Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tisket-A-Tasket Second Block Done

It's amazing how much one can accomplish when there are no interruptions, no meals to prepare, no one to clean up after or no one asking,"So what do you want to do today?" Now don't get me wrong, it's been nice to have been by myself with only the dogs since Friday night, but I do miss having my DH around.

Having said that, I finished block number two of Tisket-a-Tasket BOM. I was surprised at how quickly it worked up. I made the hearts out of wool and blanket stitched them. Now I'm anxious for the third block to arrive.

The sun was pouring in through the patio doors shining on my kitchen table when I took this photo so the colors appear to be much lighter than they actually are. It wasn't intentional that I reversed the colors of the birds. I guess that's what happens when you do things late at night and are tired.

A couple of hours til DH is home so I guess I should start thinking about what to make for dinner. Happy stitching!


  1. That block looks great, I am not good at applique, but that looks wonderful! Great job!

  2. Hi Kaaren, Thanks for your visit! I'm loving both of your month blocks... I have them printed out too but have yet to get them started. It kind of defeats the purpose of a monthly project doesn't it?
    Blessings, Kimberly

  3. Oh wow, you did a great job. It is lovely. I wish I had the time right now to start Ann's blocks. You make me want to do it!

  4. Your block is beautiful. I want to work on my so badly but I have some deadlines I need to meet.


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