Monday, February 23, 2009

Easter Pillow

Yesterday was another snowy, blowy day with about 3-4" of accumulation. We're on the downward swing of winter now with hopefully only 4 or 5 weeks to go. Then Spring! And what does Spring bring? Easter!

I have lots bits and pieces and half square triangles left over after making the sashing for my Primitive Garden BOM quilt and got to thinking about what I could do with them. Since many of the half square triangles were already sewn together, I decided to make an Easter-themed pillow. There is a cute pattern in the latest issue of Create & Decorate with a little chick pulling a wagon with an Easter egg and after a few tweaks and changes, here's the end result.

All the elements are made of wool and I used buttons for the decorations on the egg and a large one for the wheel. I added prairie points to try to use up some of the smaller pieces of fabric. It was fun to do and worked up really quickly.

I remember reading somewhere that stacked quilts should be refolded frequently to prevent fading along the folds and I did that as well. It took a while as I have quite a few and used the opportunity to change the quilts on the beds. Our friend Graham made the quilt cupboard that houses my antique quilt collection in our living room.

I have a few ideas of what I'd like to work on today, so we'll see how that goes and what I can get done. Happy stitching!


  1. I love your Easter pillow, too cute. However, I am in awe of your quilt collection and the quilt cupboard is wonderful. You should do a post one day each week on your collection, it looks spectacular! I see your 1980's quilt that you just finished on the bottom shelf. Glad it made it in there.
    Have a great day,

  2. No grass grows under MY feet?!? Great looking pillow! I've been eyeing that little pattern...

    Have a great Monday!

  3. Your pillow is so cute and all those quilts, Awesome. I have a cabinet that I keep quilts in and I need to refold too. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Your pillow is adorable!! good going on getting rid of those scraps right away...I have a pile.. and your beautiful quilts in your gorgeous cabinet that was a treasure to see...isn't it nice to let your quilts breath when you open them up, the memories come flooding back.

  5. Love your cabinet ... I'm green with envy! What a beautiful assortment of quilts you have for display.

  6. I agree with Karen...We would love to see your quilt collection! I have you in my sidebar now so I will catch every update without missing anything! I'm not really nosy..I just love quilts!... LOL

  7. I couldn't stop looking at your quilt cupboard, what a wonderful idea and it is so full of beautiful quilts! I guess refolding them would also give you a chance to revisit each one. I love the Easter pillow also. You really are a talented stitcher.

  8. Kaaren, thanks for stopping by. I adore that litttle house on top of you quilt cupboard. Makes me want to display my quilts. Linda


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