Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween or Christmas?

Look at what we woke up to this morning!


Is it Halloween or Christmas?  The leaves are still on most of the smaller trees and shrubs and the branches are weighted down with the heavy, wet snow.


The sun is coming out so hopefully it’ll all be melted in time for the trick-or-treaters tonight.


Our house is even more in a state of upheaval since the last photos I shared with you.


But one of the positive things about moving is the purging!  I to purge!  It’s been five L-O-N-G years since I last went through my things…back to when I was still designing and teaching painting…so you can just imagine the stuff I’m getting rid of.  Virtually all of what you see stacked in our living room in the above photo is going to be sold at auction on the 27th of November.  And this is only the tip of the iceberg!

We’re drowning in a sea of boxes!


Everywhere you look there are boxes…and plastic bins.


We’ve made different piles of boxes…those that the movers will be taking and those that we’ll load into the van to take with us when we travel to Nova Scotia in two weeks for the house closing.  We’ll be taking most of the fragile, breakable stuff with us rather than chance it to the moving company.


Poor Mac.  He just doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.


He’s finding it more and more difficult to find his way through the maize of boxes and doesn’t stray too far from our sides.


But on the bright side…thirty days from now this will all be over and the three of us will be living in our new home waiting for the movers to arrive.

Then the unpacking will begin.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Seems a bit early for snow but it sure is pretty! That's my kind of snow too...looks great in the morning then melts by lunchtime! LOL

  2. Wow - hopefully it won't snow as early in Nova Scotia - but it sure is gorgeous! Your house looks so much like ours did this time last year, only insert Sophie for Mac! We did the same thing - took the fragiles with us and left the rest for the movers! Looks like you're spending every waking hour purging and packing - don't forget to take a break now and then! Happy Halloween!

  3. P.S.....Mr. Squash says if you need more empty plastic totes, we can FedEx them to you - LOL!

  4. Yes this is an early snow and am not jealous at all:)) but great pictures. May your move go smoothly and good luck with your auction.

  5. Oh my! Snow already?! We have been hit in teh mountains, but so far not at my house!! That is a lot of snow too!!

    Your little pooch does seem a bit confused. It'll be over soon for all of you.

  6. That would be tough for the kids, now they need costumes that fit with boots;) It looks like you are making headway and it is good to purge so you can start fresh in your new home.


  7. Wow!! How exciting for you...the move that is NOT the snow!! I'm sure Mac will love his new house once he is settled in! Take care...and breath....don't work too hard!


  8. Oh my where in Ontario are you that you have that much snow? Not looking forward to snow. Hope your move goes smoothly your new place is just gorgeous. Hugs

  9. Beautiful photos of the snow, but yes, a bit early. It's great when the sun comes out and it all goes away. Moving is such an opportunity to purge, good for you.
    Happy Hallow'een

  10. Wowzers! That's crazy! The snow... and the boxes ;)

    One year we tore out our kitchen three days before Christmas so I know all about the confusion of boxes/snow/holidays!

    Hang in there, it'll be so worth it in the end... your new home looks AMAZING!!

  11. Wow! Snow! I cannot imagine - my husband is currently cutting the grass :)
    You look like you have been quite busy!

  12. OMG that is an early snow fall.
    As far as the packing - yep I know what you are going through. As a military family we moved an awful lot, 13 times in 14 years! Your new home looks awesome and I'm sure as tired as you will be getting the second wind will knock in once you arrive at Nova Scotia.
    Look after yourself my friend.
    hugs - MIche'le

  13. The snow is beautiful! The packing...I'm glad it's not mine to do.


  14. I am sure you will be used to the snow by the end of the winter. Central Ontario has not yet had the pleasure of the Pretty White Stuff but I am sure it will be here soon enough. But I have to be honest,,,I really think I would rather shovel the PWS rather than pack a box or two. Here's to the next few weeks running as smoothly as virtually possible for you and the movers.
    Be always in stitches.

  15. Oh my goodness!!
    No for for us here, please!
    Snow is pretty.... but I don't think I want any of it.
    And the poor little trick or treaters!
    Hopefully it does melt away b4 tonight.

    Moving is so much work.
    But there is such an excitment to it.
    We have moved 10 times in 22 years of marriage.
    Actually the house we have now, is longest we have been anywhere.
    We moved in here April of 2003.

