Thursday, February 5, 2009

Decorating for Valentine's Day

I love to decorate for the seasons and certain holidays. My favorite is Fall, then Christmas and then Easter. The only other "day" I decorate for is Valentine's Day but no where near to the extent of the others. Today I decided to take my Valentine stuff out.

I have a few red glass heart ornies, different sizes of red glass bottles, a vintage heart shaped tin, a half dozen or so repro vintage Valentine postcards, a red berry garland with hearts and of course...a quilt! A gal from the guild that I belong to designed this table topper which I made last Spring and decided to use it as part of my Valentine Day tribute.

I used a variety of fat quarters and leftover scraps. This was my first attempt at mitered corners on the red polkadot border and I used a vintage cherry pattern fabric for both the binding and backing.

It's not a large quilt measuring approximately 36" x 36" and I cross-hatched the quilting. It's displayed on an antique pine shaker style table which we use as an island in the kitchen. And there's Lola, posing so beautifully in front.


  1. I love your quilt and how you have it displayed. As a general rule, I don't use table toppers, but that could now change.

  2. Such a nice cheery quilt to put out in the dead of winter. It is beautiful! Give Lola a hug for me. She's got a sweet face.

  3. Lola is just gorgeous!
    julie :)

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog...and what a nice surprise to see your blog....I LOVE your hand quilted seems to be a lost art now days. I liked your "Tisket" BOM, I think they are going to be sooooo fun to make. Happy Sewing!

  5. I love you quilt. It is so cute displayed that way. I have very few Valentines Day decorations too. I think that I will do something about that.

  6. Such a pretty quilt, perfect for Valentines Day. I love the colors.


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