Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Retail Therapy

As a follow up to my last post about feeling ‘betwixt and between’, it would appear that most of us share the same feelings after completing a large project.  It’s a relief to know that I’m not alone in that regard and somehow, that thought provides me with a lot of comfort.  Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with me.


I placed the order for my x-stitch supplies and I’m hoping that they’ll arrive sometime this week.  I am so looking forward to making the Blackbird Designs needlecase from their Thank You, Sarah Tobias book.  I am holding off starting anything new as this will be my next endeavor.  In the interim, I’m continuing to knit the socks I started and have just about finished reading the third book in the Elm Creek Quilts series by Jennifer Chiaverini.  If you need something light and enjoyable to read…and with a quilting theme…I would recommend these books.  I believe there are sixteen books in the series thus far.  Great bedtime reading too!


So what’s a gal to do when she’s ‘betwixt and between’?  Go shopping, of course! 

Bright and early this morning, Mr. Painted Quilt, Mac (our Westie) and I headed off to do some shopping in Ogdensburg, NY.  The day was bright and sunny and the temperature hovered just around the freezing mark. 

I won’t bore you with our Walmart or grocery store purchases, but I did manage to do some damage in JoAnn’s.  Today was the last day of their President’s Day sale, so with my flyer coupons in hand, here’s what I brought home.


Two sheets of heat resistant mylar, an Easy Angle and Companion Angle ruler, an Olfa rotary cutter pinking shear blade, a package of 3 vintage red striped tea towels, eighteen spools of Gutterman cotton thread reduced to$9 and a pad of graph paper specifically made for quilt block designing.  Most of what I bought was on sale and for the items that weren’t on sale, I was able to use my 50% and 40% off coupons.  And the icing on the cake was another coupon that allowed for an additional 10% off the entire purchase.  Woo hoo!


Our final stop was at Fiber Options, a quilt shop in Renesselaer Falls, NY.  All their fabric was 25% off, so I managed to pick up a ‘few’ yards while there. 

These Civil War fabrics just called my name so I took the remainder from both bolts.


This fabric kinda caught my eye and at $4.50 a yard, I bought 5 yards to use as backing for a future quilt.  I just ♥ it’s Americana folk art appearance.


I don’t know about you but I can’t bear to put fabric away that has creases and wrinkles in it, which usually is the case with what’s left on the ends of bolts.  Call me anal but I just had to iron everything before adding it to the stash.

All in all, it was a great day.   We stopped for lunch and  then made our way home.  Even Mac was happy because he got plenty of exercise on walks with Mr. Painted Quilt while I was in the shops practising my retail therapy!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥



  1. Well, you had a delightfully fun day. Lots of wonderful retail therapy.

  2. Shopping is not my thing, unless it's a quilt shop, an antique shop or a prim gift shop! It looks like you had a good day.

  3. Sounds like a fun day. I really like you American folk art heart print.
    I am not a "heart motif" person in general but saw the most beautiful "heart motif" scrap quilt at the Hospice home where my grandmother stayed for a rest weekend the other week. It was the quilt on her bed. I thought what a neat idea for a Valentine's quilt and a lovely thing for the Hospice house to do as to have a homemade quilt on ever persons bed.(exspecially when it was your time to die)...Luckily not my grandmother's time yet. I think that if this were my fabric,I would be perfect for the back of a heart quilt.
    Can't wait to see what you do with the front of your quilt? You always have lovely projects to share. Thanks.

  4. I like your kinda therapy! :0)

  5. Sorry for the miss-spellings. Forgive me, I didn't proof read before posting.

  6. Looks like you had a great day!!

  7. It was a good day! I never shop at JoAnns without coupons. Great new blog banner.

  8. I am so glad you had a fun is just the thing to do for a girl betwixt and between! I too recently bought some hearts...tis the season, right?

  9. It's always nice to get in a little retail therapy...helps chase the winter blues away.

  10. What a very fun day! Thanks for showing your booty.

  11. DARN! I forgot all about the Joann's sale! Lucky you to get all those goodies.
    I love your painted blog banner up there. I assume that is your work? It's wonderful!

