The second batch of Snow Days patterns were sent out yesterday. Because of the overwhelming response, I ran out of the first batch that I had printed so I called the printer on Friday to ask that he print up a second run. As soon as he called yesterday to say that they were ready, Mr. Painted Quilt and I went to town to pick them up, brought them home and immediately started to assemble the packets.
A short while later we delivered them to the Post Mistress at our local, very tiny post office but they won't be sent out until today because...
We were too late for yesterday's pick up which happens to be at 2 p.m. Who knew? *sigh* If you'd like to order your personal copy, they're available again in my Etsy shop HERE.
In the meantime, I finished my wool crazy needlecase. I absolutely LOVE working on these and to watch them take on their own personality as I add each new element. Here is what it looks like when it's fully open.
In the true crazy quilt style, anything goes when it comes to fabric choices and embellishments. Virtually all of the Victorian crazy quilts that I have seen have some kind of bug or flying creature depicted on them so in keeping with the tradition, I added some bumble bees, a spider spinning it's web and a couple of lady bugs for good luck. And there's a rooster as well whose main job is to keep the bugs in check, of course. This is what the inside looks like with three pockets to hold sewing needfuls and a needle and pin keep at the top.
The next few pictures show how it looks as it is folded up.
The back when it is completely folded.
And the front, when folded.
I could have kept on going but decided that I had to stop somewhere! Now I'm faced with the decision of should I sell it or should I add it to my ever-growing needlecase collection?
First let me tell you that we're in the midst of another blizzard or nor'easter as it is known in the New England states and the Atlantic provinces and everything is closed down again! Last week the temperatures were in the balmy mid 40's. All the snow from the previous storm had melted and it felt like Spring. No more. Here's what it looks like from an upstairs window. Howling winds and blowing snow...not a good day to venture outdoors.
What better to do on a cold and blustery morning? Why make some soup of course!
I made a "slightly-amended" version of a Weight Watchers tomato beef soup. I hate to sound like I'm bragging...*wink*...but boy-oh-boy is it ever good! You know what we had for lunch.
And while the soup was simmering on the stove, I made this 12 1/2" "Disappearing Pinwheel" churn dash block for our guild's charity quilt. That's another strike off on my "to do" list. Yay!
I bet you thought that I had forgotten to announce the winner of my giveaway, huh? No way, because I'm as excited about it as you are! Sew without further ado, the winner is...
Sunny of Quilting Dreams
Congratulations, Sunny! I hope that you will enjoy making my Snow Days quilt as much as I did!
Please email me with your snail mail address and I'll get everything out to you as soon as I can. And, in addition to the "gathering" of fabrics that were so generously donated by Darlene at A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop, I'm going to add all the fabric from my personal stash that I have leftover after making the quilt. For those of you who want to make one as well, my Snow Days pattern is written up and ready to go and is now available for purchase in my Etsy Shop which you can link to HERE.
Thank you all for your kind words and your continued support. I wish you all could have been winners...but having said are all winners in my book!
My newest design is quilted and bound! Thank you again Alice for doing yet another magnificent custom quilting job!
I'll be spending most of today writing up the instructions and depending how quickly I can write, I'm hoping to have the pattern available for purchase in my Etsy shop by the end of the week...or sooner! The wallhanging-sized quit measures 42" x 32" and combines my three most favorite elements...piecing, stitching and wool applique. The snowman theme will allow for it to be on display for the entire winter...or longer! I used a light blue variegated DMC floss which made the photography a bit tricky so I've included a few closeups.
Lower left corner...
Top left corner...
And top right corner.
The quilt is made primarily with fabrics from Lisa Bongean's line of Snowman Gatherings for Moda and... To celebrate the launching of my second "quilt pattern for sale", Darlene from A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shophas generously donated a "gathering" of enough fabrics to complete the quilt top to be offered as a giveaway right here!
How cool is that!!!
