Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Busy Hands

It might appear as though I’ve been slacking off but honestly, these hands have been working really hard lately.  Most of the things I’ve been working on are for swap gifts and Christmas presents and I can’t show them here yet because they’re for friends who read my blog.


Lisa from Black Bear Cabin sent me a photo of her rendition of last month’s Halloween Hauntings FFF (First Friday Freebie) stitchery which she completed in time for Halloween.

halloweenproject - Lisa

Awesome job, Lisa and thanks for sharing!  I just ♥ that border fabric!

And while I’m on the FFF (First Friday Freebie) subject, I’d like to remind you that this Friday, November 6th, is the First Friday of the month so please be sure to drop by to see the Freebie I’ve designed for you this month.  Think Christmas and you’ll be on the right track.  *wink*

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥


  1. What a cute little wallhanging.
    I just found your blog and am enjoying following your stories, pictures etc.
    I like how you have your blog laid out with the break...is it a picture that you place there after each paragraph or is it something your blog people offer? I've never seen anyone else do it and love how yours looks.
    Peggy in NJ

  2. I love seeing the projects used from your design. I'm glad people are sharing them with you. Happy Crafting...I'm way behind but I did manage to play with some Christmas fabric yesterday.

  3. Oh that is so much fun. Love it!

  4. whoooppeee! Can't wait till Friday to see what you've got up your sleeve! ;o)

  5. Sweet wallhanging! I'm anxiously waiting for this month's FFF - woohoo!

  6. I always think when someone is not blogging, they are busy sewing!! and that is just what you are doing, so, have fun!!
    I will be here on Friday!!

  7. Oh Lisa's turned out cute! I'm still stitching~ didn't quite make Halloween for this year. ;-) I'll be back Friday too! :-) Have a happy day!

  8. That turned out so adorable! Great pattern!

  9. I saw the stitchery on Lisa's blog. She did a very good job on her project. She is quite the Halloween enthusiast.

    I have commented previously on you header picture. I was studying it this morning. I really like the penny rug!

  10. Wonderful finish! And I sure am looking forward to this Friday!

  11. Anxiously awaiting for FFF to see what gift you are going to share with us. Thank You for being so generous.

  12. Can't wait till Friday...things are a little calmer now...hoping I can get this one stitched up quick before I fall further behind!

  13. I bow my head down in shame....nothing to send you...but know I loved the pattern and look forward to this Friday! Woo Hoo!!

  14. I bow my head down in shame....nothing to send you...but know I loved the pattern and look forward to this Friday! Woo Hoo!!

  15. I saw the stitchery on Lisa's blog. She did a very good job on her project...
    Can't wait till Friday ..wonder what you have coming up next!

  16. I LOVE IT! Man, she's good...and fast! And I bet she had ToT'ers to impress with her Halloween decor, LOL!

  17. The stitschery is wonderful, you have quite a decicated following for your lovely desings. I must come back on friday to see the next lovely one. I'm happy to hear you're sewing away.

  18. Oh that turned out so cute!!! Mine will have to get done for next Halloween [sigh]. I'm pushing to get Christmas done and I'm not sure I'm going to make it......ack!

  19. I'm looking forward to FFF. I likeed what the lady did with your FFF.

  20. Oh, I am behind! I am finished with the first freebie pattern, it is just awaiting borders. Better get hoppin'
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the Nov freebie!

  21. You are doing what I want to be doing. Getting my Christmas gifts made and ready to send. I plan on taking a day off work next week to get going. Hope you are having fun making things.

  22. Can't wait for FFF. I didn't get the last one made . Whine! but maybe the next one.

  23. You slack off? Hardly!! I know you are always busy creating something wonderful!! It's always a guess though just what medium it will be.

    It must be so rewarding to see a finished project from your pattern. I am anxious for you to reveal your next FFF! I just know it is going to be popular!!

  24. I love your wallhanging, love all your projects too! What a great blog! Hugs, Mary


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