  12. Sounds like the perfect kind of day. You really scored at JoAnn's. I should have gone too but was busy sewing and never got out of my sweats. LOL

  13. I respond well to retail therapy! :-) Polly

  14. Hip Hip Hooray for Retail Therapy. Just think how much dh saved instead of a therapy session. lol
    Loved the fabric especially the red and white.

  15. Retail therapy is wonderfull, however I have put a ban on it for myself unless it is to finish something up. ( I will realy try to stick to this for a little while anyway lol).
    I too love your new banner, I love your style.

  16. Hi Kaaren, I always iron my fabric before putting it with all the other fabric that I have. I love to iron it and admire it!

    You had quite a day shopping but isn't it fun?


  17. Great time had by all it sounds like. Nothing like taking a little time out to shop.

  18. A perfect reward to yourself for finishing a project!! And about ironing fabric... I think its a great way to enjoy its beauty before its stored away. I prewash, trim ends and iron all my new purchased fabrics!!

  19. LOVE the Elm Creek books - especially on audio while I'm quilting! Love all your fabrics. I went yesterday to Joann's and used all my coupons, such fun!

  20. What a lovely day you all had and what great value for your dollar. My sister arrived from the US this morning and bought me some fabric and they were in a Joann bag - must have been on sale! She bought them on the way to the airport. I have them on my blog. BTW I love your new blog photo. Glad you survived the betwixt and between.

  21. I do recognize the in between thing. I even have trouble getting my machine back on the table even though I have enough to sew on it. And x-stitching is a good idea for relaxing, I love it too!
    You have enjoyed your retail therapy thoroughly. And plans with those rulers? I use them very often myself and seeing them makes me curious!

  22. Good morning Kaaren! I am not even a quilter but I love the Elm Creek series. I have read many of them over the years.

    A day out and about with the MR is perfect therapy and if you can bring home some wonderful fabrics and tools, all the better!!

    And I LOVE your header! I know that is one of your original creations and it is just gorgeous.

    As always, I look forward to your next creation.

    warm hugs, Linda

  23. Retail therapy is just the best! I try to do it every couple of weeks!! You picked up some great things!!

  24. Now that's "Retail Therapy" at its finest..LOL

  25. Now that's "Retail Therapy" at its finest..LOL

  26. Wonderful loot from your shopping trip Kaaren. I could use a lot of those things but just didn't get to Joann's for the sale with all the time!

  27. Best type of therapy...well done! :)
    Shhhh....I iron my fabrics too ;-)

  28. nice fabrics and other bits and pieces..........
    I hate the creases in the last bits if the bolt............I would iron it too.........

  29. Hi are obviously close to the American border...I am envious..for us to cross border shop it takes a 4 hour drive and often a night's sleepover...but the buys and the little shops and the results of the 'retail therapy' are worth it---those fabrics are delicious!

  30. Oh shopping can do wonders for the mind and heart!! Nice job!!

  31. That sounds like a wonderful day!! I prewash all fabric so if something is wrinkled off the bolt, I don't worry about it. :-)

  32. What a great way to spend the day with hubby and Mac.
    I usually wash my fabric as soon as I get it home.

  33. Retail therapy...gotta love it!!! :D And I have read all but the last of the Elm Creek books, which I have but haven't started, and you are right....a nice, light read with a quilty theme.

  34. Shopping is my relax and inspire therapy. My problems disappear. Looks like you found some great finds and deals! Love it when that happens.

  35. What a super Joann's day for you.. Don't you just love it?? All the things you got were awesome too. Loved the fabrics, and isn't it funny how a little shopping can lift our spirits..???????????

  36. It sounds like a wonderful day, Kaaren!

  37. What a day.. filled with lovely shopping and fantastic company.. :o)

  38. Hello Kareen, I dropped on your blog from my blogger friend Rockgranny, I haven't try yet quilting, but I will do it in the future, for the moment I'm an adict xxxer and knitter, like to experiments in sewing and crochet. As I can read you have a nice day, I'm dreaming that kinds of days, hope to realise it from the begginig of the next year, when I will be a retired teacher and librarian. When you have time come to see me in our old lady Europe, snd left a comment. Thanks. and my email is Thanks in advance, you are welcome.

  39. A day like that always makes one feel wonderful!

  40. this is a beautiful blog and lovely plaids


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