Saturday, April 27, 2013

Busy day, busy week!

Once again, another week has flown by.

It's been a week of mixed emotions for me which always seems to happen as the time draws nearer to my six month check up including CT scan and blood work followed closely by appointments with my family doctor and oncologist for the results.  It all starts this Wednesday with an x-ray and bone scan and then another CT scan a couple of weeks later.  The apprehension and waiting is the difficult part.

But on a brighter note, I try to keep both my hands and mind occupied.  We've had such a cold and wet Spring that the yard work is no where near done.  

When I look at photos from the last two years at this time, it would appear that we are about three weeks behind.

Having said that, things have started to green up nicely and the perennials and Spring-blooming trees and shrubs are slowly coming to life.

We mowed the front half of the back forty yesterday.  The back is just too saturated with water to be be able to drive the tractor over it without getting stuck.  

And how do I know this?  You really don't want to know the answer to that.  

It's a wonder I'm still married!  *wink*

It's a gorgeous day today here in paradise.  The sun is shining, the sky is blue and it's a great day for drying freshly washed bedding on the line.

The rhubarb and chives survived the winter in the kitchen garden just outside our back door.  I can't wait for the weather to warm up so that I can put my tomatoes and peppers in.

The buds on the white lilac bush... 


and magnolia...

are becoming larger with each passing day.

Isn't Spring grand?
I finished another mini flimsy this past week to get some practice on my new machine.

I haven't decided whether I'm going to hand or machine quilt this one but it'll probably get done sometime this week.

And no week would be complete without some shopping thrown in for good measure...right?

It was time to replace the 6 year old well-used ironing pad that sits next to me when I sew...

with a new one.

No shopping trip would be complete either without a few yards of fabric to add to my stash.

And how about a couple of new rulers and some thread?

While the clothes were out drying on the line, I decided to make a quiche for lunch.  

I prepped enough for two pies but the first piece was so good...

Now only one remains.

Here's the recipe if you'd like to give it a try.  It's easy-peasy to prepare and is delicious.  I usually serve ours with a salad but we were both too hungry to wait until I made one.


4 eggs
1 c. half and half cream
1 c. diced, cooked ham
1 c. sliced mushrooms
2 chopped green onions
4 oz. grated cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
2 partially baked 10 inch pie shells

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Beat eggs until frothy. Blend in cream. Layer ham in bottom of pie shell. Sprinkle mushrooms, onions, and cheese on top of ham. Add salt and pepper to egg mixture. Set pan on baking sheet. Carefully pour egg mixture into pie shell covering ham and cheese. Bake 10 minutes at 425 degrees; reduce temperature to 325 degrees and bake 30 minutes or until quiche is set. Serve hot. This will make 2 pies or approximately 12-14 servings.

NOTE: I altered the recipe slightly by first spreading dijon mustard over the entire bottom of the pie shell and also sauteed the mushrooms, ham and green onions in about a tablespoon of olive oil before layering them inside.  I didn't partially bake the pie shells either and they turned out just fine!

Just a reminder that this coming Wednesday is the 1st of May which means that the second of six instalments of my Happy Scrappy Spring BOM will be available for you to download.  I also have a Flicker Gallery that you can access from the right sidebar of my blog if you'd like to upload some photos of your progress.  I'd love to see what you've all been doing!

Ollie and Frankie would like to have a peek as well...when they're not snoozing, of course!

Happy stitching!


  1. Just love the blue paisley you used in the mini and great cranberry fabrics, very sweet! We are cold and wet - but expecting warmer weather the next few days - no mowing yet for the same boggy reason!

  2. Lovely to hear from you, Kaaren. Will keep you in my prayers. Your not that much further ahead outside than here North of Toronto.

  3. Great day for airing quilts! Pretty! Your shopping looks like maybe you've been to Clarence's. BJ shopped for me there today, and picked up one of those reds, and one of those lights in a darker tone for me. Quiche looks yummy, might wanna try that one!

  4. Keeping very positive thoughts for your upcoming tests. You are wise to keep your mind and hands busy.

    Is there anything better than linens line dryed with the fresh air and sunshine. Love your flimsey--may have to try one of those myself.

    Very late spring here, raining cats and dogs. Today was the Music City Marathon cannot image running 26.2 miles in the rain!

  5. Keep busy, Kaaren, and thinking positive thoughts! I know it is hard. I am praying and praying for you.

    You just amaze me! You inspire me! Your work is wonderful. No matter what you do is always beautiful and done right! I look at your flimsysssss and say to myself - "Now, how did she get that done so fast?" I think you are so good at what you do that it just comes easily and quickly.

    Now, take deep breaths. And know there are many people out here saying prayers for you. Prayers work!


  6. Nothing like quilting or gardening to keep our minds away from the bad thoughts. My son is going under surgery next week and i've been doing the same as you...keeping my mind and hands as busy as possible.
    your quiche looks delicious.