    Take Care,

  16. Ho HO HO,
    Merry X-Mas.
    great pictures but it's Halloween today, have a Happy H.
    Hugs from rainy Germany

  17. Oh, your photos warmed my heart! I am a New Englander transplanted to southeast Texas and while living is easy here, I miss the beauty of a snow-covered landscape. Best wishes on your relocation.

  18. BRRRRRR!!!!! Can't handle that yet! Wow, you're doing great with the packing - good idea to take the breakables with you. Big hugs to you, Kaaren!

  19. Wow, thanks definitely quite a bit of snow - early,isn't it?
    That just adds to Mac's confusion - snow outside and a sea of boxes inside. Send him to us until the big move and he can relax and play with Cooper. :-)

    Don't forget to breathe! :-)

  20. Snow for Halloween. No fun there. It is 82 degrees here right now.

    I hope your items up for auction have better luck than some we let go for auction. Our things went for so little. I paid $400 for a beautiful treadle sewing machine and when I let it go (moved to a smaller house0, it went for $95.

  21. Hei dear Karen, let me not be discouraged by the whole muddle, everything will be fine. But the great pictures from this morning when you're awake (it), is not that fantastic, wow, beautiful pictures you have there shot. Yes, nature is truly crazy. I wish you continued strength for your big big move in such a wonderful castle. Greetings from Germany all of your Christine, see you soon

  22. I love the look of snow..It is gorgeous.

  23. What a great memory to have of your home for the final Halloween there. The pictures are very pretty.

    On Wednesday we had some fresh snow up on the local mountains, but nothing down here thank goodness.

    Have a safe and happy Halloween!

  24. Snow and moving, that's hard to swallow at once! Hang in there Kaaren!

  25. Yikkes snow!! Is winter already coming where was the summer, I most have missed it. Good luck with packing.

  26. goodluck will get it all finished.......just a big mess inbetween.........

  27. Wow, you sure have been busy! I remember the look of our house when we moved from BC. to Ontario! I could barely find my children in the chaos! I hope every thing goes very smoothly for you! We have an early snow here to at the beginning of October!

  28. Sure would be a surprise but we have had it for Halloween before. Just keep you chin up and look to the future. That time will go faster than you think.

  29. Thinking of you, Kaaren. Packing is just the pits but the end results will be fabulous when you finally settle in Nova Scotia. Good luck.


  30. Oh my goodness - snow already!! That was a shock lol but beautiful pictures. Poor Mac but what an adventure he has ahead. It's great to have a good sort out :0) not long now!

  31. Dear Kaaren.
    WOW snow already. Sorta pretty if you do not need to travel in it. I can see you are making good progress on your packing. your wee doggie is probably what in the world is going on. VBG I know you are very busy but could you explain to me how you had words to your photo on your blog. I can not seem to figure it out. Thanks Hugs Judy

  32. Oh MY!! What a mess that will make for Trick or Treaters huh?? If your new home has the climate of North Carolina, you won't see much of the white stuff I guess! Mild winters and hot humid summers?

    Purging is good! I need to purge and want to purge but need time to get into it all and then get it out of the house too!

    Good luck with the rest of the packing!! HUGS!

  33. What a beautiful sight to wake up to! You look like you are making progress. Goo thinking to purge. I wish I would have purged more when we moved.

  34. It's too early for snow but it sure looks pretty. Moving is not fun, I wish you the best in sorting through everything.

  35. Looks like you are making steady progress Kaaren. I really don't envy you - and there I thought I had more plastic totes than anyone else in the world.
    Poor pup - he looks really confused.....
    But two weeks will go by so quickly and you will be in your new home for Christmas.
    Janet in Hall's Harbour NS

  36. Your lovely home is looking a lot like ours right now and we're not moving, LOL. But since we started the sewing room, it has spilled into other rooms and we are also purging as we go. However, we have lived here 31 years and the last 14 of those we couldn't do any purging because we were raising grandchildren and there were beds in every room, except the bathrooms! But...we decided as long as we are at it, we may as well do it right as we have no plans to move but need do de-clutter. Soooo much stuff from raising a second family, we didn't realize. Your Mac's expression looks just like our two little fur babies...'what the heck is going on and why?'. Like you, our uproar will be well worth it but now I'm starting to stress because of the mess and not being able to sew to relieve some stress, LOL. Ah well, it will pass. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for everything to go smoothly and safely along your way. Sending big hugs...OH..funny though, the one thing I did organize in my new sewing room before being pulled away for help in other rooms was getting my fabric organized on shelves...I didn't think I had enough shelf space, but I actually ended up with over 2 empty shelves...hmmmm...what will I ever do with those? *wink*

