Saturday, July 31, 2010

I got to thinking…

About how fortunate I am and how my life has changed over the past year and a half since I started blogging.  I guess the biggest change…or the one that has had the greatest impact on me…are the friends I’ve made, not only from places that I’ve only dreamt about, but from countries and cities that I’ve visited in the past…BB (Before Blogging). You all know who you are and I consider it an honor that our cyber paths have crossed.  And for those I’ve yet to meet, I’m looking forward to making your acquaintance as well. 

I know…I’m a big sap.


I also got to thinking that just a short eleven days ago, I released the first block of a ten month BOM of my first ever quilt design, Raggedy & Friends.  If you missed it, just click here and you’ll be able to see it.  As of this morning, just shy of 2,200 people have downloaded Block 1.  I am completely humbled and I want thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your overwhelming support.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Allow me to share a few photos of some of the completed first blocks.

Here is Belén’s first block…


And a closer look…


Margie is making Raggedy & Friends for her granddaughter and here’s her completed first block.

Annie and Andy block 1

And Catherine’s Block 1.

Cath Block 1

I just love how everyone has made their blocks their own!


So, while I’m in this happy, sappy mood, I got to thinking…

How can I say thanks to you all?  Why with a little token of my appreciation, of course!


I painted this Autumn-themed still life on a little sewing box a few years back and I’d like to share it with one of you.  No jumping through hoops…just leave me a comment at the end of this post if you’d like the opportunity for it to come and live at your house. 

NOTE: If your email address is not included in your blog profile, then you’ll appear as a “no-reply” blogger and I won’t be able to get in touch with you should you win.  If you would like to keep it that way then just include your email address in the body of your comment.    

The inside…


See the little drawer that pulls out?  Sorry, but the props aren’t included.


My buddy, Mr. Random Digit Generator, will select the winner on Wednesday,  August 4th.  Everyone is welcome to enter and I will ship internationally.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Decorating With Quilts and Thanks!

At the outset, I would like to thank you all for the overwhelming response to my Raggedy & Friends BOM.  As of this morning, there have been over 1,500 individual downloads of Block 1, which really blows me away.  All I can say is, “WOW!” 

For those of you who may have missed the initial post, there will be links to each block as they become available at the top of the right sidebar on my blog.  Block 1 is there now.

And speaking of Block 1, Betty of luv2sew wrote to tell me that she has already completed her first block and has given me permission to share it with you.  She is doing hers in 1930’s fabrics.  How cute is this!

Betty's Block 1

How’s that for speedy stitching and sewing?  Bravo, Betty!


Now to get back on track and to the subject of this post.

I love to include quilts in my everyday decorating because they tend to add ambiance and also suggest that warmth and comfort lie within.  Just the other day as I was looking around our home, a sense of calm enveloped me as I took in some of the quilts.  Please join me for a little tour.

The dough box in our kitchen.


Minis in a crock in the hall.


On a bucket bench…


The quilt cupboard in the great room.


The guest bedroom.


An antique hanging from the quilt rack in the guest bedroom.


The master bedroom…


And a throw size of an all over design on the rocking chair in the corner.


In my studio…gifts from blogging friends.  The one on the right is from Julie and the one on the left from Mary.


And here’s the RAK that Darlene sent me…


On an antique treadle machine…


And on our kitchen table.


I know I’ve missed some but just seeing these photos again of some of the quilts that grace our home gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.  There’s nothing like a quilt(s) to make a house a home.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raggedy & Friends BOM – Block #1 – The Beginning

The 20th has arrived!  Today is the start of our ten month journey as we create this fun quilt together.  I know you’ve heard this before but I’m going to say it again…if I could do it then you certainly can too!  It’s not difficult, I promise.  It’s scrappy, colorful, whimsical and stirs up a bit of nostalgia as well.

So let’s get this show on the road!

raggedy ann and andy - 2

Just as a reminder, nine of the twelve blocks have two stitcheries each except for blocks 7, 8 and 9 which have one each.  On the 20th day of each month I will post a new block, up to and including April 2011.  In the month of January, I will release blocks 7, 8 and 9 together, due to the fact that there is only one small stitchery in each of those blocks so it shouldn’t take too long to complete them. 


This month’s file contains not only the introduction, but all the instructions, photos and line drawings for the first block as well.  When you are downloading the PDF file, be sure to click on the BLUE download button on the left and not the little green one to the right of it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here’s a close up of Block 1.


So without further ado, you may download the PDF file by clicking here.

If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to add the Raggedy & Friends button to your sidebar .


I’m still having problems with the sizing of my line drawings but everything is fine this month because of a lot of eleventh hour hard work by Robyn at Daisy Quilts.  Without her bailing me out once again, I would be up that same old creek without a paddle…for the umpteenth time.  Thanks a million, Robs.

raggedy ann photo

See you next month…but feel free to drop by any time.  Oh, and don’t forget to come back on the 6th of August, the First Friday of the month, for my most favorite FFF yet…really!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Friday, July 16, 2010

Blogging Friends Are The Best!

