Monday, June 1, 2009

Productive Weekend

It was a cool and rainy weekend so I stayed indoors to work on swap gifts and other diversions.  The end is in sight and I hope to be finished everything by this evening.  Woo hoo!

While sipping tea on Friday morning, I started doodling and came up with a pattern for a needle case.  By dinner time, I had completed two of them.

DSCN0508The flowers on the front are made from wool and are appliquéd with a blanket stitch.

DSCN0506Inside, there are three pockets to hold needful sewing things, a detachable pincushion and a needle keep.  I also included a pair of reproduction ’Putford’ scissors.

DSCN0503Saturday was no better than Friday, weather-wise.  My friend Lucie and I got together and we made scissor fobs.  Scissor fobs are second only to pincushions in that you can never have too many of them either.

DSCN0509I also managed to complete this swap gift and…

DSCN0512this one should be a wrap by tonight.

Now we just need some warm, dry weather so I can get back to my gardens.  The weeds are having a field day!

Happy stitching!



  1. My Merry Monday post is on needlecases/needlebooks. Great minds think alike. :o) LOVE your sneaky peek.

  2. The needlecases are delightful! Love them. I wish we had cool rainy weather here in Idaho. This week was 90 degree and humid from afternoon thunderstorms. Yuck. Have a great week.

  3. Your needlecases are perfect down to the last detail. The scissor fobs are cute too...especially the little charm on the end!

  4. I love the needle cases, you do some really lovely small projects but I hope you've managed to get back to the garden. I love the scissor fobs too.

  5. I love the needlecases/needlebooks - adorable! And, I couldn't agree more - one can never have too much jewelry for their scissors. I keep saying that I'm going to learn how to make some fobs but alas haven't yet. LOL

    I'm in constant awe of your talent, Kaaren! You absolutely amaze me!

  6. Oh... you really have had a nice weekend with a lot of finished items.. and more lovely fobs... and the needlecases looks so good!!! Nice job Kaaren!!

  7. You sure had a productive weekend! Cute stuff!

  8. Very cute little needle cases, love those little scissors.
    Your swapees are going to love their gifts.

  9. Love those little doodles. Great case.
    My daughter has made some scissor fobs for me to give to people.

  10. If you can't work in your beautiful garden, you create beautiful things indoors. Your needlecases are very pretty. Wonderful design. I love the fobs too.

  11. Hey Kaaren,
    Just wanted to let you know that I got my siggy today and will let you know when I put one in the mail to you. Thanks a lot. You did a great job. Have fun swapping.

  12. Your needlecases are adorable. Very useful looking design. What are you going to do with them?

  13. was a productive weekend...the needlecases are absolutely gorgeous! And it must feel great to have your swaps so far along...that's next on my list...finish my pay it forward gifts and my Christmas swap gifts!

  14. Wonderful peeks, Karen! I just adore the scissor fobs - do you know that I've never seen them before?! Here's to sunshine and gardening!

  15. What is a scissor fob? Sorry if that is a dumb question. I don't know!! It looks cute though. You have been productive!

  16. Love your needlecase, is it your own pattern ?
    Your garden is wonderful !

  17. I would love to have one of your needle cases. Do you sell them? I am using an old Sucret box now with some stuffing inside. :)

    Practically speaking...the Sucret box does do the job...however, your needle case is awesome.


  18. I love the needlecases. Would you share a pattern?


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