Thursday, March 12, 2009

Santas for Charity

Every day I continue to be amazed at the people I'm "meeting" in blogland. Perhaps I'm viewing this part of the world through my rose-colored glasses but do you know what? I love what I'm seeing!

I met Kimberly of My Brown Bag Studio through blogging links. I can't recall how I got there, but I'm sure happy I found her. Kimberly's blog list is listed on her sidebar with a photo from that bloggers most recent post. To make a long story short, this photo caught my eye.

The caption read, "Carving Update". I was hooked. I clicked on the picture and it took me immediately to Tom's blog Quilting and Carving. Without going into too much detail as you can read Tom's complete profile on his blog, he is retired and you guessed it...carves and quilts! Tom was giving an update about his carved santas and was also offering them to anyone who would put them to good use.

Well, I just about fell off my chair! I love painting carved santas...if you remember this photo of the ones I painted that were carved from antique wooden spools by a friend of mine when we lived in Florida.

I emailed Tom and told him that I would be willing to...ahem...take some of his santas off his hands (wink), paint them and sell them with 100% of the profits to be donated to charity. I explained to Tom that a hospice is being built nearby with a projected opening in the fall of this year. The proceeds from the sale of the santas, which to my understanding are pin and ornament size, will be used to this end.

Tom enjoys the carving part and I enjoy the painting part. I "borrowed" the photos from Tom's blog to show you some of the santas that Tom both carved and painted.

Aren't they sooooo kewl? I've dusted off my brushes and paints and I'm ready to go.
I just had to share how blogging and bloggers are making the world not only a smaller but a better place. Would you like to borrow my glasses...the rose-colored ones?
Happy stitching...and painting!


  1. Honey, I'm right there with you! Our church has a recovery center right next door... in fact, the only place off the property that the residents are allowed to go while in treatment is our church! I'm getting some santas from Tom as well and the profits from those sales will go to Kinghaven Recovery Center. I can't wait to see the carvings in person and get started... you know, in my spare time ;)

  2. I absolutely love those Santa's carved from spools.
    I've got the spools - now I just have to find someone to carve them for me!
    Maybe I should check out the woodworkers at our community here in FL.

  3. Kaaren those carvings are awesome and so are the spools that you painted. I dabled 16yrs ago in folk art. Please let us see the finished product.

  4. Love the santas on the spools. They are so incredibly darling.

  5. You are so sweet to do that. You two will make a great team.

  6. Oh my they are beautiful! Is it possible for your readers to buy a couple from you? I'ld bet there would be more than a few of us! vbg

    dfuller55 at verizon dot net

  7. Those santas are really cute and its great you are donating the proceeds to charity! Good for you! And great for Tom for carving them!

  8. I just love those Santas (I love ALL santas), Kaaren! How clever and what a wonderful way to make new friends and contribute to something worthwhile - you definitely have magical rose-colored glasses!

  9. Kaaren... about an hour ago I got home to something special in my mailbox... Thank You So Much! It is just beautiful! I appreciate so much that you thought of me and shared your talents!
    Hugs, Kimberly

  10. ...I've posted my thanks for all to see...

  11. Oh Kaaren, I can tell you are so excited...I can hear it in your writing. With his carving and your painting, those santas will definitely sell. I would so love to buy one and pay for shipping too. Can't wait to see them when you're done.

  12. wow kaaren! what a wonderful new venture for you. i've got to have me one of those santas when you're done. i can see you'll have no trouble at all selling them!
    julie :)

  13. I found your blog through Kimberly and absolutely LOVE IT. You are one talented lady and I can tell that you are putting your talents to work for helping others. YOU WILL BE BLESSED beyond imagination. I will be visiting you often.

  14. hey you gorgeous, wonderful gal! thank you SO much for my lovely easter swap gifts, i just adore them all.
    julie :) xoxo

  15. I have a friend who collects Wooden Santas. I would love to hear more about these Santas and how much they cost. Could you possibly send me a little email please?

    Quiltingly Yours

  16. Oh your wooden spool santas are adorable too! Man you are talented!


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