Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Special Afternoon

Yesterday afternoon was special.  It was the time that my friend Lucie and I had set aside to get together at her house to exchange our Christmas gifts.


Being creatures of habit, Lucie and I always sit at her kitchen table where we solve all the problems of the world over cups and cups of tea.    While Lucie was boiling the water, I strolled around her kitchen, snapping pictures of her cozy kitchen all decked out for Christmas to share with you.



We know each other’s likes and dislikes very well  and every year we try to find that extra special something.  This year we decided that our gifts were all going to be hand made by us.


 Lucie went first.


She was absolutely thrilled with my Tisket-A-Tasket quilt that I had been working on over the past twelve months, a block at a time as the patterns were made available on the 5th of every month.  Lucie loves working with wool as much as I do and one of her comments to me was…”You must really like me in order to have used so much wool from your stash!”

gingerbread men

Then it was my turn.


Can you see the card that Lucie made and do you get it?   The ornament is just darling, depicting two primitive snowmen and a Christmas tree in a sack filled with ‘snow’ and all a- glitter with mica flakes.


Then there were some aged chenille candy canes and this gorgeous seasonal penny rug all of which appear in my new header photo above.  Lucie must really like me too because she used quite a bit of her wool as well!  *wink*

greenery div

It was a great afternoon spent with a dear friend and rather than solve the problems of the world while sipping our tea as we usually do, we discussed our plans for the new year.  We decided that 2010 will be the year to finish our ufo’s and to keep new projects to a minimum.  Let’s see if we can stick to our good intentions.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. The penny rug is really beautiful, I love it ! I already say your quilt is amazing & for the last post : you deserve it, you are so generous ! JOYEUX NOEL !

  2. Everything is adorable Kaaren, but that Penny Rug is just toooooo cute! Enjoy all of your gifts.

  3. Love your new header with your new penny rug. I want one yoo!!! Love it. Have a great day.

  4. That was supposed to be too!!!

  5. What a wonderful time you and Lucie had. The penny rug is beautiful - one to be treasured,indeed.

    So, when I come to visit can we go see Lucie and have some cups of tea with her? I'd love that. teehee

  6. Hi Kaaren!!
    I always enjoy your blog but I REALLY loved it this morning! Lucie's house is just lovely and decorated beautifully. Your penny rug-LOVE IT!! Thanks SOOOO much for the close-up!;o) I can tell Lucie loved her tisket quilt (who wouldn't!) Have a wonderful, joyful week!

  7. Beautiful gifts and a beautiful friendship...

  8. You two look like kindred spirits with your lovely homes filled with sweet treasures. The gifts you made for each other are wonderful and will obviously be well loved through the years. Thank you for sharing them through the pictures.
    Peace and Joy to you both!

  9. Wow! That quilt looks better every time I see it. Absolutely love the penny rug. What lovely gifts you both recieved. But the best is the one you already have ...Friendship :^)
    Merry Christmas,

  10. You and Lucie appear to be kindred spirits--loving the same things. Her house is lovely and so are the exchanged gifts.

  11. Oh your new header looks wonderful I love what you received from Lucie, the penny rug is wonderful! I would love it too! and so this was the lucky lady that received your beautiful quilt. Special friends are the best!!~
    Also her home is beautiful all decked out with her Christmas goodies.

  12. Your header is so very festive I love it. I also just love your gifts you and your friend exchanged how nice to work a whole year thinking about your friend while making a beautiful gift. Her gift to you is also amazing. Enjoy

  13. Loved all your gifts... and your friend Lucie has a wonderful home... lovely decorations... :o)

  14. How wonderful you could give your great friend the beautiful baskets quilt you made! And her gifts to you are just as adorable, the penny rug looks great in your header! Wonderful friends are a treasure aren't they? xo

  15. Your friend received a wonderful handmade by you gift and you in return. I guess it doesn't count as a lot of wool from stash if it is returned in the other person's gift. LOL!

  16. That penny rug is beautiful! I hope to make myself one someday! :0)

  17. Hey, Kaaren, thanks for the music. We've been listening to your Playlist this evening. In fact, have listened through the entire list at least three times. Love ALL your choices.

  18. Beautiful gifts Kaaren. It is so special to have a friend that you know so well. Your header looks great.
    Have a wonderful christmas, filled with much love, joy and laughter.
    hugs Deb

  19. Both gifts were so adorable and yes you do know what the other likes. As for the problems of the world I am sure you had a lot of answers. The UFO project for 2010, I wish you all the luck. I know where you are going with that. Happy Holidays and may all your resolutions for 2010 are fulfilled.

  20. What delightful pictures of your friends house. Thank you for the glimpse into her house. Just love the snowman teapot.

    What beautiful gifts were exchanged. Love the card with with the yo yo's such a clever idea and the penny rug is just beautiful. Friend are wonderful.

  21. wow...what a beautiful rug...amazing quilt as well....

    Merry christmas to you....

  22. It looks like you both really like each other. I was admiring your new header and noticed that little rug and that little feather tree. Lucie made you some lovely things. I am going to have to get me some of those mica flakes, so pretty.
    Lucie's decorations are so pretty too.
    I think there are going to be a lot of us making that resolution. I know it is mine. Good luck to you.

  23. A fun and special afternoon indeed! What a beautiful country kitchen Lucie has. After I finally stopped drooling over it, I then drooled all over the Christmas gifts. Better check and make sure they are not I have admired that quilt as you were making it Kaaren and you did a perfect job on it. I love the idea of that card. Did she make the ornament? It does not look handmade so she must really have a snowy soft touch with snowman. :-) The penny rug is so adorable and looks great in your home.

    Hugs ~
    Heidi (who needs to answer your email. Sorry! Why is December so busy even when you promised yourself it would not be this year?)

  24. Looking around Lucie's kitchen, you two have a lot in common. I like how the pennies are repeated in the ornaments, and the yo yo card is adorable! Christmas... it's all about our expressions of love.

  25. well there was no doubt lucie would love this quilt. and she was correct with her statement re your wool! LOL. her gifts to you were lovely also, the crow pennyrug in particular. seems it was a special afternoon for you both with lovely memories created.
    merry christmas!
    julie x

  26. Well I bet your friend was just blown away by your gift. You received some very lovely things as well. Isn't it wonderful to have special friends in our lives - one of life's blessings

    Holiday Hugs - Karen

  27. Hi Kaaren.............what a fun time you and Lucie had. You both did beautiful works of art.
    I hope you do try the coffee cake, it really is good and it freezes well before or after baking. Glad your birds are happy too!
    Merry Christmas!

  28. Aw I love the rug! Everything is beautiful. I agree 2010 is the year of the UFO.

  29. Kaaren, everything is beautiful and the pictures of Lucie's kitchen have given me some ideas for decorating next year. Also, thank you for the FFF. I just found your blog and and going to grab your button.

    Merry Christmas.

  30. wonderful gifts you made for each other, truly from the heart.
    I love the little penny rug was that from a pattern?
    that would look wonderful in our front hall on a table
    ps I am going to have to try and make a few cards like that its adorable!!!!!!


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