When I retired from the decorative painting industry a couple of years ago, I needed something other than my art to keep my hands busy. I always loved penny rugs and managed to pick up three in my travel teaching around the US. One was handmade and given to me by one of my students and the other two were made offshore. During that time, I started to buy and managed to accumulate a stash of wool...for future endeavors.
About two years ago, I decided to bite the bullet and give it a try. I sketched the tulips and rabbit and as a result, came up with this, my first attempt at a penny rug.

Last year, my friend Lucie bought an Easter-themed penny rug pattern. Since she had never made one before, she decided that I should share my "expertise" and we would each make one while sharing afternoon tea at each other's houses. In this way we would be more productive...sip tea, stitch and solve all the problems in the world...all at the same time. We both got our penny rugs done in time for Easter and without spilling a drop of tea on them!

This next one is from a kit that I picked up at the Vermont Quilt Festival last June. I started it a couple of months ago but somehow got side-tracked with other projects. (wink) It's very near to completion and is on my "to do" list, so hopefully it'll get done soon.

Enjoy the day and as always...
Happy stitching!
All three are sweeter than sweet and I understand your love for them. Since I can't work with wool I'll have to see about purchasing one or two already made. I hadn't thought about doing that.
Good morning, Kaaren. Have popped by your lovely blog a few times now so I thought I'd better say hello. Sweet penny rugs, I've haven't worked with wool yet but the rug's intrigue me. Thanks for your inspiration.
I love penny rugs too. I have been working on my stash so I have more colors to work with. Your rugs look beautiful. Have a great day.
These are beautiful. I would like to learn how to make these I just need to find some how-to's.
Hi Kaaren Love the penny rugs. I have not tried my hand at these yet. But you give me inspiration Linda
Awesome as always! Don't you love working with a friend?
Yesterday I bought some wool sweaters from Value Village... now I just need that old creative bug to give me a bite!
Have a great day! Kimberly
Love the penny rugs! I have a pattern for a nice Autumn one and a good stash of wool, but have yet to give it a try.
All three are wonderful, I gues you jumped right in. I love wool!
Oh, they are so pretty. Great designs.
Beautiful...I love the bleeding hearts on the last penny rug. How efficient to sip tea, stitch AND solve the world's problems. :o) Oh how I'd love to attend the Vermont Quilt Festival...heck I just want to visit Vermont.
You always have the sweetest things to show. I just love your penny rug. You should go into the pattern designing business. With your expertise in drawing and quilting, you could sell wool kits. I can see it now...The Painted Quilt Pattern Company~the wonderful world of wools.
I love your prim bunny in your penny rug. I just love it!!
Love all the penny rugs!! I've been collecting some wool and wool/felt to make some, but have yet to start any. Seeing yours inspires me to try my hand at making one.
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