Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wool Crazy Pincushion Round Robin & Winner

First of all I’d like to say that I’m probably the biggest winner of all because of all your warm and generous comments.  They mean a lot and I am truly grateful for your support.  I usually reply to all of your comments individually but because of the numbers, I’ve chosen instead to give you all a group hug here for taking part.

Well my buddy Mr. Random Generator did his thing and came up with number 89 who happens to be Sandy, an anonymous reader whose email address begins with “scj”.  From Sandy’s comment, it looks like she started out like many of us in that she enjoys reading blogs but hasn’t officially jumped in as yet.  Let me assure you Sandy that it’s only a matter of time before you take the plunge.  *wink*  I will be contacting you shortly for your snail mail information.


A few weeks back Brenda from Pumpkin Patch Primitives asked me if I would be interested in joining a Wool Crazy pincushion round robin.  It took me about three seconds to respond with an overwhelming, “F-O-R S-U-R-E!”

Depending upon the parameters set out by the hostess of the RR, briefly, here’s the way it works.  In this instance there are four of us participating.  Each of us each makes our own pincushion base, chooses a theme and then appliqués the first design on it.  Next, we send it on to the next participant who then, following the theme,  adds her design.  This continues until all four participants have added something to each of the four pincushions.  Fun, huh?Blog_Divider_shabbymissjenndesig-1Here’s how I did mine.  First, I laid out some batting.  I then went to my wool scrap bin and selected some bits and pieces and randomly laid them out.


When I was pleased with the layout, I then pinned the pieces to the batting.


Because I had decided to make mine round, I decided to use a bread plate as a template.   Then, using my rotary cutter, I cut out the design.


Here’s the result.


I then basted all the raw edges and around the perimeter to hold the individual pieces in place. 


Although fall is my favorite season, I decided to go with a summer theme and my inspiration came from the Echinacea, or purple cone flowers, that are growing profusely in my garden.


And of course I had to add a butterfly.


Later today it will be sent off to Michele who will then add her handiwork to it.  From there, Michele will send it on to Sandi who will then send it to Brenda for it’s final stop before coming home to me.


Upon it’s return, I will then assemble it into a pincushion.  I can’t wait to see what all these talented ladies add to it. 

Now how cool is that! 

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Oh, Kaaren, that is the sweetest pincushion! And it was extra sweet of you to show how you made it! I am definitely going to save this particular post in my favorite places so I can give it a try on some rainy day!! Guess I'd better collect some wool fabric! Thanks so much, karen

  2. I love your new crazy pincushion in wool.

  3. That is such a great pincushion. Do you just wake up and have these ideas pop right out or what!

  4. Beautiful. Love crazy. This sounds like the perfect round robin for you. Aren't these going the end up being HUGE pincushions?

  5. Love the purple coneflower! I can't wait to see everyone's pin cushions! :0)

  6. Purple coneflower is my favorite and your little wooly one is so cute!!
    I wondered how to make a round wool base- now I know!! You are genius! LOL

  7. Congratulations to the winner!

    Love the pincushion! Just as sweet as can be. Gives one "warm fuzzies" all over.

    Thank you for sharing and have a super great sewing day.

  8. Kaaren, your work is lovely, and I can hardly wait to view the finished project.

  9. Ohh !genial!

  10. Hi Kaaren... What a wonderful pincushion and the added cone flower is so cute...You sure do come up with some wonderful idea's... :)

  11. Kaaren, Your pin cushion is already adorable, I can't wait to see the finished project. Such a fun idea. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. I was thinking the pin cushion looked perfect just the way it is! You did a fantastic job and I love that! Kaaren...your talents are amazing!!

  13. I love the pin cushion - it's going to be adorable.

  14. I totally LOVE your pin cushion. I love working with wool. I am always looking for new things to create with wool. I am into my wool stash NOW. Thanks soo much. Dianne.

  15. I, too, love to read blogs and get so much inspiration from is no exception. LOVE LOVE that pincushion you have started. I have bought a few pieces of wool with a pincushion in mind but no plan at all....but something with flowers. This is a great idea. Thanks so much for posting and I hope you will link to the others when this round robin is finished so we can see them all. Thanks again. I enjoy your blog immensely. You are so creative and talented.

  16. Congrats to the winner! Very pretty pincushion.

  17. Congratulations to Sandy and Sandy, get a blog, it's easy!
    Kaaren, that pincushion is already just darling, what a fun RR to do! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  18. Congratulations to your winner! I love love love your pin cushion, thanks for showing how you started out. I have been following these on face book as well, and now I think I will pull out some wool and attempt one a girl can always use a pin cushion lol!

  19. What a great pincushion idea! Just love how it looks so far...

  20. Hi Kaaren,

    I do enjoy reading your blog and enjoy your inspiration in creativity.

    Your pincushion is lovely, I'm doing a round robin inspired by the wool crazy group also. I've posted the first go around on my blog and hope to join the wool crazy group blog also.

    Can't wait to see the finished projects!

  21. Love how you started your piece, that is going to be beautiful.


  22. Beautiful pincushion all on its own! Thanks for showing your method, so simple!

  23. What a great idea. I love your pin cushion just as it is. I can't wait to see what is added to it when you get it back.

  24. This is sooooo cool!!
    Bet you can't wait for it's return to you :-)

  25. That sounds like fun! What a lovely pincushion. Love the colours and the applique. Can just imagine how great it will look when finished.

  26. the wools are just so pretty. Love the cone flower.

  27. Looks great...can't wait to see it when it comes back to you! Happy crafting, Jenny

  28. That is a beautiful pincushion! What a great idea for a round robin!

  29. You pincushion start is very nice - I especially like the butterfly.

  30. You pincushion start is very nice - I especially like the butterfly.

  31. I love what you made. It is a lovely idea, I am writing down the date of this post so I don't forget to come back and take a closer look. Thanks for sharing your process.

  32. Your pincushion is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished product. L,A-

  33. Hi Kaaren,
    I'm already thinking about what I might add to your pincushion base. :-) I sent mine off to Brenda and she has added that wonderful scarecrow and pumpkins to my base. Now I'm awaiting the PC base from Michelle and am "itchin' to do some stitchin' on it!" This is the first Round Robin that I've ever participated in and I'm so glad to be a part of this one!

  34. Beautiful, thanks for sharing, I sure I would love to make one.

  35. That is very cool Karen

  36. Oh how I LOVE this idea! You know, I have MANY wood suits/jackets,etc. I wonder if I could use some of those Harris Tweeds for this type of thing?!?! why not!
    I adore the hand painted sewing box below also! I've had LOTS to catch up on with you today! You NEVER disappoint.... XO

  37. Hi Kaaren, I have just found your blog, and this pincushion is lovely. do you have a photo of the completed piece? I'd love to see what your friends added for you.


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