Thursday, January 21, 2010

And The Journey Begins…

As soon as I saw it, I knew it was something I just had to make . 


I put off ordering the pattern until all my other commitments had been fulfilled.  At the end of November when I could finally see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, I placed the order for the pattern.  Two weeks later, it arrived from Australia and I promptly set it aside until  just yesterday.  That’s when I took it out and I can now say that finally the journey of creating my version of the Civil War Bride Quilt has begun.


Even before I ordered the pattern, I knew I was going to make one major change.  Rather than complete the quilt in the traditional needle turn applique method, I decided that I was going to do mine in wool on cotton. 

Last night I cut out the required number of blocks and this morning, I cut out the wool shapes for the first block…


and affixed them to the background fabric using Steam-A-Seam 2.


Later tonight, the fun part begins…the stitching.  I don’t know about you but I cannot sit in front of the television with idle hands.  Most of my stitching is done in the evening while listening to the television and raising my eyes only when it sounds like something interesting is about to happen.


There are 20 good sized blocks to this quilt plus the four borders.  This is definitely going to be a long term project but I do know one thing for certain…it’s going to be a long journey with many starts and stops along the way.  But I also know that it’s going to be a pleasurable one.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. Yes, it does look like a long term project - but an enjoyable one.

  2. Amazing, I can't wait to see your progress.

  3. here it is...I'm putting it out there....ARE YOU CRAZY?? Hee!!
    Your quilt will be absolutely gorgeous with wools! Projected finish date is? :-)

  4. Wow, that is amazing. It's going to look brilliant in the wools. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  5. Wow! This going to be absolutely magnificent! Can't wait to see you progressing alone. If any body can do it, you can, Kaaren.

  6. Kaaren
    This quilt will be so lovely done in wool.

  7. Kaaren, I think you are SO SMART to do this in wool!!!! It won't take you nearly as long. I'm like you, can't sit with idle hands - this is a perfect long-term project. Enjoy every moment of it, it's beautiful!

  8. I thought that pattern was so beautiful when I first saw it too. Yours will be wonderful, hope you share with us along your journey. I have not worked with wool, looking at your first layout, I just might have to try that.

  9. This is a beautiful pattern. It will be especially nice in wool!

  10. What a lovely quilt - and I love the change to wool. Hopefully, watching your progress will get me moving on the Circuit Rider.

  11. like you, I too have been under the spell of this quilt since the moment I saw it. I just couldn't justify the cost for quite some time, but you know- when you can't think of anything else, and dream about it at night, it is something that one just has to own with the knowledge that one day you will be free enough to take on the commitment. I am so thrilled for you that your time has come. My pattern was mailed last week and will be here soon I think. I will be putting mine away for "the right time", but will be watching your progress. Wool on cotton is going to be amazing!!

  12. This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

  13. This will be an amazing quilt! I know what you mean about sitting in front of the tv and stitching...I always try to have a hand project by my chair! Have fun, and I love the wool applique.

  14. Kaaren, your are going to love doing this quilt!! Please share the journey with us!! I love the idea that you are making it with wool!! You go girl!

  15. What an undertaking - a beautiful, long undertaking.

  16. It's going to be fabulous, Kaaren. Thank you for inviting us along on your journey.

  17. I am like you, I need to have something to stitch or knit or crochet by my chair all the time. People ask how I get so much hand work done and that is my secret.

  18. How creative, Kaaren - I just love your idea of making it with wool - it will be magnificent!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  19. I have also been admiring this quilt! I look forward to seeing it come together for you. I always have something in my hands when I "watch" TV (more like listen to).

  20. BE STILL MY HEART! Oh that is going to be some masterpiece when it is done! I can't wait to see the progression! WOOHOO!

  21. I am going to love watching this quilt come together!!

    Take plenty of pics along the way.


  22. It's beautiful Kaaren. It will go much faster with wool than needle turn. I would be to overwhelmed and never finish it. You go girl, Iknow you can do it!!!

  23. Can't wait to follow your progress. I watch TV the exact same way you do.

  24. Love it what is the name of it please? I love that you are using the wool fabrics and I too cannot sit in front of the TV with idle hands.

  25. This will be beautiful I have never work with wool, can't wait to see it come together. A BIG HAPPY APPLIQUEING!

  26. This is the type of quilt I dream about, can't wait to watch your progress, and the wool will be beautiful!

  27. It's going to be absolutely stunning Kaaren and a journey worth taking... Do enjoy!
    I love the idea of wool on cotton!

  28. Oh my goodness. This is beautiful. I could not imagine doing that quilt. I can't sit in front of the t.v. and do nothing either. Maybe one day I will be that good to try something like this. I cannot wait to see it all come together.

  29. are a true artist. I look forward to seeing this quilt progress. It will be beautiful in wools.

  30. Wow Kaaren, this is going to be beautiful. Why does working with wool make the applique different. Sorry but I've never done applique so I don't know a lot about it.