When I first started blogging about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know a soul and it was like charting unknown territory…both scarry and exciting at the same time.  Not only was I virtually computer illiterate but at the time I had been quilting for just over a year so I was really a newbie in both areas.  And as for taking photos, the digital camera that I had purchased years before had never been out of it’s original box.


Through the patience and generosity of fellow bloggers, it certainly didn’t take long to learn the ropes and to make new friends and acquaintances from every corner of the globe.  I learned about swapping, giveaways, BOM’s and a host of other things too numerous to mention.  But what was all this talk about Schnibbles?

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Here a Schnibble, there a Schnibble…everywhere I looked, there was all this talk about Schnibbles.  Then one day I read about  Sherri hosting A Year of Schnibbles and a monthly Schnibbles parade and it was only then that I found out what in fact a Schnibbles was.  They are the cutest little quilt patterns designed by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co.


One day Mary from Quilt Hollow was featuring a Schnibble quilt that she had just made and quilted and in my comment on that post I told Mary that if ever I made a Schnibble, she would be the one to quilt it.

Remember this?


Well here it is again…


Quilted by Mary and bound by me!  But I’m not sure whether I should leave it on our kitchen table or…


on the dough box.  Which do you prefer?

Included in Mary’s parcel were these wee gifties as well…


A charm pack of Jo Morton fabrics that Mary cut herself, an antique bobbin to add to my collection and a package of 100% cotton stuffing that I’ve been wanting to try forever!  Thank you SO MUCH again, Mary!


But this is not the end.  To find out the rest of the story, click here.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Charming Friends!

After picking up my quilt from my friend and longarm quilter Barb yesterday, as soon as we got home, I went directly into the studio to sew on the binding.  The last stitch was sewn just after dinner last night but because our backyard is in shadow at that time of day, I waited until this morning to take the photos.


Thank you Darlene of Quilting Daze for designing this little beauty called “Between Charming Friends” and thanks also to Kelly at Charming Chatter for hosting the quilt-along.  Not only was the weekly homework do-able, but the tutorials were exceptional as well.  I thoroughly enjoyed the journey.


Mac, of course, had to make sure that I did the job properly.


He wasn’t sure which photo he liked better so he said to include them both.  Who am I to argue with an old man?  (He’ll be 13 in September).


Enjoy your day and as always…

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Coming Soon…Raggedy & Friends BOM!

raggedy ann and andy - 2

At the outset, please let me thank you all for the positive feedback that you sent my way when I first showed you the photos of Raggedy & Friends,  my first full-sized quilt design back in February of this year.  It is for that reason, as well as the overwhelming number of requests, that I’ve decided to offer Raggedy & Friends as a free, 10 month Block-of-the-Month.




Starting on the 20th of July and on or about the 20th day of every month until April 2011, I will be releasing a new block or blocks in a PDF format which will include a color close up photo, line drawings and general as well as piecing instructions.   The first month will also include the fabric and notions requirements.   Having said that, this quilt is very fat quarter friendly and the scrappier the better.


Raggedy & Friends is comprised of 12 individual blocks.  Nine of the 12 blocks include two stitcheries each and three of the 12 blocks have one stitchery in each.  In the seventh month, I will release blocks 7, 8 and 9 together as they are the ones that have only one stitched design in each.  The tenth and final month  will include the last block and finishing instructions.


So please grab my button below and place it on your sidebar and link back here in order that we can share it with those who might not otherwise find their way here.  The button will also act as a reminder  that on the 20th day of each month for the next 10 months I will be posting a new block to share with you all.

raggedy ann and andy - 2

So are you up for it?   Will you be joining me?  I promise you’ll be in for a good time!

Edit: I have had several requests asking about how to add my button to your sidebar.  Don’t worry…it had to be explained to me as well.  It’s easy…once you are explained how.  *wink*  All you have to do is…

Right click in the image.
A menu will pop up.  Click on "save as".  This will automatically store the image in your photo or picture file.
Click on "dashboard" at the top of your blog.
Click on "add a gadget".
On the drop down menu, click on "Picture".
When the new screen opens, in the link section, type in or copy and paste my blog address...
Further down where it says "browse", click on computer.  That will automatically take you to your saved photos.  Scroll til you find the Raggedy & Friends button, click on it and it will appear in the box.
Go down to the bottom of the screen and remember to click "SAVE".  That should do it.

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥

Friday, July 2, 2010

First Friday Freebie #11

Can you believe that it’s July already?  Where did June go? 

At the outset, I’d like to wish my fellow Canadians a belated Happy Canada Day…


and to my American friends, a Happy 4th.


I hope that you like this month’s First Friday Feebie design.    Allow me to presentbee16

“Bee It Ever So Humble”


A closer look at the stitched area…


When I printed my copy of the PDF file, for some reason, the line drawing turned out smaller than my original and I have to apologize because I don’t know how to adjust it.   I do all my drawings on an 8 1/2” x 11” sheet of paper and they usually fill most of that space.  Please feel free to enlarge the line drawing to suit your individual needs.


To download the PDF file including the photo, instructions and line drawing, please click HERE.  Enjoy!

Happy stitching!

Kaaren ♥