they become perfect!

  30. You must be só glad that these workers do it for you...and you only do deep breathing..... keep dreaming of how it is going to be and you will come trough all this big mess..... Keep smiling!
    Looking forward to the after pictures!

  31. Congrats on what it WILL look like! What a job! You need earphones and a portable CD player...and soft music CD! A few more days...and all will be quiet again!

  32. It will all be worth it, just keep breathing, or better yet escape to your rugging store :0)

  33. I am sur you will love it in the end. We build a second home last year in NC and it seemed to take forever. Now that it is finished i love it.

  34. I am sure it will be worth all the deep breathing in the end , you have a wonderful house to work with which helps . Try to enjoy the process and I know you will be pleased with the results in the end .hugs Sheila

  35. Just keep breathing. It will be YOUR homewhen finished. Looking good so far!

  36. I can imagine how hard all this disarray is for you, but in the end, you will have3 a beautiful home.
    Loved seeing all of the changes!

  37. Oh my gosh....I'm having flashbacks and breathing very deeply for you. Grab some handwork, a good book or your laptop and find a corner.

  38. It will be so nice when it is finally done to your specifications. ARe you doing any hand work while you are watching the work around you? or arr you day dreaming of all the things you want to do to your new home? I love to read your post and would like to share some of my wool crazy work with you when you have time to look at it. Good luck and breathe.
    Patt Anderson
    San Diego, CA

  39. Just be happy with the thought that all that work is being done fairly quickly and by someone else. DIYs are so much slower. If the guys don't need you, this would be a good time for you and Mr. PQ to go out for day trips. As for the fuschia bathroom, I'm sure your colour scheme will be a big improvement and the floors are lovely.

  40. Oh Kaaren so much work. Good to see your progress. It will be so incredibly lovely when you are done.

  41. Breath deep. It will only be like that for a short time. What a job.

  42. I just love your blog!!! Your home is going to be "so worth it" when it is finished. I also would do it all at one time. Anxious to see the finish. Paula in KY

  43. But when you get done it will be beautiful!!


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