Mr. Painted Quilt, Mac, our Westie and I are about to turn the page and will soon be starting a new chapter in our lives.

We have been talking for some time now about moving and about three weeks ago, decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about it. I won’t bore you with all the tiresome details but the bottom line is that we purchased a house in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.

The house is 175 years old and was originally built by a sea captain. Decendents of the family retained possession until 1946 when it was sold to someone outside of the family. We will be the fifth owners.
The dwelling sits on 3 acres of land, high on a hill which affords an amazing view overlooking the Annapolis Basin which drains into the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean. Because of it’s proximity to the ocean, the climate is considered ‘moderate’ with a hardiness of Zone 6.5, equivalent to that of North Carolina. I’ll be able to plant things that would never survive the winters of eastern Ontario. Woo hoo!

As you can see from the photo, the house is huge. It has five bedrooms, two living rooms which was a common feature in houses of that era, a separate dining room and two full bathrooms. It even has a huge walk in pantry! It is in wonderful shape given it’s age and all the major updates have been done…plumbing, wiring, siding, windows, heating, etc. Of course there are things that we would like to change but promised ourselves to live in it for at least six months before deciding what we want to do…excluding painting and and the removal of what little carpeting there is covering the original wood floors. I’ll probably bore you to tears with before and after pictures over the next year but I want to document all the changes as we proceed.

When we returned from Nova Scotia on the 3rd of October, we listed our house for sale and it sold in less than a week. We will be taking possession of the ‘new’ house on the 15th of November and the closing date of our current house is the 30th of November.
It goes without saying that the next six weeks will be a blurr packing, selling things that we don’t want to take with us and arranging for movers to take our belongings the 700+ miles. So please bear with me because you won’t be seeing or hearing too much from me until after the move, but I’ll try to stay in touch.
I’m two months ahead with my FFF’s (First Friday Freebies) and the Raggedy & Andy BOM’s will still be posted on the 20th of every month. As a matter of fact, I published October’s FFF while we were on the ferry crossing the Bay of Fundy between Digby, Nova Scotia and Saint John, New Brunswick. Isn’t wireless internet amazing?

The water on the return trip was a bit choppy.

Pictured here is one of the typical fishing boats docked in historic Annapolis Royal, about 10 minutes from where we’ll be living.

Mr. PQ taking Mac for a walk on the grounds of the motel where we were staying in Digby while house hunting.

This is a view from the motel grounds to the docks during low ride in Digby. Can you see the scallop boats in the distance? Digby is world renowned for it’s scallops and I can attest to their yummy-ness…just ask me! *wink*

Today is also the 15th of October, the date when those who participated in the Fall Into Fall giveaway announce their winners. At the outset, I would also like to thank those of you who entered the giveaway and also to the many new Followers who decided to accompany me in my blogging journey.
Mr. Random Number Generator selected number 9 which happens to be Julie as the winner of my Ode to Halloween wallhanging.

Congratulations and I hope you like it!
Guess I’d better get a start on my packing, huh? Horrors!
Happy stitching!
Kaaren ♥