  7. I'm glad to see that Spring is coming to your side of the country. The quilts on the line look lovely.

    May your journey go smoothly this week and your load be lightened.

    Congratulations on your new tools, may you have many years of enjoyment from them.

  8. Love the blue and red quilt. You will have it quilted in no time.. Will be thinking of you this coming week. Your quiche looks great.

  9. Love that new little quilt you've put together. :) I have one of those cut and press boards---soooo handy. Gorgeous fabrics that you purchased. :) I can't wait to try this recipe---looking at your picture of it cut makes me drool. :d Hugs to precious furbabies and keeping you wrapped in quilted hugs.

  10. I pray next week goes well for you. Welcome to spring time!!!

  11. I'll keep you in my prayers, Kaaren!
    Your mini is wonderful! Do you love your new machine?
    I have 13 lilac bushes in my yard with fat buds, but we've had several mornings of hard frost lately. I'm anxious to see if any of them bloom.
    The quiche looks yummy--wish DH was a fan of eggs!

  12. Will be keeping you in my prayers as you have your check-up and wait for results. Love your blog, your shopping, your flimsy, and your cooking. Lots of lovely things to enjoy. Love Barbara.

  13. Thanks for sharing. Your mini is lovely and such pretty fabrics. I'll be thinking about you this week. Take care.

  14. Kaaren - next time your ironing pad gets scorched, don't buy a new one. Simply take the scorched muslin off. Be sure to keep the batting or foam and board and simply recover it. I use a darker color, patterned print so it doesn't show the scorched marks so quickly. Use a heavy-duty stapler to attach the fabric to the back of the board. I've been using the same board for about 10 years now. I've replaced the padding a couple of times, using just a couple of layers of thin cotton batting since I like a firm pressing surface. Give it a try. I bet you'll like it!

  15. A woman driving a tractor can be a dangerous thing LOL!!! but we're not sharing that are we?!!!!
    It must be lovely to see new life arrive in the garden again, after such a long winter!! I agree, our season into Autumn is also some weeks behind than last year, summer here is just not wanting to let go, our days have been gorgeous warm and sunny, but the evenings are only just starting to get that slight chill!!
    Nice to see the bedding drying in the sun, that is exactly what I have planned for today too!!!
    Your new fabric looks quite wonderful, and I see you use the same quilting thread that I do! I love the YLI threads for both machine and handquilting!!!
    My thoughts will be with you this coming week, I hope your test results come back favourably Kaaren, take care.....

  16. First, I will keep you in my prayers that all your tests come out fine. Second, thanks for the photos. I love being able to "armchair travel" through photos on other blogs. I love your little quilt!

  17. First and foremost will be thinking about you this week and praying that the tests turn out fine.

    We are behind this year as well with the wet spring but hopefully it will mean a better summer than last year.

    Your quilt is beautiful.

  18. Kaaren, you have so much news in this post. You know I wish you all the best with those medical appointments...fingers crossed and prayers for positive results! Love your new flimsy...the colors are just so perfect! And the quilt on the clothesline makes me think of summer looks so pretty blowing in the breeze. Looks like you enjoyed your quiche!

  19. I also replaced my ironing mat and then I heard a great idea. Cover with a sheet of freezer paper? It really might want to try it on the new one to protect it or on the old one if you haven't thrown it out yet Good luck with your upcoming tests.

  20. Looks like spring is coming no matter the weather. Here in Santa Cruz, we re happily planting. My tulip tree has already bloomed and passed. Now its full of green leaves.
    Glad you are doing the checkups. my hubby is going in for his 6mo blood work up this week. It makes me nervous too. And a sigh of relief after the results.
    Wishing you and MrPQ a happy sigh of relief.

  21. Looks like spring is coming no matter the weather. Here in Santa Cruz, we re happily planting. My tulip tree has already bloomed and passed. Now its full of green leaves.
    Glad you are doing the checkups. my hubby is going in for his 6mo blood work up this week. It makes me nervous too. And a sigh of relief after the results.
    Wishing you and MrPQ a happy sigh of relief.

  22. A little bit of everything in your post today.
    I made the roasted tomato sauce recipe that you shared last year. It was enjoyed by everyone but I think that I could have roasted those tomatoes a bit more. Thank you for sharing that one.
    Sending good and positive thoughts to you across the ocean.

  23. Best thoughts, warm wishes, special prayers. It will be well with you. I bought the same rulers this week, a common need I suppose! Take care.

  24. hugs, you have come so far, prayers!
    loved the mini, and the recipe I need to do!

  25. Lots of yumminess and eye candy in this blog post, Kaaren. The quilts on the line make me :-)

    Sending lots of prayers!

  26. Will be thinking of you this week...

  27. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way this week.

    It looks like spring has arrived at long last for you folks. Yeah!

  28. Yummy recipe - I'll give it a try. Thanks. Lovely mini. Looks like Spring is going to burst forth soon for you. I agree the waiting and the worrying is the hardest part. Prayers being said for you, Kaaren by this 14 year survivor.

