Saturday, April 18, 2009

Almost Spring

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Eastern Ontario.  Every day from Spring until Fall I love to go out and play in my gardens but this time I took my camera instead of a trowel. 

I honestly can’t recall planting this early bloomer.  If any of you recognize it, please tell me what it is.  It stands out like a lone sentinel, the only flower in bloom in my entire garden.


The tulips and daffodils are about 6-8” high and still have a lot of growing to do before they come into flower.


Most  of the perennials have started to show signs of awakening from their long winter  sleepThis is one of my favorites…a beautiful cherry red lupines.


Even the lilac trees seem to be slower this year.  This particular one is a very deep burgundy/purple and the scent from the flowers when they are in bloom is intoxicating.


If the temperatures hold at what they have been over the last few days or even get a little warmer, I’ll soon be able to replace my silk flowers with a natural bouquet from my garden.  There’s nothing like fresh cut flowers in the Spring after a long winter.


It’s raining at the moment and the robins are loving it.  Fresh worms…mmmmmm.

Happy stitching…and gardening!




  1. Those little cute purple flowers (I'm pretty sure they're bulbs) are coming up all over our neighborhood. I don't know what they are though. I've seen hyacinths, phlox, daffodils, even early tulips as well as lovely flowering trees. I love walking through my neighborhood in spring. It's a treat each day to see what's in bloom.

  2. Yay for spring. Everything is getting green here and this morning I saw some humming birds at the feeder.

  3. I have no idea what you pretty litle flower is, but it is a sign that Spring is here to stay!!

  4. Sorry I can't help with the flower. Yesterday was beautiful here too. Today cold and rain. The grass is getting green and some buds are popping out. I am soooo ready!!

  5. Wow Kaaren you are well ahead of me. Our tulips as still rather small and my Lilac bush is budding. I get double purple blooms from about the middle of may till June. So my silk flowers will decorate my porch for now.

  6. Kaaren, we had a beautiful spring day here in Utah today. I'm so excited!

    Thanks for showing your lovely garden, I can't wait to find out what that darling purple flower is. I'll keep checking in!

  7. Hi Kaaren,
    So glad spring has made it your way. We have started getting hot down here. Will try and push more up your way.
    Keep Stitchen'

  8. Spring is wonderful...we are having a gorgeous one as well. I love the planter you painted as well!

  9. It has been beautiful weather, hasn't it! I got out and cleaned out my beds. Today though its colder and supposed to rain. Lovely pictures of the garden! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Like Stephanie I immediately thought of hyacinth bulbs due to the colour. The other thing I thought of was a crocus bulb. Its so lovely to have bulbs popping up their heads and waving hello.


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