  31. Kaaren,ow I can just visualise it in wool on cotton. It will be stunning. Good luck with your progress.
    hugs Debs

  32. Kaaren,ow I can just visualise it in wool on cotton. It will be stunning. Good luck with your progress.
    hugs Debs

  33. Kaaren,ow I can just visualise it in wool on cotton. It will be stunning. Good luck with your progress.
    hugs Debs

  34. Wow, how beautiful that quilt is going to be! I'll be looking forward to watching your progress.

  35. Oh so fun... enjoy the journey!! It's like reading a good book.. a chapter a night. I love your idea of using wool for the appliques.

  36. Good luck working on this beautiful quilt. I think your version with wool on cotton will be great. I have never tryed applique with wool yet. Would love to try, but it is no quiltshop that I know here in Norway having wool/felt in their shop, so I just have to wait.

  37. It is a beautiful project and I look forward to watching it grow. Enjoy the journey

  38. Kaaren, It is a lovely quilt. I love the idea of it being done in wool. You are so creative!

  39. this is going to be just beautiful kaaren. it will certainly keep your hands from being idle. i too plan to be doing a lot of hand work in front of the tv this year.... something i've never really done much of.
    i'm so looking forward to seeing progress shots.
    julie xox

  40. This is a treat to see. Where are you getting your wool? I love your colours!

  41. Wow Kaaren, That quilt is going to look amazing with the wool on cotton technique. Don't take too long to finish it. I'm impatient!

  42. Kaaren, that's going to look amazing. I can't wait to watch your progress. Woohoo! I bet it's lovely working with the wool.

  43. Kaaren,
    Oh - this is going to be one gorgeous quilt and especially using wool! I look forward to watching your progress on this one.

  44. Mondieu, this is impressive! I still have to go a looong way to reach the point of making a project like this!

  45. I look forward to seeing your progress on this amazing quilt Kaaren. Wool is so yummy!

  46. I have the pattern but have not done anything towards starting on it. I will be watching with interest to see your blocks in the wools. Your first block has a very good start.

  47. The quilt is a real beauty. I'm not sure I've seen it done in wool. It's going to be wonderful and I'm going to enjoy watching your progress.

  48. It might be a long term project, but it is going to be INCREDIBLE and a true heirloom. I can't wait to see some WIP pics!

  49. I will really enjoy watching you take this journey!

  50. Wow, I"ve seen some of these in progress.....too big for me to attempt right now. My effort is going to be a 4 patch needle turn with (maybe?) appliqued borders.

  51. It will be such an amazing quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

  52. oh wow Kaaren, this is a truly beautiful quilt, and I eagerly await your progress. How clever of you to think about using wool. This quilt certainly has quite a following, and I can see why.

  53. Love your new header! I am just like you, I need to be "doing" as I watch TV. What you are making is going to be a work of art. I look forward to following you along!

  54. Oh boy this is going to be beautiful. I've been following the blog that has several doing this in cottons - it's stunning, but you know the wool will make my heart go pitter patter :).

    Enjoy the journey - Karen

  55. That is going to be beautiful in wool. I love the design, but not great at small needle turn. I also hand sew while watching tv and look up for the good parts, lol.


  56. What an extraordinary quilt. Enjoy your journey with it Kaaren.

  57. Wow, Kaaren, your block is awesome. It sure will go faster doing it in wool.

  58. I love the wool on cotton, can't wait to see how you progress on this one. One of these days I may jump in a give applique a try.

  59. Kaaren,
    It's BEAUTIFUL! I can see why you just have to have it but it would definitely be something I would run away from, fearing I would never complete it! lol But you're idea to switch to wool is a good one :)

    I am like you! I do not just sit in front of the TV! That's when I get all of my good crafting done. I turn on the TV for the noise and get to work :)

    Have a wonderful day!


  60. Wow, I've never seen anything like that! What a treasure that will be.


  61. It's lovely and I love the idea of using wool. What kind of wool are you using? Enjoy the whole process!

  62. That is going to be gorgeous! It will be fun to see your blocks as you get them done!

  63. It's going to be lovely done with wool!! What a beautiful quilt when you're done, Kaaren!

  64. Ever since you mentioned that you're planning on making this in wool, I've been excited to see it. Wow, it's very pretty! When I saw all those well behaved pieces, I think I understand one other advantage with the wool. Their cotton cousins can be so fussy and taunt with their points and smooth curves... those wool relatives look so relaxed and easy going. :-)

  65. Ooh Kaaren!

    I have been eye-ing off this quilt pattern for some time too, and I love your idea of using wool! It is going to look fantastic! Could you recommend any good places to buy wool on-line? I find it quite hard to come by in Australia.

    Your blog is looking beautiful, and the photographs of your new quilt on your table are gorgeous - you have a beautiful home - thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    Hugs! Vikki :-) xx

  66. Is there anything you can't craft Kaaren???...what a wunderful...colorful..beautiful quilt...and i just love raggady's in any form...i make the dolls....i know that you would make many people very happy with a BOM...your quilt is stunning!!
    greetings ♥ Francien.


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