Yesterday was my favorite day of the week…market day!
People come from far and wide to shop at the Annapolis market.
We were there bright and early…so early in fact, that some of the vendors were still setting up their booths when we arrived shortly after 8 a.m.

The market is quite large for a small town and there is always a great selection of fresh produce, bakery items, antiques and hand made treasures.

Cliff is renowned for his eclectic selection of fresh fruit and vegetables at very reasonable prices…and he even makes and sells his own maple syrup in season.

I came home with lots of goodies including, a freshly baked sourdough baguette, red and white potatoes, hot banana peppers, portobello mushrooms, kale, raspberries, peaches, a red pepper, cucumber, red onion, yellow beans, eggplant and the first pick of corn.
Our larder is full!

We love fresh veggies, so I decided that we would have grilled roasted veggie sandwiches and corn-on-the-cob for dinner.
I sliced the eggplant, mushrooms, red onion and red pepper and laid them out on a large flat pan. After drizzling some olive oil over the veggies, I added some fresh ground pepper and baked them at 350F for thirty minutes.

A short time later…yummo!

I then sliced 4 focaccia buns in half and started to layer the veggies.

First came the red onions…

followed by the mushrooms, red pepper and eggplant.

I then topped the stack of veggies with some sharp cheddar cheese. (I used cheddar but you can substitute the cheddar with any cheese that will melt when heated.)

Ten minutes on the ‘George Forman"’ grill will do it.

And voila…a perfect dinner for a hot summer day.
It was so good that we’ll be having the two leftover sandwiches for lunch today!

Remember those raspberries I bought? I made two apple-raspberry pies for dessert…just in case you decided to stop by!

Only three more days till Ollie comes home!

P.S. Thank you all so much for your comments and suggestions regarding my PC/Mac dilemma. I’m going to take the plunge and buy a Mac.