  29. I have followed your blog for quite some time ... you are an inspiration in so many ways!!! I always enjoy my visits here ... I love the fabrics you photographed - someday I am going to own a quilt & I am hoping to use similar colors .... until then - I so enjoy getting to look at your beautiful work!!! (I like all of those freebies as well ...thank you!)

  30. Thank you for the recipe.....DH is out today, no need for cooking...but this is the recipe for me!
    Over here in the Netherlands the garden is also 3 weeks´s still very cold, but at least we have sun and a blue sky today. I wish you sun and a blue sky and positive messages!

  31. Oh prayers for you that your tests will come back with great news for you. Beautiful quilt on the clothes line:) Lovely new goodies and thank you for the recipe, going to give that a try. With warmer days ahead you'll get more blooms and veggies.
    love Annette

  32. Prayers coming your way for a clean bill of health at these appointments. I'm surprised that you get spring so soon where you are. We're just barely starting to bud out here in Northern Utah. I can hardly wait for spring!

  33. Spring took a little longer to get here too... and when it does arrive it is appreciated all the more! Love your mini quilt! And, of course, Frankie and Ollie are the cutest!

  34. Ahh, the "waiting room of life" where we all wait for good news and pray yours will be. NC is well into Spring and some have already planted seeds - sending some warmth your way. You amaze me with all that you get done and your inspiration is wonderful. My best to you from Judy C in NC (where Mary lives, ha ha)

  35. Prayers for a good report. YOur in our thoughts always. Hugs, Marie

  36. I just love the smell of laundry that has dried in the wind and sun! Our spring is also coming at least three weeks late but most migrating birds have arrived at their usual time.

  37. Oh Happy Sring is starting to come alive here in WI too ~ yesterday was a Beautiful day!!!
    Love the colors you used in your new mini!!!
    Awe ~ clothes on the line!!!
    Looks like you had a joyous shopping day ~ going to the fabric shop just fills me with joy!
    Hope everything goes well for you on Wed. We'll be thinking about you!

  38. It's hard not to worry but I am sure things will be fine and you will be given a clean bill of health once again!!!

    Your yard looks wonderful. We have just started doing yard work here in southern Alberta. Seeing your quilts on the line make me miss my clothesline from our old place.

    Thanks for the quiche recipe. I will try that out one day soon. And although I haven't started the first step, I look forward to getting step number two of the BOM!!!!!

  39. Sending positive thoughts your way, everything will be fine! The quiche looks really good, and love your paisley print in the border.

  40. I'll be thinking (and sending) positive thoughts for you this week. I know only too well how unnerving this is.
    The quiche looks yummy- and may end up on my dinner table tomorrow :-)
    Looking forward to part 2 of sew along and I so
    enjoyed all the spring beauty around you, I loved each and every photo and had a fit of giggles thinking about the mowing troubles, and made a mental note to hang a clothes line this year!
    Hugs to you my dear...

  41. How nice to see all the budlets and perennials leaves making their way out, Kaaren! Clothes on the line is always a good sign! Looks as though your new sewing machine is working like a dream - darling quilt! I think we may be having some of that quiche here at the Squash House soon!

  42. Love the cute little blue and red quilt you just made! I have a little ladder by my fireplace just waiting for me to get some little quilts done to hang there....hopefully soon.
    Good luck with your upcoming tests! I am living with an incurable form of leukemia so know just how you feel waiting for the results to come in. Also, hubby just got back today from a week's stay in a hospital to remove cancer from his kidney. Am happy to report that he is now cancer free as a result!! GOOD LUCK and hoping for good test results to come your way.

  43. Love seeing the quilts on the clothesline! You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through the six month check up.

  44. The spring weather has not been that great so far although things have sure become green after all the win. You will be in my thoughts as you undergo more tests , fingers crossed. Sweet little quilt and I love the fabrics you bought!

  45. Thanks for the quiche recipe. Got all the ingredients and will be putting them together tonight!

    Here's to a clean bill of health and a quick spring cleanup. we have started that process here in CT>

  46. Our spring here in the Pacific Northwest is also taking it's sweet time..however my bleeding hearts are blooming away and my white lilacs are just coming into bloom! Small prayer heading your way for good reports..

  47. You always seem to get so much done! Yard looks amazing, as always! Did some yard work myself, but nothing picture worthy! ;o) As for your results, sending you lots of positive energy. Hugs!

  48. I love seeing spring come to life!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Kaaren,
    Just came across your blog and must say I thoroughly enjoy reading it. You are so skillful in many ways.
    Best wishes and my prayers for tomorrow's doctor visits. My husband has been cancer free for over five years and you will be too!

  51. Thoughts and prayers for you as you go through all of the tests. Praying for good results!

  52. Have I told you lately how much I "heart" you blog? You give my heart reason to smile.

    Shopping is never complete with a little sewing/quilting mixed in - somewhere. LOL

    Your Mini is very pretty. Enjoy the sunshine.


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