  37. Glad the white stuff is there and not here. Looks like you're making some headway. Poor Mac!

  38. I can relate ... we moved 7 years ago after living in a home 30 years. I just labeled the boxes what was in them and which room they needed to go in the new home. It worked great! Good luck and take care of yourselves - even Mac!

  39. Beautiful pictures of the snow. An auction, that is a great idea, good luck,hope you make a ton of $$ Poor little guy, I bet he cannot see over the boxes. But soon he will be with you in a new home. hang in there, all of you!

  40. Poor Mac, he is looking a bit confused. Hope he will enjoy the new house.
    Remember to clearly mark you boxes - it will be so much easier when you are unpacking them. Looks like you are making great progress on the packing. Keep it up! You will be glad you did.
    I also love going through things I have stacked away for a long time. I feels like Christmas with every box you open...

  41. We moved from england to Crete, Greece three years ago. then we moved from a rented house to our house that we had been renovating so yes, I know all about moving and getting rid of things. I do think that we still have some boxes still unpacked. Hope the move goes well and that you settle in to your new home. Best wishes. Judith x

  42. Your garden looks so beautiful. Hope everything goes well with the move. What a huge job.

  43. OMG!! Look at all that snow! Must be why I am heading to S. Texas for the winter!! Kaaren, I am so excited that you coming to Nova Scotia. You'll still be a fair distance away from me, but I am hoping we will be able to meet up!! Good luck with your move!~karen

  44. Ohh the first snow of the year and all that blue sky behind it. So, so pretty as long as I can just look at it. Question: In a couple of your photos I see braided rugs, are these handmade. My grandmother made many braided rugs and had them through out her house. I even gave it a try and have one to show for my effort!!
    Really did enjoy the pictures.

  45. Karen. oh my...we have no snow and we are top of the peninsula...and you are moving to NS? My hubby's family is there in Middleton...we have a cottage there too...They have snow..well not today..but they get
    blessings for a great move..

  46. Whoa. Bummer! I would NOT want to wake up and see that yet. But my daughter is pining for it! Hope it melts soon!

  47. Happy packing and purging. We are renovating our kitchen at the moment and I know that not everything that is coming out is going back in...just why oh why do I need so many mugs! LOL

    Hope the snow melted...seems just a little early for the white stuff!

  48. Poor little dog, can imagin that he doesn't understand what is going on. And snow already...???brrrr

  49. Kaaren, I was a military wife for 21 years, so I understand the purging thing too. Looks like you're a very organized purger! Your photos brought back memories.

    I've been "rooted" for the past 20 years in the Pacific Northwest, but I find myself in the same position again - needing to toss out, donate, and reorganize.

    Happy to have bumped into your blog!

  50. Snow! way to early, looks like you have the packing well in order. Poor Mac he does look confused, give him a little scratch behind the ear from me. Heres hoping the move goes smoothly and hopes to see you in your new home soon.

  51. Goodness, you are moving to Nova Scotia! Gosh, I'm only behind 6 posts! lol I love Nova Scotia, which part will you be moving too? Cheers!

  52. Oh Kaaren.. have been catching up on you a little... this is so much fun ... the new house.. move.. and oh I feel all your joy ... but all the work to.. I wish you all the best.. and I long to see more pictures of your new home..:O))
    HUGS !!
    (btw.. I held my hand over the eyes.. so I wouldnt see all the snow... lol... but it kind of looked pretty.. as long as it isnt at my yard..;o))

  53. Kaaren, You were in my thoughts and I just wanted to stop by and say I hope all is going smoothly for you. Hugs...

  54. WOW! I can't believe that snow! And the boxes. Doesn't it seem like your belongings multiply at night as you try to go through them? We had 5 years between house moves and despite purging a LOT, we still had soooooo much. I still need to go through the attic--again--and purge. Best of luck to you!


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