I don't know if you all noticed but I too have succumbed to the Facebook thing. You can link to my page from the sidebar here on my blog or HERE. To qualify for the giveaway which will include the bundle of Snowman Gatherings fabrics and a copy of my Snow Days pattern... 1. Just leave a comment at the end of this post for one entry. The next two are optional, of course... 2. "Like" my Facebook page for a second entry...and 3. Leave a short comment on the give away post on my Facebook page for a third entry. Easy-peasy! The giveaway is open to everyone from far and wide! Let's have some fun! I'll announce the winner on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Guess I'd better get moving on writing up the pattern, huh?
It'a a strange world we live in, isn't it? Less than two weeks ago there was a blizzard that dropped more than a foot of snow and here is what it looks like today. If you look closely you can see just a hint of snow in the far left corner of the back forty.
The snow had drifted halfway up the barn doors and there's not a trace remaining.
It's been mild over the past couple of days and we've had lots of rain and high winds. Today the sun is shining and it feels like Spring with temperatures in the mid 40's...and it's supposed to remain mild for the next week or so! Woo hoo!
I bought myself a new little smoothie maker yesterday and I tried it out for the first time this morning. Before going to bed last night, I placed some blueberries and strawberries that I had frozen last summer into a bowl to kinda semi-thaw overnight. This morning I added about three fourths of a cup of non-fat vanilla yogurt to the fruit mixture...
And voila...
It was filling, nutritious and delicious! I thought that healthy things shouldn't taste this good! *wink*
Not only have I been working on my wool crazy needlecase...
I've got half the line drawings done for another new quilt design! The inspiration and idea just popped into my head the other day and as soon as I put pencil to paper, it started to come to life immediately. My friend Alice should have my other new design quilted this week and I'm anxiously waiting for it to arrive back home so I can bind it and then show it to you all. Stay tuned!
Yes, I have a confession to make... I'm addicted to making and collecting needlecases or pinkeeps or huswifs or whatever you'd like to call them. This is the one I just finished...
And the very next day, I started another one.
This latest one is a "wool crazy" design. It used to be pincushions and yes, while I'm still addicted to those as well, for the time being, the needlecases are winning. I've progressed further than this next photo shows and as a matter of fact, I've unpicked, changed out and eliminated some of the elements already.
The fence is gone, the watermelon slice has been moved and several other elements have been added. This one just mightbe my favorite so far. There's still a lot of work to be done on it so I think I'll wait till it's completely finished before the reveal. Which might be sooner than you think because my addiction just won't allow me to put it down for very long! These fun new ideas keep on popping into my head about what to add next and I have to act on them before they vanish from my least that's what I tell Mr. Painted Quilt...but I don't think he's falling for it! *wink*
And while I sit, stitch and create by the toasty fire in the kitchen, my best buddies are always there to keep me company.
It's difficult to determine how much snow fell because of the blizzard and gale force winds but it's estimated that about 15" fell in our area.
Because of the high winds, a lot of flooding occurred due to the surges during high tide in the low lying areas. Thankfully we escaped without incident and we didn't lose power. You know what that means! Snow day = S-E-W day! Woo hoo!
My day started by working on the French braid borders for Darlene's mystery quilt. I figured that I'd better take advantage of the fact while we still had power so I worked on them till noon when I took a break for lunch.
Immediately after, I decided to work on my new needlecase design. Have I ever told you how much I love making these little guys? Probably a million times, right? *wink* I must have been on a roll because I finished it! I L-O-V-E snow days where I have nothing but time to use creatively! Here's the front of Woolly Keepings...
The inside with the top flap unfolded...
And the inside, entirely open.
And I even added a little pocket on the back.
Wool and cotton combined...mixed media from my days as an absolute favorite! So what do you think...should I make it into a pattern, sell it or keep it and add it to my collection?
Brrrr! It's darn cold out there! And not only that, we're under a blizzard warning. It's snowing and blowing and I'm sure happy that I'm inside looking out and not the other way around.
So what's a gal to do when she's stuck indoors? Silly question, huh? I'm going to hunker down by the fire with the boys and continue to work on a woolly needlecase that I designed.