I have made so many friends and acquaintances across continents, oceans, seas and many in my own backyard who I probably would have never otherwise met. You have all touched me very deeply and have gotten me through some very dark and scary times during the years. To each and every one of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
After much deliberation, I've come to the decision that it is now time to put my blog to rest. I will not take it down so that you can still access my many "First Friday Freebies" and BOM's. Continue to enjoy them.
I've enjoyed writing every post and more importantly, have read each and every comment that hundreds of you have left throughout the years.
So from all of us here at The Painted Quilt, Ollie, Frankie, Mr. Painted Quilt and myself, we bid you 'adieu' and as always,
Happy stitching!